paralyzed (Is that normal?)

is paralyzation normal when LD?

Moved from General Lucidness, appended “(Is that normal?)” to the title, for clarification. :dragon:

It depends.

Every time we dream, either it is a normal dream or a lucid one, the body is paralysed. This prevents us from moving around and potentially hurting ourselves while we dream.

Some lucid dreaming techniques, WILD and techniques based on that, can make this sleep paralysis happen while we are still conscious. WILD can even be done without noticing the paralysis, for example when re-entering a dream in the morning.

One thing that gives me more sleep paralysis than anything else, is waking myself up from a lucid dream by will. It lasts only for a few seconds, and goes away while i wake up. Lucid dreaming hasn’t given me any more sleep paralysis, but it has taught me to handle it without discomfort, because i know what it is now.

That’s true unless you are a sleepwalker.
Well, SP is pretty normal and a lot of people have it.
Some techniques make it happen more often than the others, as Siiw said.

Im pretty sure sleepwalking occurs in the non dreaming stage.

There is a lot of info out there saying that SP is some sort of disorder, I dont think it is a disorder, just sometimes you may become conscious while it is happening, I doubt it has ever harmed anyone except maybe give them a scary experience. Actually I saw a video on youtube of a girl who was stuck in SP while conscious for like an hour, I guess then you could call it a disorder, but it is extremely rare.

I get this all the time where I have a lucid dream in which I am paralysed in bed. I can only tell this is a dream because my room is wrong, the furniture in the wrong place, walls the wrong colour and so on.

However I often feel extremely tired in my dreams and fall asleep in dreams. so having LD sleep paralysis whilst still dreaming is extremely common for me :sad: