Another approach to achieving lucid dreams?

Luminous, you are right. You made me remember childhood dreams in which I became a little bit lucid. I just knew I dreamt for a moment, changed it, and then lost that knowledge again. I even killed myself once in a dream :razz: to go into another one :eh:
So that (fear/nightmare) is indeed also a trigger. So the awareness behind a dream is out there always,… hiding :razz: until it becomes too scary. Then suddenly we become able to understand that its just a dream. Mmm… :smile: thats interesting.

But, I almost never have scary dreams now so that is not going to work for me hopes that the scary ones will stay away

Yes! That is what I mean. You really get my point.
I was thinking that being awake and aware during the day, might also lead to lucid dreams. Its almost the same as what we talked about already. Because being really restfull and happy, is often such a state. Its like just sitting and looking around with open eyes ‘seeing’ everything. Really ‘seeing’ it, hearing it, feeling it. Just being really present in whatever situation you are in. If a person does that in a dream as well (because he/she is used to doing it in the awake life), will it cause a lucid dream?
Will it make the person able to ‘really’ look around and ‘see’ what is going on? That would make a person recognize dreamsignals right? Just being quietly alert, something like that.
How is that for others that had lucid dreams?

yeah! I also try that, but get easily distracted and/or forget about doing it in the first place. I should try it more often… Like meditating. I’d love to try to really meditate ina LD, just look around, see, hear and feel everything without judging or worrying I might wake up (which is a big problem for me :lol:)

And I’ve noticed the more LD’s I have the more LD’s I have :tongue: It gives confidence and keeps you in the LD’ing state of mind. Whenever I go some time without a LD I start getting a kind of thought in the back of my head like “I haven’t had a LD in x days, so tonight I really should have one!”. And that’s putting some pression on the SC.

Anyway, I’m going to try to use this tonight as my only “technique”. I’ll simply tell myself and feel that I can and will get lucid, etc. :smile:

I hope it works for both of us! :content: I would love it.

huh, this sounds pretty good. :dream: the way you did WBTB is just like me; i don’t like getting out of bed. :tongue:

i’m definitely trying this for a couple of days and see what happens. ^^;

Ok :smile:!
But remember that I am not a regual lucid dreamer at all yet. I had only one so far!
It was just my observation with that one.

i know, neither am i. :no: it just sounds like something that could really work for me. :yes:

and even if it doesn’t, the shower + relaxing sleep = happy Crooked :good: in the morning, as opposed to grouchy Crooked. :down:

A happy Crooked sounds very good to me :content:

It did not work for me this night, as far as I know… blush I actually have no dream recall at all this morning! That is odd, because I pretty much always remember 1 or 2 dreams and sometims 3 to 5. So :razz: maybe I was a little too relaxed :grin: (just kidding, I did not manage to feel very relaxed due to some problems during the day before).

But I will try again.
And maybe I will recall my dreams later today.
How did it go for you two?

I guess the thing is, just to belive and trust yourself.
Have patience, and dont push it.

Our mind, Is the most powerfull thing there is.
It is the one single thing that you can say surely - it exist.
It is the one single thing that you can say surely - it controls what exist.

Lucid dreaming isn’t nececerly easy for everyone.
But it can be, if you, your mind, know it is.

The only thing you need to master, is YOURSELF.
How easy is that?!

Yes, but what is ‘yourself’, its not the mind. To me, its the awareness behind it. When you are with that awareness, instead if ‘being the mind’, then it becomes easier to steer the into doing what you want. Its like being drowned in the mind + emotions instead of being with yourself.

I had great results! :woo:

Last night I only told myself once what I wanted, not as auto-suggestion or MILD, but just like thinking to myself, so I wouldn’t forget. Then I just tried to feel good feelings, no tension, no pressure. I woke up in the morning after a dream without moving, which isn’t that common for me :tongue: after that I had a great LD :smile: I was actually able to feel the peace, happiness and confidence last night! I was anticipating my LD. Now if I can remember this every single night… I’ll try it again though.

Sorry to hear it didn’t work for you Little snowfox :sad: maybe those problems during the day got to it? Maybe it’s something that needs some practice? I mean, I haven’t exactly practiced, but last night I magically knew where I had to go “emotionally”. :bored:

Again, thanks for this topic :grin: it’s subtle but it’s better than those topics I’ve read where they say simply something like “completely believe you’ll get lucid”. Because it’s hard to “fake” confidence, to get rid of the last drop of doubt. I’m seeing this clearer now :happy: it’s not about convincing your SC, pretending you believe 100%. (or maybe it is…)

hm, I just noticed (see if you agree :grin: ) there are two types of convincing and they both “feel” slightly different. One is when you try to convince a friend of something simply because you want them to believe you (you convince them but are thinking more about yourself, about your image or whatever (ego maybe? dunno)). The other is when you try to convince a friend of something because you know deep down inside it’s right, or best for them (your not doing it for yourself). I hope this makes sense, I feel it’s important :lol:

a quick example. Imagine a person on drugs and all his friends want him to stop. Maybe all of them care equally for him, but what kind of person ‘helps’ most: the one that will use any argument he can think of, because convincing that drugs are bad and he should quit is the most important, or the one that makes him feel wanted and that “it’s ok”, etc.

It’s as if the first type is like convincing, changing the other person’s mind or opinion so it will match our own, and the second one is openning their eyes so they can see clearly.

I believe MILD and auto-suggestion are the first type of convincing (I’m not saying they don’t work though!) and what I did last night was the second.

It’s more about working WITH your SC, letting it know you’re on it’s side and there’s no pressure, if you don’t get lucid, that’s ok! I think it’s time we stopped figthing our SC’s, I don’t think it likes it :rofl:

sorry for all the rambling and for taking pages to not be able to express exactly what I wanted and a normal person could put in a paragraph! (Argh! :bored: )

^^ very good post. :good: that’s all i have to say. :silent:

i didn’t get to do it :cry:, because evil Algebra took over my night. :devil: then i went to bed late :clock:, and slept in. :yawn: sigh. :sigh:

but i’ll definitely do it tonight. :thumbs:

Hey Mattias that is great! I love that it worked :happy:

I again had had a stressed day and that really makes it harder to come into that happy awareness mood.
But, today is a better day :smile: so maybe tonight.

Yeah… didn’t work for me last night :tongue: I wasn’t able to reach my “happy place”. I was kinda tired and without energy and concentration. I’ll keep practicing though :content:

Hmm, this looks interesting. I went to sleep very late last night, and woke up pretty early for going to bed at 4 AM, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to take a good nap today. I want to try this, it sounds like something that could work for me. I’ll post the results ASAP. :smile:


Yes, do that! I hope it works :smile:

Mattias, yes, I have that too when I am tired. Then also its difficult to concentrate on where you want to go with your mood. Its more difficult when you are feeling sleepy and fuzzy :smile:

I did try WILD combined with the happy awareness feeling for the first time this morning, but it was already late and I was just too awake to fall asleep again. I did feel the happy awareness though, that was easier because I had just slept a night long and still felt restfull because it was just that restful moment of waking up.

I am a tiny little bit scared of WILD by the way, but I guess I should write that down in a topic that is specificly about WILD.

Hey Namine, good luck. I hope it works for you :content: I NEVER get dreams when I take afternoon naps :cry:

Little snowfox, great you felt the happy awareness! :tongue: I know WILD can be a bit scary at the beginning, just keep experimenting with it and you’ll get used to all the “weird things”, but don’t worry, there’s nothing dangerous or anything. Usually the transition is smoother for me when I try to visualize I’m somewhere touching walls and slowly it becomes real. It’s like I teleport there and miss all the SP and stuff. :tongue:

i had one LD about 5 or 6 yrs ago. tried intermittently isnce but no luck. i recently got a LaBerge book and have been trying but to no avail. getting sad that Its not woorking. and losing interest. I will try the O.P technique. sounds mellow.thanks.

night night.

Amazing how some threads of thought can really have an impact!

Briano8, Dont give up! Keep the book somewhere you can see it, and brush your thoughts on it, even if you’re not actively thinking about it :smile:

After reading this thread this morning, it got me thinking of Yoda, and his whole Try Not! Do, or Do not, there is no Try!
And I would agree, for me anyway, many lucid dreams come at those times when I simply know im gonna have one, relaxed, and focused more on being ready with something i want to do, than how to get there :smile:

This morning, after thinking on this post awhile, I laid down for a nap. Not too sleepy, but I vaulted with the idea that i had nothing to do for at least 3 hours or so; Focused on relaxing, I set my mind to wander through a constructed dreamscape i built up recently, and passed right out.

After having a quirky little dream with, of course, Yoda the Lucid Jedi :dingding: , I woke up briefly, kept very still and relaxed, latched on to a bit of HI, and reentered the dream fully lucid, though comically off-beat. I hope to get that dream posted in my journal here a bit later this evening after my normal sleeping time :smile:

Thank you all for that bit of inspiration! :lucid:

Hey, glad to hear you had success :happy:

I’ve been totally forgetting about this the past few nights. I realized, as happens every now and then, I “forget” to try to LD :lol: I forget to put effort into the techniques. I realize now that more importantly is I forget to FEEL it. I’m back to it tonight though!