I love you, I am Sorry, Please Forgive me, Thank You

I love you, I am Sorry, Please Forgive me, Thank You

Aversion / Grasping
and People :
Everyone is self,
if you see someone, and you have a thought, its like you are thinking about yourself, becuase you are
“He’s ugly”
? How about “I love you ?”
If you think “He’s ugly” it means you are looking at the mirror that this universe is, and judging yourself as possessing these characteristics somewhere in the subconscious mind, because this is aversion ,
“She’s hot”
everyone in dreams is most definitely a part of you, your subconscious, yet you experience them under the “delusion” of them being “real” and / or “separate” from your mind, the “jerk” in your dreams is… part of your mind! Is you!
This technique
“I love you, I am sorry, Please Forgive me, Thank You”
is a powerful way of going right to the core of the onion that is your mind, and cleaning it out anew,
try it some time in lucid dreams, especially in moments of hostility, these people that confront you, stalk you, harrass you, or make your dreams “annoying” ARE you, its YOUR MIND that you are inside, which is different than being awake,
in being awake, YOUR MIND creates your entire reality for you, based upon what it habitually re-members and thinks upon

lucidity = using your mind consciously, deliberately,to create a “groovy” life
Mr Burns : “He didn’t think it was tooo… 'groovy:wink: wink!
and sleep = letting your memories control your existence, forever
you could say, accurately

imagining loving and forgiving something you hate, and literally changing it so that it transforms!

I met a fellow once, and his girlfriend, the universe made me meet them, and them me,
they had been abused horribly in their youths, and they bickered a lot despite having total attachment to one another,
I watched this fellow undergo a psychotic break, he was dealing with “demons” constantly speaking to him
and his reaction was to YELL at them,
I very patiently told him that this is what “they” want, and that he has to let them go
he cried out and screamed I KNOW, ITS SO HARD THOUGH!
I said, what about “I love you!”
he panicked, they would think I’m telling them! that
but, yet, he , to heal, has to love
his mother,
and those who, did horrible terrible things to him.

to all
I love you
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you

because there are so many people, this reality is an exceptionally vivid dream,
every person is some sort of “stereotype” and “thought-pattern” a series of programs, what are they thinking?
Mind is illusion! Thinking is supposed to happen once in a while, when we want it to, the best way to heal is to love the mind, and the many things it presents you with,
is said, each thought is something asking for you to heal, and address,
Buddha said, imagine everyone as your mother, for they all have been.

I had a dream about me saying that last night… I forgot what happened, though.

I’d like to preface this by saying that Joe Vitale is a money-grubbing scam artist who uses circular logic to assuage whispers of dissent among his followers.

Anyway, the concept of ho 'oponopono is the same as the other New Age concept of The Law of Attraction. It’s misleading nonsense based in unfalsifiable premises and shouldn’t be propagated any further.

Ho 'oponopono is a slippery slope. I guess that instead of helping those suffering in Darfur we should just send them telepathic messages saying that we’re sorry. Should I feel responsible for 9/11 then as well? Apparently I didn’t love the universe enough. Positive thinking isn’t the answer to the world’s problems, action is.

This isn’t real, Eyelids. And if my post offends you,

I love you
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you.

Love yourself