Do you think in your dreams?

Ive often wondored this myself. I think that our thoughts are tranformed into our actions in dreams which is probley why its hard to become lucid.

define thinking…

I think all the time in dreams, just as I do in real life. The more logical my thoughts become, the closer I am to lucidity. It allows me to judge how close to lucidity I got.

For instance, last night I had a dream in which I drank a bottle of vodka, went to a tattoo parlor, and woke up on the carpet with LOVE tattooed all the way down my back. My dream body sat for a while freaking out about this, and I started thinking, rather logically, about the repercussions of this giant tattoo - I’d have to be extra careful about the shirts I wear to hide it, especially at work; tattoo removal might be an option, though it sounds painful, etc. If I had thought a bit harder and realized how ridiculously out of character the whole experience was, I might have realized I was dreaming.

When I’m lucid I really start questioning and experimenting, my thoughts growing more complex. Does anyone else have this correlation?

I can’t. Some think in words, some in pictures, some in sounds, some in simple concepts.
Every person has his way of thinking, and personal idea of what thinking is, but whatever it is for people, in all cases it represents a more conscious activity of the mind. And that’s what I was interested in, seeing if there’s conscious activity behind the subconscious dreaming, particularly the non-lucid district.

in many of my dreams I think just like I do in real life…for example, last night I had a dream that I got engaged and I remember looking at the ring (which was made out of pink clay… lol) and thinking “well, it’s not a traditional kind of ring, but i like it because it’s out-of-the-box” hahah

i wondered this myself, but yes i do
in my most recent dream i stole $10,000 from an abandoned car and later in the dream i remembered i had the money… i was thinking what if the car wasn’t abandoned… sometime has passed that man/women must be really stressed out right now, i was even visualizing the scenario within in my mind like i would do in real life.

In my ND last night I thought, yes.

For some short interest, I managed to solve an integral in an LD, which I had defined to try earlier. It wasn’t that easy, though, it did require two substitutions, which does suggest that LD’s allow for some logical thinking.

Yeah, I had wondered this as well.
but last night in an ND I was on my laptop outside,
with no thought at all i decided to throw it onto the road and it broke.
As soon as I did it I was completely shocked with myself
and thought “why did I do that? what possible reasoning could have led
me to this?” I was really upset about it too.
I think i might have known I was dreaming in a way.

Short answer: Yes. :wink:

Defining thinking as “my conscious brain is doing something different than the subconscious part,” I’m pretty sure I keep up my usual level of thought through both NDs and LDs. My attention span is somewhat shorter in NDs though. In LDs I’m probably more conscious of my thoughts just because of the nature of the situation, but I’ve also found that keeping my thoughts going can help keep me from losing lucidity. You’ve got to be careful of distraction, though, because if you forget about something in a dream it’s likely to disappear. I’ve lost people that way before.

I definitely do. For instance, I remember this dream where started off on my way to a class. Later on, I ended up going to an entirely different class. A few minutes in I think “oh crap, I’m in the wrong room” and rush out to get to my “correct” class. It’s not the same level of thinking/awareness I have when awake, else I would’ve noticed the problems with the school building (plus the class was at the wrong time/school), but there was certainly some level of it there.

Do we think IRL…? :smile:

I believe we think in dreams, but limited and kinda subconscious. I wonder how limited our thinking IRL is… Think about how powerful our subconscious mind is. And that some people can remember 10000 digits of pi or solve math questions like 731*919 in their head in just a second.

Has anyone in an ld thought about the fact that their body is lieing still and all they see is inside their own head. If so what does it feel like. I never remember to think this I just go cool I can do what I want and then do it. Also can you think clearer and stuff like complex mathamatical equation in your head or can you understand the theory of relativity.


I mostly don’t seem to actively think at all, last night I even dreamed of people talking about lucid dream techniques :dingding: and not even that caught my attention.
I tend to be pretty absent-minded IRL, though.

I think quite often in my dreams. Instead of going lucid when something weird happens, I start making up reasons for why it’s possible that something weird just happened. Sometimes I wonder if that could be a reason I don’t get lucid very often :tongue: Or maybe it’s actually a sign that I’m getting more conscious in my dreams? :grin:

Anyway, an example: once I dreamt I was in outer space on a school trip. Me and my class mates were floating around without any kind of space suits on. I was like: “Hey, how is this even possible? There is no oxygen in space!” Instead of becoming lucid, I thought: “Oh, I’m sure there must be some kind of special system, then.”

And another example:
I dreamt that a man handed me a videotape. I was like: “Huh? Isn’t everything on DVD these days?”

Yes. But a lot of the time what I’m thinking will become part of my dream or form another branch in my dream.

This is in normal dream’s as I’m not sure what Lucid Dreams will be and if they will feel the same.

I think a lot in my dream, it just doesn’t always make sense what I think! :smile:

I always think in my dreams… so much, in fact, that sometimes when i write in my dream journal, I spend more time on what was going on in my head than what was going on with my surroundings! It could be just because I’m a pensive kind of person. That’s not to say that everything I think in dreams makes sense, though. :wink:

As for in LDs, I’ve only had two so far, so I can’t be sure. In one, I was absolutely floored and didn’t think much besides “Oh my word, I’m lucid dreaming!! Holy cheeseballs. So this is what it’s like?” And in the other, I seemed to be acting more on intuition than premeditated thought. It was like… thinking in impulses instead of words, if that makes sense. (Weird. I had been thinking clearly earlier in that dream.)

This is a really interesting topic, by the way. :smile:

Hmm… why just in LDs ? You can also think in ND’s, only that you don’t think by yourself… and ND is like RL. You think it’s real BUT you still act by yourself. Just that you don’t get it that’s a dream. Well, not allways, sometimes you find yourself like in a movie…

Anyways, in my LD’s and ND’s I spend some time (a few seconds) standing still. And some thaughts cross my mind, like “Hmm… what was that goal list to do in case I have an LD again ?” and things like that. So I guess I think in my LDs. IRL I think very much of the consequences of each action I perform, so I guess that’s why I think even in dreams.

I have a question which is related to thinking in dreams and stuff like that: What happenes if you daydream in a LD ?