2012 the end. Part II

To shed some light on the subject,

physical changes are occurring as we speak, The earth’s pulse, or frequency is rising.
It is called The Schuman’s resonance and was always measured at 7.84 Hz, nowadays it’s already reaching the 12 +.
The density is decreasing, frequency (energy) increasing.
You can’t see it tomorrow morning but if you take a close look at this time last year, there was a change.
This physical change that the earth is undergoing is supposed to end on 2012 .
And regarding the Mayan calendar, they predicted the end of a cycle. Just like existence didn’t spark at that cycle, there were others before and there will be others after. Just like every religion, cult, or group trying to attain power through fears, a lot of theories have been made up to capture the hearts of innocent people from their fears, since that is such a strong way to do it.

Thanks for the detailed info! I recall reading somewhere that the frequency of the Earth was changing, and I may have vaguely pointed to it in my post, but extra info is always great to find. The unfortunate thing is, many people treat this topic as some great rumour that they can either accept or deny as “the end of the world” without being aware that it may just be “the end of the world we created,” a spiritual awakening, and the beginning of a new planetary cycle and a new era for humankind.

Actually today I had fun shouting about this topic in my Participation in Governent class. It was the first day of this half-year class and we were brainstorming topics that we could choose to talk about. Someone mentioned 2012 and I got to shout something out about the Mayan calendar and how that date is a symbol for the end of a mathematical cycle, and my teacher was like, “Gee, I hope so!” I guess people can be concerned about it since when you don’t know much, and you don’t know what’s gonna happen, anything can go. :scared: Then I shouted something out about Spanish jerks. :tongue:

Well, I guess I’m gonna go read about Schumann’s resonance.

Here’s some quick info I found on a quick google search
I didn’t read it though
It says : Thank you Greg Braden, which reminds me,
He has lots of interesting books and videos on youtube you can watch, I think I posted one of them in a topic in the Lucid Lounge called the science of miracles.

Beliefs are traps
They are very easy to enter and very easy to exit , for the ordinary man , that is.

It’s very sad to me that most people never stop to even consider the truth behind their beliefs.

Earth Changes… Pulse Rising?? Good time for me to chime in I guess. Let me prove why someone’s (Earth’s) pulse (time) would increase (speed-up)

On 2 levels TIME IS SPEEDING UP. Because I am not a scientist I wouldn’t be able to tell you such facts about the physical make-up of the universe that would cause this shift. But, time speeding up suggests there is something we are leading up to. Think of a magnet or force pulling times toward it.

Now on the level I can discuss. Anyone ever heard “Time is Money” Of course you have. Now it’s time we dwell on this phrase. When the phrase is used it’s often associate with someone’s “time” being worth someone else “money” So in a world with only a 24 Hour day, how is one supposed to get more money. Easy, by fitting more into the day.

How do you do this? Simple answer: “convenience”

  • Convenience allows a person to do more inside the allotted amount of time. By doing more, more money can be made. Pretty simple right???

With that all understood, one might say time is not speeding up, we are. It used to take 3 months to go from Europe to US, months to write a letter and get
an answer back, and hours to cook something. Now we can go between Europe and US back and forth twice in 1 day. All while talking on a cell-phone and microwaving a lean cuisine at the same time.

It easy to see why stress is the NUMBER 1 killer. Why anxiety levels are so high. Why a great percentage of kids are hyper active on medicine. It’s also easy to see why time is speeding up. Greed!!!

*I will report back after some research to the other more scientific level of a time shift. Something about particle attraction… ya know the smart stuff.


first of all,

Stress and anxiety aren’t present because of the time. There are many people who are not under stress and anxiety, but they are still (incase they are still physically on earth) effected by time.
EDIT: forgot to say…
Stress and anxiety are present simply because of the programming of our society, education etc on our minds.
We are being programmed to think that we should look a certain way, behave in a certain way, live a in certain house, have a lot of money in the bank, have a certain partner etc… to be ‘worthy’. The installment of this programming results in the risings of fears in people, causing them to be stressful and anxious.

Most people don’t have the slightest clue about what time is.

Going back to Einstein now , the whole concept of relativity is that time is an illusion, there is no clock sitting there ticking away.
Time IS relative
That is, if you’re traveling through space, you’re traveling through time.
Time and space are dependent on each other. There’s no time , neither space, only space-time. Which is practically a matrix.

What’s going to happen when nothing happens? If that’s the case…

I fully agree, time is an illusion. Sad to say most people are delusional. Exactly why I dropped in there, time isn’t speeding up. We are. I don’t really know if your trying to prove me wrong. When I stated I agreed with you. The earth’s pulse is time… they r one in the same. And like I said a couple posts ago inventing the clock was the worst thing we ever did and the mayans know it whether they predicted the end of the world or not is besides the point. Inventing the clock was like trying to fabricate an illusion (making it real). The clock makes time seem external or separate from nature. The end of the world… dunno, but I do feel a cosmic awakening look at sites like this.

What if we’re just a bag of chemicals and stuff, and we just live, and then die.

Maybe we’re just saying we’re more important and special than we really are. To make our lives, or life in general, seem special or unique.

Only time will tell. If not '12, then the next doomsday.

by no means did I try to prove you wrong wonderland, nor to prove me right.
I was merely trying (and always am) to broaden your perspective.
If it was helpful , if it lead to better understandings and better practical living, take it.
If not, leave it.
To me, the fact that time is a mirage is meaningless to the fact that I find a clock , at the moment, useful, sometimes.

working class hero
“What if we’re just …”
I can say that I know this is not the case.
But real knowledge comes from experience, therefore I will not even try to ‘explain’ anything.
Just for the record, Thomas Campbell , a nuclear physicist has ‘proved’ (if that’s what you’re looking for) many of the things you certify as paranormal.
If you’re interested in those things, I advise you to read his books.

Okay, to all the non-believers. “Believers in what?” You ask. Anything higher than themselves. I can assure there is. People just get to caught up in the semantics and often miss the ENTIRE point of a loving God. If there was truly nothing after death… I mean beyond any shadow of a doubt. If there was nothing, would it be human nature to wonder and question for more. Seriously, I believe we have the innate tendency to want more. SIMPLY BECAUSE THERE IS MORE. Not saying we fully understand it by any means. And I hate people who argue over religions, like “Which one’s right.” They are all right. People just got to bogged down in details that could be misinterpreted anyway. TRUST ME there is something more. Even if you only base it on the fact we think there might be. Humans are good, nah we’re great. But no where near clever enough to fabricate the idea of a god/gods and religion.



Back to 2012. I know something will happen. Just don’t know what. Probably NOT the end of the world tho. Maybe just the end of “how we know it” Cliché I know. I believe if anyone focus/meditates hard enough you can feel an energy of change. That should be the easiest energy to feel because it is on a global level. Don’t know how I feel about Obama, but his CHANGE platform plays in hand with all this.

Humans are clever enough to fabricate any belief. When theres no answer for something, lets invent one. We always want an answer, cant just leave it at a mystery.

2012 brings a change for me, I will turn 30 which means I can join the over 30’s thread

You cannot know until you experience it.
Until you clearly see and experience non physical realities, until you see the way everything is made of mental activity, until you see we’re swimming in an ocean of consciousness, you cannot know it.
Until you see it just as clearly as you are seeing gravity pulling you down when you jump, you cannot know.
When you see it, you cannot deny it.
You simply know.
And please, don’t say we have or have not the means to understand it, speak for yourself, each person is a different universe.

True Religion must be based on unity, not diversity.

The original teachings of all religions were generally the same, but time lead people to twist those ideas into mind trapping beliefs, specifically , ones that hold people from their fears in order for the leaders, as a group, to gain control over the people.

God is just a name.

There’s no need to fabricate anything.

The only need is the desire to know,
from that desire, you will be lead to experience,
and as I said, the only thing that leads to knowing is experience.

Before you can experience, you need to let go of your beliefs, to free yourself from those traps. Think about every little thing you think you know.
Be open minded and skeptic at the same time.

It’s already happening, look around you.

If they think clocks are so bad, why did they make a calender? Calenders are used for the same purpose as clocks, to keep track of time. I could be wrong, but they sound the same to me.

Agreed. The year is just a natural cycle of the seasons, and 24 hours is just a natural cycle of night and day, all the clock and calender does is break the natural cycles up into measurable units that are easy to read for those of us who dont know how to read the suns shadows, it would be cool to be able to read the sun but having a watch is a lot easier, pretty great idea if you ask me

What exactly is happening?


It’s the other way around I’m afraid. Ask the people getting chips put into their bodies.

It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

Hmm, well this discussion is getting far too unscientific for me, and has all these weird and vague links from Schumann resonances to the end of the world and whatnot…so I’ll just answer some things, and maybe dip out:


Because of survival of the fittest. Built into nature. True for all sentient species - more primitive ones below humans do still explore, and try to build a worldwide habitat through exploration.

Just wanted to clear that up.


Christianity says other religions are wrong. So that cannot be true.

So, a couple of quick things that I want to shed light on:

Schumann resonances have nothing to with this topic. There are more than one of them. I am finding it terribly hard to find sources telling me it’s going up through respectable timescales too (if you’ve got one, that’d be cool).

Time is real. Time is relative. But it is certainly real. An illusion? No. If you travel relative to someone, you age less. So it’s hardly not real, otherwise two people experiencing different amounts of time would be impossible. It is intermingled with space. The record for traveling to the future is 2 seconds or so I believe, by one of the astronauts who orbited relative to the earth for an extended time frame, and so had experienced marginally less time than the rest of us, i.e., a shade younger. Time is not speeding up, nor is our perception of time.

With nothing to keep time, you can’t do anything. Doesn’t matter if it’s the sunset, sundial or an atomic clock, you need to know the time. Watching the sun keeps track of the time. Same with a clock. No difference whatsoever.

They are.

Arbitrary. The measurement of a revolution is a a purely linguistic classification, and a continuum. Where would you draw the line that says a revolution is important? I could say that a change from rigid pencils to flexible pencils is a revolution. It depends on where you put the mark for importance, where on one side of the line something is not important enough to cause revolution, on the other side, it is.

Also, what a normal person might consider as revolution is happening all the time. Suddenly, the PC came out and the world changed forever. The first printed word. Industrial revolution. Etcetera. There have been plenty of revolutions. I can’t understand why, even if another global one did happen in the near future, why it would be different from all the other ‘revolutions’.

So, is 2012 going to be a revolution? Well, it depends how big a revolution must be, in order to be a revolution. As I said, it is an arbitrary label that does not have any fundamental meaning. This really is the case with many words. And it would just be another one. I can hardly see the difference.

But once again, 2012 has no scientific basis. None. It is based on prophecy and spirituality. I’m a science guy - which is why I like the concept of lucid dreaming. :wink:

being a science guy,
if we were in the 80s
and I was now telling you Im lucid dreaming,
you would say Im a pseudo guy right?
which doesn’t know anything about reality and claims to understand things that are ‘impossible’ and ‘irrational’

My probem with science, always says “How” Never answers “Why”

God is everything Humans try to take credit for. The apple fell on Newtons head, cool now we can explain gravity. Never knew how it was made though. See what I’m getting at


Science loves to explain, it can only be 1 level though. There’s is something much deeper. Look around you, trees give us oxygen, we give them carbon. That’s design, not chance, by any means.

Something about Christianity saying other religions are wrong, yes but not entirely. They believe in something higher, they are not clouded by ignorance thinking we are the supreme being on this planet that just happen to be here by chance.

I went through my agnostic phase. Not knowing what’s after death simply because I haven’t died. This is an honest approach. Just look into a kids eyes, remember that 2 opposite’s came together to make them from nothing. Tis God people… and science. Once again they do not conflict.

… and on to 2012, I don’t know what will happen. But I do feel the awakening. Now is a comet gonna fall from the sky, maybe not. Is Jesus gonna come back, doubt it. Just wake-up. 2012 could be the biggest year for anyone, if they decide to flip shit around and get their life right. You don’t need a Mayan to improve your life. Quit a bad habit, save money, eat right. Do something… '12 is not the end all be all, unless you let it. See… simple.