Lucidity Challenge 15

siiw, I read your dream and posted a comment there :smile:

EDIT: 60 points :cool:

wow i had an interesting dream last night, despite the fact that i didn’t get lucid OR complete the task…


I was thinking about this when Barack Obama became president, he made a promise that the iraqwar would end. However, this is irrelevant, I want you to end a war (real or unreal), because this requires both courage and a vivid LD to do this.

Basic points:

You have a normal dream without ever considering you are dreaming = 0 points
You consider you may be dreaming at least once in the dream, but don’t get lucid = 10 points
You realize you are dreaming, but wake up in under approximately 10 seconds of your realization = 20 points
You realize you are dreaming and have a lucid dream that lasts over approximately 10 seconds = 30 points

Task points:

You do end the war= 5 points

You end a war without killing anyone= 15 points

You are a general of one side and stop the war= 30 points

Bonus points:

You persuade the generals on both sides to stop the war= 30 points

NOTE: This is a type A task, I recommend you to do task one, vehicles, at same time, youll get that tasks bonus too :cool:

Heres the ultimate bonus (can only be earned once per contestant and only applies until next task :tongue: ):

You get onboard a vehicle and rush with a speed of 300 km/h (must be 300 :razz: ) to the general and make him end the war= 100 points :thud:

Sorry Im late :shy: but good luck :content:

i too have had strange dreams in the past few nights involving elephants, a special sixth sense and a nintendo DS

oh man… now i’ve started school i won’t have time to use techniques to help me get lucid. i guess all i can do is RC.
and again last night, i didn’t get lucid. however, i was a postman!
edit: about the task, what if you’re one of the generals and stop the war? does that count?

Ooh :whistle: that will be in the score list too :wink:

sigh, havnt been getting lucid latly or all that great recall either, but thanks to this site i know how to improve

I got the war, and a general as a MUME character, but was far from lucid and more interested in winning the war. :roll:

sorry siiw, you get null (0) points, I dont see something that gives you score. But it still was a good try :cool: good luck with the ending of war everyone :content:

oh geez… i’ve had a bad day today. i hope i can get lucid tonight.
and thanks for putting up my suggestion :mrgreen:

:love: LOVE :love:

“There is nothing stronger than love”- a quote that has a point, in fact this task is to feel love :razz: :content:

Basic points:

You have a normal dream without ever considering you are dreaming = 0 points
You consider you may be dreaming at least once in the dream, but don’t get lucid = 10 points
You realize you are dreaming, but wake up in under approximately 10 seconds of your realization = 20 points
You realize you are dreaming and have a lucid dream that lasts over approximately 10 seconds = 30 points

Task point:

You feel very happy= 10 points

You feel love towards someone= 15 points

You feel love towards EVERYTHING= 25 points

This is type B, meaning that task 2, feel, should be made with this one, time for bonus:


Spawn a good feeling= 15 points

And the ultimate jackpot:

You fall in love in someone and express your feeling and the DC says :yes: (must be LD :tongue: ): 100 points

good luck everyone and feel love :smile:

i was low level lucid, or half lucid:

[spoiler]-My brother isn’t feeling well, and i take over his palace guard duty for a while. A dragon flying over the forest road is a little distracting, but i stand still. The dream gets half lucid, because i tell myself “If FiXato appears on the next dragon, i will follow him”

The next thing i remember is riding on a dragon, FiXato is behind my back. He is dressed like a wizard. I know it isn’t real. We land close to a cabin in the woods, and sit still on a bench for a long time. He goes to feed the dragon, and a male warrior DC throws himself across my lap! I push him out and shout “You aren’t FiXato!” “FiXato isn’t here right now, i am his DC replacement!”, the warrior replies. I get up and leave.[/spoiler]

Sorry I haven’t been posting. I haven’t made significant progress to any of the challenges except one.
The night before last I was lucid and remembered the Mt. Everest goal. I few some, but lost lucidity before I got very far.
Last night I was lucid for maybe 10 min, but I didn’t work toward any of the challenge goals.

uh oh my recall is starting to drop. i’ve completely forgotten last nights dream. but i’m kinda proud of myself now. last night i nearly entered a dream through WILD, and that was without WBTB.

hehe this task is easy. all i have to do is think about a certain someone from school and i’ll dream about them :colgate: autosuggestion would help me become lucid for this

ive had a big school projec so hasnt been posting.

no time to post though must get back to project will post later

i’ll be quick cause i have to leave soon.
I’m fighting a ninja in a shed like place, but get defeated. we go for round 2 but my brother comes to the window and tells me i have to go. we walk halfway up the street to my old high school.
Scene skip:i’m at my current high school and i’m with my friends. we walk to the canteen and me and 3 others have to wait. i see my crush walk past with his friends. i rememebr the task and do the hand RC (counting fingers) and notice i have 6 fingers on one but 5 on the other. i check my phone and the time changes and i become lucid. i go up to him, kick him in the shins (because he can be real annoyng sometimes) and tell him i like him.
i lost lucidity soon after that when i asked random people random questions.

siiw gets 30 and videogamer gets 35 points, well done :cool:

1.unknownuser333= 215 points :cool_laugh:
2.daniel= 140 points
3.mainiakbill= 130 points
4.ETM= 125 points
5.siiw= 115 points :cool_raz:
6.videogamer= 100 points
7.thedogsays= 55 points
8.sirch= 5 points
9.Magnus= 0 points
10. ???

wow i hvnt done the last two tasks and im still third. iv had next to no lucid ability lately, it comes and goes in stages for me. my everday life has been very busy and this makes my dream recall drop and my ability to get lucid dissappear completely.
oh well, if i get lucid i’ll try and climb a mountain, get to the top and stop a war between the mountain people, and then feel love towards all the mountain people that survived! lol
that should get me back on track :wink:

good luck maniakbill. Its hard to do all tasks at once, but you get a lot of points :smile:


As this task says you are gonna travel to other worlds. And visit some extraterrestial life. Yes, you earn more if theyre friendly :razz:

Basic points:

You have a normal dream without ever considering you are dreaming = 0 points
You consider you may be dreaming at least once in the dream, but don’t get lucid = 10 points
You realize you are dreaming, but wake up in under approximately 10 seconds of your realization = 20 points
You realize you are dreaming and have a lucid dream that lasts over approximately 10 seconds = 30 points

Task points:

You start to travel to another world= 10 points

You reach another world= 20 points

The world is poplulated= 25 points


You face mean aliens but make them friendly= 40 points

REMEMBER: you get bonus points (not jackpot) for the doortask.

JACKPOT: You get an LD, spawn a door and enter it to another world (like stargate)= 100 points