Could I have your Number?

can i be 3045?

6068 PS I’m writing this at four in the morning

How would anybody be able to comunicate with the chosen number without knowing the person? I mean if you tried it with a friend, there might be a possibility to gain contact with the person, but this way you’ll probably (if it works) have a random conversation with that number, but not really reach that person dreaming IRL. Makes sense? :razz: Sorry to say this, but it just seems weird with 13 pages with random numbers… :confused:

1012 :smile: hehe

very well then 1947

My number is the 2455

The number “2222” is now free… take me off the list.

I call 1510. :grin:

For obvious reasons.

Hehe, I hope nobody claimed 8008. My number :content:
It would be nice having someone tell me I’m dreaming. So I can have my first LD. :grin:

Edit- :sad: someone has my number, change too 0088

if anyone wants to call me im 0404

(if it’s not taken)

Edit: it’s a cell

Sounds simply enough. (:


Hehe, I updated my sig so it leads to this experiment :tongue:

I always forget to call other dreamers while Im dreaming :grin:

Ok, mine will be 2807

Mine would be 2325

Im new :happy:

So help me Lucid dream please :smile:

Heh, I like it guys. Ok well, give me a call at 7333 if you feel like it. I will be sure to try and call a few of you, if I can remember the numbers. :wink:

Call me at 5149. Never had a full, clear, lenghty LD.


Call me at 1078 :happy:

I call 9333.
If it is not taken of course.
If we get an LD, why not mass text these numbers?
@Mew151: why not take 0151? I guess it doesn’t matter though. :grin:

Please call - ???
It IS a dream number, isn’t it? :smile:

OMG, :mrgreen: am I ever going to recall enough numbers combined with the right people? I guess I am going to pick just one to remember… or maybe three or so…

Anyway, if people would like it, you can call me at 4444, that should be easy to remember :razz: 4444 = Little Snowfox.
Is this number still free?