new ava size limit

Use jpg or png :smile:

A friend of mine recently linked me to this site: (unfortunately, the site seems to be down now x_X)

On the site you can download very handy tools for optimizing and compressing GIF files (and also jpg and png, I believe). ^^

I’ll use my sealife one for a while. But I may start hunting for a new one to use here.

Thanks to DreamAddict I now have it up :smile: I love the new sizing.
I wasn’t aware that you could host images at Sealife, I’ll have to check that out.

I meant the avatar that I use on sealife…I use to host my avatars.

aha! Thanks Moogle for clearing that up :eh: I’m not always computer savvy, savvy?
(sorry, I had to do it)

Why was my avatar removed? it was exactly 80x 80 and 1.8 KB?

It’s not us! :happy:

It’s them: :sad:

I hate these access denied messages. My avatar reaping program always gets confused and submits them as a manual check of that persons avatar.

I need to make an improved avatar, but I havn’t got the time.

xD! sorry then.

Hey, with the new size, did you raise the file size limit at all?

no :content:

did it work?

I love the improvement that you have made to your avatar pasQuale…the multicoloured Q.

thanks moogle :smile: :smile:

it is not actually a Q but one of the star symbols. But it looks so much like a Q and i like it so it is just so appropriate :content:

:happy: nice

:cool_laugh: Cool!

I just realized that Q said the file size remains the same in the second sentence!

Just my luck. I recommend hotavatars to charlotte and then a week later the site becomes inacessable for days. :peek: I’m using one of Ashvura’s brilliant avatars at the moment. :happy:

:peek:hi. im new to the forum, and thought id make my first post here to show off the avatar i cut out of a picture i took of the downtown here. yay for convoluted sentences.

Hey pasQuale…would you consider ever putting a browse button on here so you don’t have to link to an ava…cos I cant make my own or anything yet, so I’m stuck with the little red cross.

I’d have plenty if I could just upload from my comp.

Just askin.