LC #23, Winner: Wyvern! Congratulations everyone!

Oh dear, I had a night LD ! I did not woke up to write it down since it was in the middle of the night, but the title of the task made me remember a bit of it ! But…it was a bit violent ^^

I remember gaining lucidity in the dream. I was in a little garden, and a family of a father, mother, and two girls were sit on plastic chairs. I remember the new task “break the rules” and I go to the happy family with a big smile on my face and says everyone will now fight ! I grab one of the girl and hit her on the head, the father and other little girl come and we fight violently together ^^

That part laster 5 mn. There was more, but the little memories I had in the morning faded quickly when I turned to take my DJ…

Just did a RC but didn’t get it that I’m dreaming.

Had a LD last night. We were setting up a bridge to link LD4all with Dreamviews (they were physical locations) but a bunch of people on either side were opposed to the idea and were setting up armies to go to war. :tongue:
Lucidity was about 10 minutes.

hahaha wyvern do you participate to both sites ? on which side were you ?

I’m on both sites, yes.
I’m hardly ever active there though. I was pretty neutral and one of the ones setting up the bridge. tosxyChor was there too helping me out along with some girl who’s name started with an O.
I should draw the war uniforms. :lol:

Stealing. :roll:

-Something about stealing a motorcycle and driving into the forest, and the memory of doing that before

Had 2 LD’s :happy:

I had a LD!!!
I was in a place that looks like ancient greece. If I remember right, people were wearing togas.
In some point I knew I was dreaming. I’m in an elvator with two men. how can I break rules?
I dont’t know why but I decided to kiss a man infront of another!(that’s an extremly rule break!)
The man look like he didn’t like it and said stop but when he got out of the elevator he smiled and toutched his lips.(lol)
Then I need to fight a woman and a man, they wear modern clothes, they’re standing on a train that doesn’t move.
First I try to summon a pill, a lucid pill, but because of it’s small size, it melts before I put it in my mouth.
The dream lasted about…10 min :smile:
It was vivid but low lucid.

Hello hello

I had another LD ^^, I think I realised some stuff that could apply to the magic quest, like making the room where I was change shape, size, color…

Toxyschor do you need me to put it here if you don’t have time to read the DJ ? Because last time I also made a lot of stuff but you haven’t made a reference to a new score here, so …just let me now !

Everyone ! I want to read you DJ too ^^

Ah! I haven’t posted on here in ages, and I’ve once again fallen out of habit of writing down my dreams.

I did record a few of my LDs over the past few weeks, just the ones somewhat related to the tasks:

  • My first attempt at the magic quest failed and only lasted a couple minutes.
  • This one might count as exploration - I visited several places, but I was barely lucid and the transitions weren’t really intentional. This was about 15 minutes long.
  • And I tried and only partially succeeded at a magic/exploration combo that lasted around 5 minutes.

Now that I’ve actually looked at the more recent tasks I’ll have more to try!

2 LD’s last night.

First one was around 10-15 minutes. I was in some snow like area with my mom. For some reason I couldn’t fly at all. That hasn’t happened in years! :tongue:
Anyway, I chucked a piece of ice at some old lady. But meh, not worth writing out.

The second LD after was 35-40 minutes. It consisted of me singing and partying with some DC’s.
Then I went swimming with them at a polluted lake. They had this really cool canon that would launch you in the water. We also played with this Death Star beach ball that was apparently full of nuclear waste. It was pretty fun. :cool:

Then there’s the LD I had the night before. That was a LD4all dream. Around 15 or more minutes of lucidity. Played soccer with some DC’s (or members) who weren’t that good. There was a LOT of transformation in that dream. I was showing other DC’s how to do it. tosxychor was also in an elevator with me at one point. He was bugging me to post my music. :tongue:

Been slacking off a bit with the latest task. I’ll get around to it. :tongue:

Another LD in which I did many tasks (or maybe count that I did many tasks). :nuu:

Here, I did the “magic” and “fly/navigate” tasks. It could also be called a “summon” one in some cases, but I already did that one and it is probably better. There were a few subverting rules/laws in it, but I want to do it sometime else. It depends on how many more tasks there are left.

If there are:

–less than 3 more tasks left, then I want this dream to also count as subvert rules/laws.
–more than or equal to 3 more tasks left, then I’m going to probably have enough time to do it with another task and do it properly.

(I so feel like a spoiled child right now.)

Thank you for bearing with me, and congratulations all! :happy:

Gotta apologise for losing my way by playing Soulsilver :tongue: But it’s nice to see all of you are still doing a nice job here :content: Let’s come to the task points discussion.

Wyvern, loved that simple story ^^ shows how work’s done. Not to mention I was inspired by that display of boldness and confidence, that’s really the way to breeze through circumstances,so I’m awarding you 10 points for showing us that. :smile:
The task itself was | 120 story + 20 impersonation + 30 narration + 30 lucid task = 200 points! Enjoy ^^ |
Also ROFL @ the DV dream, I would be delighted in hearing what the uniforms were like. :colgate:

Colors, for the explore task, I counted the first environment, then the outside, the first building, the restaurant, the mall, the aquarium room, and the secret room after that, with walk and door transitions, so | 95 places + 30 transitions + 30 lucid task + 20 early = 175 points! |
For the magic one, LOL @the Rasengan from Naruto :lol: that was awesome! And there were other 3 casts of 2 spells (making it rain, and DC levitation), totalling | 50 types + 25 spells + 20 methods + 30 lucid + 20 combo = 145 points. |. The next attempt didn’t award as much points, but there’s 10 extra points for the magic circle and the room changing ^^
Then the rules task :tongue: Single nonwritten rule, so | 15 types + 30 rules + 30 lucid + 20 early = 95 points. |
If you want something in the middle of all that to cout for the spawn task too, just tell me :wink: I may have glanced over some relevant part for that matter.

Ysim, just awesome. :woo: Allow me 10 extra points, beyond the 70 LD points that dream already earned you. :content: That’s bound to inspire others to achieve more, and I’m thankful to you for it. Also, 5 points more for time rewinding ^^
Also, seems like you spawned a grand total of 10 objects (machete, clothes, some wood, a sledgehammer, opponents, a friendly crew, a Colosseum, and the nighttime) of all types! totalling | 60 types + 80 stuff + 30 methods + 30 lucid + 20 early = 220 points! | Congratulations again :clap:

Siiw, forgetting a LD can happen, but it’s a matter of putting more effort next time in getting up and writing them down. :smile: I assumed your dream was 1+ minute, please tell me if you feel it was more. :smile:
For now, a written law broken, so | 30 types + 30 rules + 30 lucid task + 20 early = 110 points! |

idaln09, nonwritten rule for you, so | 15 types + 30 rules + 30 lucid + 20 early = 95 points! | :smile:

Cave of Mind, nice hearing you’re still doing fine ^^
For the explore task, you visited a train scene, a shop and a circus, so | 55 places + 30 transitions + 30 lucid = 115 points! |
Also, nice job with the magic task! That’s a destruction spell and some waterbending, so | 50 types + 25 spells + 30 lucid = 105 points! |

Puce, wonderful and crammed dream! :happy: May I ask how long was it?
For the magic task, that were 10 spells, including all 4 types of bending! (the others were transforming the sun, time shifting, telekinesis, flying, antimatter spawning and growing wings) (if you want casts of any spells to count more than once, like if you did cast them multiple times during the dream, just tell me) I also noticed words (or rather, poems :lol:) and willpower as casting methods, so | 75 types + 80 spells + 45 methods + 30 lucid + 20 combo = 250 points! ^^ |
The fly task was 2 styles and 2 stunts, so | 30 air + 20 styles + 35 stunts + 30 lucid + 20 combo = 135 points! |
The 8th task is going to come up, and there will be 2 more after that, so I guess you’ll want to have another try at the spawning task. :smile: You can tell me anytime if otherwise.

It’s time to

Use and abuse your DJ!

A Dream Journal is one of the most important parts of a dreamer’s equipment, and as such, we will celebrate it by bringing it into our dreams, and giving it new capabilities!

First thing, locate it in your dream for 20 points! It can be pen and paper, it can be on-line it can be voice recorded, it can be written in the stars, it can even be a living character, whatever sparkles your imagination!
You can state here what form in particular you want your DJ to assume. If you do and it corresponds to the dream encounter, you get +10 points! (If you’re looking for the surprise element, I’ll be of course here backing that up with extra points ^^)

Now for the uses! Any different conventional use of/interaction with your DJ (reading it, writing on it, and if it’s a DC, having a conversation with it …), or any kind of non-dream-related use of it (tossing it around, using it to shield yourself from that fireball…) awards 10 points.
But now for the real treat, each different non-standard use of your DJ that is dream-related awards 20 points! And there’s a lot of this, if you get the basic idea: since a DJ is the place where you describe what has happened in your dreams, if you do that WHILE you are in a dream, you can modify what’s going on real-time! Change whatever part of the dream your desire, turn your enemies into newts, draw whatever you want to appear, grant yourself new powers on the fly!
Additional uses of your DJ include, but are not limited to: throwing it at DC’s to make them become portraits in the pages, let the DJ itself become the dreamscape (after a little drawing), letting the dream write itself out! ^^

Good luck everyone :content: And don’t forget to write everything down a second time in your real DJ when you wake up! :lol:

:rofl: Oh wow. I’m so relieved.
When I first logged on and saw the new Task title, I thought it would involve writing out a bunch of dreams in our DJ’s!
But that would have been slly. This is a Challenge that goes on in our dreams. :tongue:

Anyway, my recall is a bit hazy at the moment. I will edit this post when I remember my dreams. I don’t believe they’re lost.

Great idea! I will make my DJ a DC it will be more intresting.

Hmmm, using a DJ to alter dreams is a brilliant idea. I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of it…

Short 30 sec LD last night. Could have been longer if I had listened to The Doctor but I was distracted by a very attractive DC.

Woo~ finally!
A LD, 15 minutes, tasks completed. (from what I can count, it’s - 1, 3, 5, 7, but it may be more \ less)

O.o I forgot that break the rules task did exist :grin: Dream is here and the things I did was killing my family (not because of task, they were annoying) and flying.