Whose DCs have said the strangest things?

“Go through the tunnel, and then you can drink your coffee.” o.O

Me (yelling at a ringing barcode on a cereal bar): “It’s my riege! :cookiemon:
Don’t even know what that word means :rofl: xD

In a lucid dream I asked a friend of mine if there was anything he wanted me to tell him when I woke up. He said, “Hmmm… Note to self, call self, from self,” Then he gave me a pan of bacon and said, “Here give him this.” I said, “Dude, I can’t give you dream bacon!” So he took it back and said, “Ok, fine.” Creepy thing was, we I found out later that my friend was making bacon IRL the same time I had that dream… :smile:

Haha, just the other night I had a dream that Randall Munroe (the guy who writes XKCD) suddenly decided to cyber-stalk me.

Randall: …oh, by the way, I memorized all of the personal info on your Facebook page.

Me to my brother: Why did you did kill mom?!
Brother: She didn’t say anything smart anyway…

I had a dream last night John Lennon said Revolver was a S**T album, and that everyone hated it, then he said he couldn’t understand why people liked it, it was an old interview that was being played on TV :confused: . This was after a person i’ve never seen came to my door and told me someone in a house down the street poured 2000 liters of gasoline in their house.

First post on my new account, havn’t been on this site for years :smile:

I had a really weird dream last night… I was at this house full of people who were… I don’t know. But they spoke Dutch or… really low German… and had a strange culture.
We were talking about things that scared us…

“Clowns are really scary…”
“Weddings are scary, too…”
Then it was my turn. “Monsters are scary!”
awkward silence

I guess in their defense, clowns /can/ be scary… :tongue:

i once had a DC tell me that my english muffins were posioned. when i woke up i cracked up. :tongue:

This one is very old. In the dream I was talking with someone when suddenly a man approached and said:

“My hearth lies in the south”

And then he walked out.

I’'ve got no clue why he said something like that, at the time I thought it might have some meaning, but haven’t deciphered it yet.

“The clock is one and it is done.”

Some random people at my grandparents’ house in a LD kept saying that like it was something super important. :huh:

DC Harry Potter to DC Crab and Goyle: “EXPECTO PATRONUM! No wait, I take that back. Silencio! Petrificus Totalus! And whatever else we use to make people behave temporarily!”

:rofl: I laughed so hard at that when I woke up.

Suddenly I was next to the trailer. It was on fire, so I ran away from it. There was a group of stores nearby. I ran towards the stores. I started looking for my family. I knew they were somewhere in the group of stores. I saw them in the parking lot, and ran towards them. I was talking to them.
Me: Sorry for taking so long. I must have fallen asleep while I was there. Either that, or, I just forgot what happened when I got there.

I rolled a ball (apparently an “earth ball”) towards some sort of ramp. I shouted “Eclipse!”

He said, “I was watching the Indians, when suddenly everyone started shouting ‘Team Rocket.’ I realized that team rocket won.”

Me: Wait just a darn minute!!!
My mom: Doesn’t it look so realistic?
Me: … ya…

I was about to eat a slice of pizza, when suddenly I feel a large burst of wind. I look into the room she is in, and she says she’s being taken by the wind spirit!

I walk up to a girl, and say, “Ummm… have you realized that there are hoboes everywhere?”

The ‘camera’ zooms in, and I see inside of the resturant. I say, “Hey! They’re eating chicken!” It appears to be true, until my father says, “No… that’s called mayflower.”

I pull one of the robot’s hair off. It gets mad and runs away. A boy walks up to me, and says, “That’s okay. She didn’t like blonde hair anyways.”

All the lights were on downstairs because a giant robot turned them on. As I turned them off, I said, “Who’s got control over the cats now?”

Epic randomness.

Once, I dreamt that Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory wrote me a card that said:
“I appreciate you,” to express our friendship. That was nice. :smile: And random.
One other time a creepy baby kept singing: “Look in the mirror” to me. :rc:

From my dj…

yup…I dont know. :tongue:

I’ve had a really strange response from a DC before. I was looking out the window, it was sunny. However, it suddenly became dark and snowy :confused: . I asked my Mom (a dream character representing my Mom, that is) why that happened, and she said, “Because your Dad went to the dentist.” :eh:
A really strange response… :bored:

I dreamt that I was at my school with a friend of mine, and then two unknown DC’s were waiting for me by my locker. I smiled friendly to them. It was a girl and a boy that stood there.
The boy: I dreamt of you tonight.
Me: Really? What did you dream?
Girl: I dreamt of you too.
My friend: Don’t you get the point?
Then I knew that the girl and the boy had the same dream about me.
Me to the strangers: Hello?
They ignored me, “didn’t hear me.”
My friend: You still don’t get it? Come, we should go.

That was strange. All that dream-talk.

Were you lucid at the time?
If you weren’t, they might be hinting that that was a dream.

I wasn’t lucid. I agree, they probably were hinting to it. And I didn’t get it. :tongue:

ME: Since when do dogs talk?
Talking dog DC: Since when do humans listen?

I formally introduced myself to a DC, a large man who had all the facial features and body profile of a negro but was very much white. He met my introduction with telling me that he was Wentz Hesselman, my ridicule chooser.