Points of view?

Last night I dreamt I was attending a wedding. Then my point of view changed and instead of just observing, I was the bride’s mother. A second later I became the groom’s father and the next thing I know I’m the bride! And my points of view didn’t stop there, they kept changing through the dream. Of course while I was dreaming it didn’t seem strange at all, I didn’t even realise my point of view changed. When I woke up in the morning I remembered that most of my dreams are that way, though I sometimes forget it.

So I was wondering, has anyone else experienced this? And if yes how often, and what did it feel like?

We have that kind of thread here :cool:

And yes, I have experienced this, not often though :peek:

I know about that thread, I’ve posted there :tongue:
But that’s not what I’m talking about. I may not have described it well, but what I mean is: Have you ever had dreams in which you are not a specific person, but rather the whole scene? Like, you know how everyone’s feeling, you don’t have a certain identity, you’re just a part of everything and see the story through everyone’s eyes.

I’ve only had something like that happen once, although it doesn’t seem like quite the same thing you’re talking about (I merely felt like I was both myself and someone else at the same time).

Usually in dreams I am never someone else-- the viewpoint is almost always either first person or third person (omniscient). That is, if I’m not in the dream, then I’m a disembodied observer, as if watching a movie. Even when I’m in the dream, it feels sometimes like it’s in third person and sometimes in first (it’s hard to recall afterward, as I always tend to remember dreams in third person regardless of what point of view I took while it was going on I imagine). But now I’m veering more off-topic than what you’re talking about.