Whose DCs have said the strangest things?


Then we take a plunger gun and shoot it at his head. It shocks him and he falls of the building. I say “RPG!!!” as he falls.

(a bright orange rhinoceros is lying next to a resort pool)
DC: (is annoyed at a rhino being there and is using a ‘jedi mind trick’) You will move…
Rhino: (does nothing)
DC: (frustrated) I guess I’ll have to use one of Gandalf’s spells then…

(printed on a sign in bright red letters)
Warning! A Dreamsign is Near!

I forgot to post this:


“Well, hire a dog to replace her!”

dog walks up in the store aisle

We were pirates/merchants who had a store in the Wal-mart candy aisle… We wrote Moogle’s obituary on red velvet… oh, and she was Santa’s fave helper!


I suddenly thought of Kenny from South Park :tongue:

so did you say nice things about me? :eh:

and from my last LD

She: I have been seeking you out… I want to tell you your fortune.
Me: Go Away!
She: NO!
Me: Well. at least let me see your face.
She moves a little so I can see her face. I see neatly cut short black hair and a thin nose.
She: You will meet the ‘man of your dreams’ today.
Me: I meet men everyday…
She: The future isn’t set in stone…
Me: … it changes due to our choices.

from my dream last night:
I’m in my brothers room with him and we’re playing our electric guitars. Mum comes in…
mum: i found an echidna.
me: what? where is it?
mum: i can’t tell you that!
me: why not?
mum: i just can’t

After she goes, dad comes in and asks
“What does trigonometry have to do with music?”

I have no idea what invoked my brain to pull out something like that. i haven’t thought about maths in probably 6 six weeks since im on holidays…

Another one:

I walk up to him and say, “Hey! Did you know that our brains are telepathically communicating with each other?”

From this night:
Fragment - Blue Robot
I’m watching Xuxa’s show. She asks/says something about computers. The camera moves to show a thin blue robot. He answers, in english, something that makes no sense, along the lines of: “So I guess I should start alpining?” (“Alpining” must refer to climbing mountains, as the word for that in portuguese is “Alpinismo”). I wake up and laugh out loud, as it really didn’t make any sense.

Good thing I’m dreaming!
No kidding!

Believe it or not, I didn’t go lucid!

I didn’t write it :tongue: I think the dog did… or the black haired lady that was to my right…

It was red velvet ribbon to put on a tree… underneath the $5 snow flakes to decorate your house at Christmas… all I remember was, “you were a proud pirate and one of the best”

The black-haired lady didn’t like it… The dog didn’t like me :tongue:

On an LD4all shirt:


I don’t capitalize
any more![/center]
Not really a dream character… but who else could have designed the shirt?

Pridak posted “I WAS MELTED BY TARANTULA BLOOD!” in my dream…

It was a dream about the LD4all addict hotel :tongue:

I started playing the game. I had to throw a ball at them. I kept throwing it at their heads. Every time I did that, I yelled out, “Headshot!”

:lol: This thread is so funny. It makes me wish my dreams were this weird.


My friend held a fly, and yelled: “This fly has higher IQ than 99% of the people in this world!!”
Me: “KILL IT!”

Me: “What’s the meaning of life?”
Stranger: “Go away!/Shut up!”

haha my DCs indeed say the strangest things, my dad for example in my dream last night kept repeating ‘just what do you think your doing?’ not a strange thing to say but strange to keep saying it , also my DCs always try to spoil my fun my following me and not letting me do what i wanna do! its v annoying.

The trigonometry thing, surprisingly, sounds like something that someone would say in my dreams. It’s just that kind of statement that might make sense in context of something, but makes no sense when said randomly. :lol:

That one made my day :lmao:

these are my favorites! :boogie: why is it my DCs never say things as funny as that :crying: :biggrin:

To make things worse, the cute girl eventually left me and the ugly girl together, talking. She was all too willing to flirt with me, not really noticing my lack of interest. I, trying to be educated, didn’t say I wasn’t interested. I notice my mom backing up her car near the bank (on the sidewalk o_o;), and say I gotta go, as my mom would give me a ride. We walk to the car, talking. As I’m entering, she asks me for a way to contact me, an e-mail adress or MSN. I quickly decide to give it to her (at least that, I though). I’m about to say it, when my mom gears the car and simply FLOORS IT, throwing me back on my seat as we move away from the girl screeching tires Hollywood style. I’m a little shocked. “Err… mom? That was kinda… bad. We shouldn’t have just left her there.” Mom calmly replied something along the lines of “Naaah, it’s okay.” I’m confused.