Amazing new scientific experiment regarding life after death

It is called The Human Consciousness Project. … oject.html
Truly brings light into my life to see this.
Finally, it appears as if the human race is going on the right tracks.
Hope youll enjoy it


Wow, that is unbelievably fascinating; to think that some people may have consciousness when their brain is totally functionless. Uterly enthralling.

“n recent years, a number of scientific studies conducted by independent researchers have found that as many as 10-20 percent of individuals who undergo cardiac arrest report lucid, well-structured thought processes, reasoning, memories, and sometimes detailed recall of their cardiac arrest. What makes these experiences remarkable is that while studies of the brain during cardiac arrest have consistently that there is no brain activity during this period, these individuals have reported detailed perceptions that appear to indicate the presence of a high-level of consciousness in the absence of measurable brain activity”

how do u quote?

Yes I know it is amazing.
I don’t need this research to understand the truth but its nice to see that science is becoming more open and is ready to move on instead of getting stuck on the popular beliefs.
The brain is just a processor, our consciousness is immortal.

Press the quote button on the post that you want to quote, or look at the “toolfield” above the window you see the text. There you see several buttons, the 5th button on top; press once and type in the text, then press quote again.

And :yes: I think the brain just is a thing that helps the conscius, but the conscius can be outside, if it had not been that way it had been impossible to OBE, believe me, I am glad that there are things that not can be proven by science :cool_raz:

Brain doesn’t completely stop functioning after cardiac arrest, at least that is how I’ve understood brain chemistry in my life :wink:

I’d also like to see the method that they use for these experiments before I conclude anything further, it doesn’t matter how official something looks if it turns out their method is prone to error.

well actually everything can be proved eventually and the human race will realize the truth one day, its just that most scientists are more concerned with disproving this realities than anything else.

Dont get affected by scientists, even if they cant prove it it doesnt mean its not true, there are more truths than we can see, at least what I believe :tongue:

Actually, I think most scientists feel the opposite; that nothing can ever be completely, absolutely proven. Obviously this can be taken to absurd levels, such as gravity not working etc. but it is a relevant point, look how many times in science we thought we “knew” something and it turned out to be completely wrong: geocentric solar system, flat earth, the idea of the four humors, more recently that the atom was the smallest possible partice…the list goes on. Scientist are constantly learning new things and revising previous assumptions.

Maybe I just read it wrong but I was under the imrpession that none of these experiments had been done yet.

I agree.

What I meant to say was that I believe eventually science will acknowledge certain things that now are called spiritual.

Very interesting.

Yes, agreed. It’s great to see there are indeed “Men of Science” who are open minded. :content:

well there always were and always will, Albert Einstein really pushed things much further, the whole field of quantum physics is amazing to me and is a much more modern approach to the reality. David Bohm, also a well known leading scientist in the field of quantum physics referred to this physical plain as frozen light as it is just like the higher spheres only the quanta is moving at a much slower rate here and therefore it is “frozen”.
He refers to the universe as a hologram, as in one, you can tell by any part of it, no matter how small the character of the entire hologram, so is this universe, everything here, from humans to animals plants air cars anything at all is the same equal aspect of the whole universe, god.

And there are still things to discover, well never prove everything, its too much. But the science discovers new truths :tongue: