sweet, could you tell me the brand?
because im going to go to gnc as soon as i get my paycheck.

I can’t remember the brand name, I’m not at home right now to check.

Anyway, I have had huge success with this stuff.

My dreams have been lasting insanely long, and since starting I’ve had 3-4 LDs after months of a dry spell.

I’m going to begin taking one during the day and one before bed starting tomorrow.

Awesome stuff.

moved to pathways since it is starting to include ld induction :cool:

I just bought the 100mg bottle yesterday from GNC.
Wasnt even that expensive.

anyway, i took 300 through out the whole day, made me feel kinda weird.
Not bad, but it was probably because I took a B-vitamin complex along with it for the b-6.

I went out like a light, and had a regular dream.
(havent been remembering my dreams lately)

Im gunna try taking a melotonin tablet along with this tonight, see how that turns out.

sounds interesting
do you AP?
please read the guidelines about drug discussion
I myself, at the moment, do not take any drugs of any sort.
100% natural will ultimately make you progress much more than any other way.

Would anyone know what might be a best brand to buy, under like 25$.
i say this one.

link to vendor removed

i dont know if it is a good brand or not?

also does anyone know what some of the side effects are.

the first night I took these I had a a crazy vivid dream about school and how they were talking about semen.
But it was great, im taking 400 mg.

well my link got removed.

is NATROL a good brand.
or is there a better one.
according to the Natrol box it is 50mg caplsules, 45 total for 11.79
it alos says to only take 1 per day with a meal

also there is All Nature is that a good brand
it is 100mg caplsules, 100 total for 14.95
it also says, take two capsules daily

i also found Doctor’s Best
100mg Capsule, 60 total, retal price 26.99, sale 9.95

also i read that some might not have 100% 5-htp, they might have 50%, so a 100mg pill will only give to 50mg. if that is true what brand does not do that.

any ideas, i want to get a good brand

I don’t think the brand matters. I’m taking Natrol.

The LDs keep coming. I love it.

How many have you had since starting taking 5HTP?
And have they been long or vivid? Or more than usual.

And how about your dream recall? And have you done any techniques on top or…

Sorry for the questions… just intrigued :content:

ok i bought Jarrow formuals 5-htp 100mg. 60 caps. reg $21.99. i found a site that had it for on sale for $15.99 and i found a $5 off coupon on the internet for the site. all in total it was $12.98 with shipping.

the bottal says take 1 capsual per day. i assume it is still safe to take like 2 or 3?

I’m going to GNC tonight when I get off work!
I’ll come back here and post any results tomorrow.
Many thanks! :smile:

bullet: Id look up on wikipedia which doses are safe to take. Moogle also posted some information earlier in this thread to do with doses. ^^

I hope they work for you, i may be getting some near december so. Ill post if i do.

well i did remember a hole dream not just pices

I found SAM-e at a chemist in Australia, does anyone know if it is as good as 5-HTP? I would rather buy something from here than order over the internet if I can help it…

I’ve had maybe 3-5 LDs since starting it not too long ago. Before that I had only like 12 LDs for an entire year. It broke a long dry spell and has been consistently giving me much longer and more vivid dreams. More dreams than usual as well.

Dream recall has been improved as well. No techniques.

well it has been like 2 or 3 weeks now and i wanted to post my results

for the first week i was taking 2 100mg caps a day.
i was getting a lot of gas so i started to take only 1 cap per day about an hour before bed.

i have started to remember 2 ~ 3 dreams a night and the lengh and vividness has incressed. i think my stomic has gotten use so i will be taking 2 caps again starting tommorow.

I just started taking 5-HTP since yesterday as I found it in a health food store…

It’s a 50mg tablet…
No particular results after the first night, but I’m quite hopeful.

Just wondering, would a Walgreens carry something like this? I don’t have a drug store very close to me. :tongue: . Definatly going to give this a go though.

it is possibal, but you could check there website and see if there is somekind of thing that well tell you if store has it.

You can get it at GNC.