Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming...CALD part VII

Welcome back to our topic, mattias, it’s been a while. :smile: I’ll answer your questions now, and then I’m sure Talon will give you an awesome answer as well.

  1. Absolutely. Foxy was my first character, and I met her when I was trying the Paradiso program. I had made an area, and this fox just came walking out of the woods and talked to me! She was awesome, and I kinda saw her like a little [DC] sister. I’ve also had characters like Silence just randomly popped in and started bossing another character of mine around. Most of my characters were spontaneously met, in fact.

  2. You might find out more if you ask Talon about Ghost, but I definitely think so. Silence just popped in, and he always has a good answer for things. Sorry if I’m not very clear on this, however I’m distracted with a phone call atm.

3)I don’t know what to tell you with the responses because I’ve always gotten immediate responses with my characters. Only advice I can give is to not question whether they are actually real or if you’re puppeteering them, because they might take it the wrong way.

Lastly) Make a character. You may not be sure now, however once you make one, you’ll always have a companion with you. :smile:

Came to post about my lucid dream last night. I actually met all my characters for the first time in a dream! I spoke to them, and we all had a conversation. I managed to keep the dream stablefor 15 minutes :smile:

At first, my characters were hard to summon. During the process, (when I tried to summon using my hands) I felt a presence around me. Then, I knew I was getting close. When I summoned them, I hugged some of them and greeted the rest. It felt really cool speaking to them, and being in their presence. I hope I speak to them again soon, because it was truly incredible.

Yay, congrats Teraflare :thumbs:

I recently had a dream involving all of the Doctors. The strange thing is the Second and Third didn’t bother to tell me I was dreaming. I asked them why later, and they said they weren’t aware of the dream either :tongue:. It makes you wonder if our characters can also get caught up in non-lucid dreams.

@Tera: Congrats. :smile:

@Rhewin: That’s a good point. It kinda reminds me of my first dream with foxy, where I became unlucid and she appeared and started talking about being hungry.

Thanks people :happy:

I notice that I have more lucid dreams when I use external stimuli (e.g: Music). When I listen to music, sometimes I fall asleep and I can have lucid dreams much more easily. Music also gives me really vivid dreams, and sometimes I can hear the music in my dreams (if my earphones don’t fall out).

I combine this with CALD, and it gives me excellent results. Maybe I should add a file to my MP3 that has a voice saying: “You are dreaming, do a RC” or “This is a dream, test reality. Now you are dreaming, please summon your characters.”
Although, sometimes I have to be careful what I listen to. If I listen to sad music when I sleep it tends to seep over into my dreams…:sad:

When I met my characters a few nights ago, I asked them several question about how they were, and where they had been. I forgot to ask them to take me to a futuristic city; but never mind, I can do that next time.
The only difficult thing is keeping track of all my characters (everything requires your attention to exist). Sometimes I forget some of my characters, and I have to think for a while to remember who they all are. The only characters I didn’t meet in that dream were Teraflare and Blaze.

This reminds me. I just recently (last night) downloaded a video that is supposed to basically give you a guided lucid. I’ve tried it out twice, but I’m not particularly satisfied with it. I think that the suggestion is kind of weak and the “You are dreaming” cue is too quiet to be heard while you are asleep. I’m thinking about writing my own script and recording my own hypnosis lucid track/movie. I’m not sure how effective the imagery is or what type of imagery would be more effective at making you more open to suggestion, but at least I’ll be able to make it more comfortable for myself. I think it is an excellent idea though for a lucid induction video that you can go to sleep to. What is you guys’ thoughts on it, and what verbiage do you think would lend it more to the CALD technique? Also, do you think it would be worth the effort to go through to make a dedicated CALD hypnosis track?

I think a CALD hypnosis track would be a brilliant idea. I could put together a track that is dedicated for CALD, that tells you to do a RC. It would probably work best if it is listened to whilst sleeping, because you will be able to hear the audio in a dream, and then you would be able to come to your senses that you are truly dreaming.

I’d have to think over what the voice says though, for the technique to work. I’ll have to experiment over the next fews days. Basically, I’ll use a computer voice (like Microsoft Sam, and if that fails I’ll use my own) to tell me I’m dreaming. I may use binaural beats accompanied with that…although some people believe they are placebo.

The difficult part is trying to fall asleep while listening to it, because if I tell myself to sleep then I just can’t fall asleep, I have to think about something else. It’s hard to do this, like it’s hard to stop thinking about an object falling on my head blocking my view when I have a conversation with my characters.

I’ll start making the audio track in a few hours, after doing some research on other audio tracks and other interesting things with the audio program I’m using (Audacity). I’ll report to you guys after trying it.

Research isochronic tones. I think that is what they’re called, but they’ll negate the importance of headphones.

Still haven’t finished the Hypnosis track yet, but it’ll be ready soon.

I did some research on isochronic tones. From my research they seem to be more powerful than binaural beats. I managed to find some, and read what that specific tone does. Some of them make daydreams more vivid, which would be amazing for character interaction. Some are also specifically for lucid dreaming.

So, I tried the tone that produces vivid daydreams, numbness and strange body sensations. My entire body went numb (I felt like I was going into paralysis) and my eyes were jolting about rapidly. It took me about 5-10 minutes to get there.
I didn’t get really vivid daydreams, but I did get brief flashes of hypnagogic imagery that seem slightly more vivid than my standard visual manifestations.

After 10 minutes I got slightly frightened, so I decided to call it quits for the night. I’m going to try again in conjunction with a voice that guides me. Maybe I should make the voice say: “You are entering the world with your characters”, or something similar like: “You will start to see your characters in the landscape you are visualising, and the scenery will become more vivid in your mind.”
It might not work, but it’s definitely worth a shot :happy:

Sounds awesome. :happy:

Very interesting. I might even have to drop out of lurker mode- Oh crap.

Alright, I’ve finished the hypnosis file but haven’t had the time to listen to it. I’m trying to reduce the size of it because it’s pretty huge at the moment.

I’ve been chilling with my characters over the last week, and everyone gets along with each other now (sometimes they didn’t get along). There’s nothing evil either - just me and my characters. In my last adventure, we travelled to a different planet, but got as far as landing on it, then I fell asleep XD. Didn’t dream about it, but I’m gonna continue from where I last left off (like I always do).

It’s weird - I heard even more songs from my MP3 in my dream whilst listening to them. I have it on shuffle mode, so the songs play randomly in a certain order. I hear it in my dream and when I wake up, I go back a few songs (because when it’s in shuffle it’s a huge randomised playlist, and you can check which songs have just played) and realise that’s the exact song that was playing in my dream. Maybe this could work for telling me to do a reality check…but I suppose it has to be done at the correct time :happy: I suppose it would have to be a customised playlist, and I’ll experiment at what time I hear the music.
Some of the songs I listen to remind me of my characters - quite interesting if you ask me.

About these isochronic tones…some of them sound really relaxing and I could fall asleep to. Some of them play at the wrong time, though.

I can remember I’m dreaming most nights, but just forget to do whatever I want. I’m almost there to becoming a confident LDer, I just need to be careful with my actions, and need to remember that everything requires my attention to exist. Having no clarity issues, just control issues. One of the things I’m struggling with is to teleport, or make someone appear. That might become tough when I want to contact my characters.

I’m so excited to see how this turns out :grin:

Soooooo, I guess it’s time I join you guys in this topic! Cause I - uhmm - kinda created a character last night :content: Sort of out of the blue too. I was in bed trying to fall asleep and “ok, I guess I’ll create a character” :rofl:

Her name is Lucy :razz: and she’s going to try and help me with LD’ing, among other things. We ended up having a conversation last night and even though I was making up her answers, it didn’t feel as artificial as I thought it would :eh: It was fun :tongue: although there wasn’t much to talk about lol She’s still getting used to the whole idea of “existing”.

The cool thing is I asked last night if possible to help me get lucid, with no pressure since this was all new to her but I did get lucid :eek: and a decent level of lucidity too. At one point I went looking for her. I saw this girl from behind and asked if she was her, but as she turned around I saw she didn’t have blue eyes and just said “no…” in a disapointing tone. I asked if Lucy was around but woke up :neutral:

Let’s see where this all goes :grin:

:happy: Welcome to the group, mattias. I hope you manage to find Lucy in your dreams soon. I haven’t seen TA around in a while, but if you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer them as best I can. Considering I’ve been chasing Crystal down in my dreams for three years already there are some subjects I will be a bit weak in, though. ^_^;;

great, thanks! :grin:

We talked a bit last night again… but we don’t have much to talk about :sad: lol, and I was tired so I just went to sleep. Oh, now I remember. I sent her to explore my dream tower (which I have thought up but haven’t visited yet :lol:) then I went to sleep. I haven’t talked to her after that :tongue: I’m hoping she’ll also be able to help me get there…

Wow, I almost summoned Crystal into a dream last night, but I woke up as she was arriving. :happy:

@mattias: …Now you’ve just reminded me of my little tropical island mindscape\dreamscape. It’s been a while since last visited it with my characters, and I think tonight’s the perfect time to try and reacquaint myself with it.

@wolvendeer: That’s happened to me before too. :slight_smile: It was very confusing for the both of us upon awakening.

Sai, Aiden and Skaith are currently looking for new forms to appear as, since their old ones don’t quite suit them anymore. This will be Aiden’s third body change to date and he’s not quite sure yet what he want’s to be, although after we saw Avatar for the first time a couple weeks ago he’s been considering being a Na’vi. (Morph’s been strenuously objecting to that one) Skaith has no clue what he wants to be, but he say’s he’s keeping an eye out for something that catches his fancy. Saichania’s still keeping her options open, but she seems to have settled for heavily modifying her old form, going from being a humanoid bird to being a human with angel wings. And she’s changed her plumage from black, scarlet and gold to pure white. She’s still experimenting with ethnicity and physical appearance though.

Morph, Vesper and Crysar are happy looking as they always have, so no changes there.

Had some awesome hypnagogic imagery last night.

First, I was daydreaming about some random things, when I suddenly realised that I could see the scene I was “daydreaming” about. It was about 11:30PM at night, so I was pretty tired and wanted to rest, despite the amount of thoughts rushing through my head. When I found myself cooling down, I began listening to some calm music and began to daydream. I repeated the same scene over and over in the hope that I could VILD, but I gave up after 10 minutes because I felt I was getting nowhere.

Then, one of the songs that came on my MP3 was the song that reminded me of my characters (as stated in one of my earlier posts about the songs that remind me of my characters). All of a sudden, I started to get images of locations in my imaginary world of Eternos. Some of which I didn’t know existed in the world, but it turns out my world seemed far too short in my mind (sometimes I find it hard to visualise large areas). This time, I saw a rather large cliff with a river, and a marsh. There was a bridge over the river.
I also got some images of the town me and my characters stay in, and a image of a gigantic mountain/cliff surrounded by trees. In the middle of the trees was a straight, rocky path. I went to see my characters, and saw them in slightly more detail than I usually do. It was cool, but I fell asleep too quickly.

So, after some experience I have an idea on what to do next. Here’s my step-by-step list if you’re interested.

  1. I’ll reduce the file size of my hypnosis track so it can fit on my MP3 without taking up masses of space.
  2. An hour or two before bed, I’ll write down some of my adventures with my characters to get them in mind, and have a bath. Apparently, baths also increase the body temperature, and once you get out the bath the body cools down; and if timed correctly you will cool down as you get into bed, which means you can sleep/relax easily.
  3. An hour before bed, I do a few exercises, and then I do some cooling-off techniques (to get me tired)
  4. 10 minutes before bed (after cooling myself down after exercise) I’ll have a nice warm drink to get me relaxed.
  5. I’ll get into bed and read for 30 mins. If I’m tired and can hardly read much more, I’ll try to push myself for an extra 5 mins to ensure I’m really tired.
  6. I’ll turn of the light, check if everything’s fine and then go to bed (I’ll try to move as less as possible).
  7. I’ll play some music, and then listen to the hypnosis track (the one which helps me talk to my characters). I will follow all the steps, but try not to fall asleep.
  8. During the track it tells me to try to make my hypnagogic imagery more vivid so I can speak to my characters. If I’m tired this should be easy.
  9. I’ll improvise from there, and possibly even VILD.

Here’s something interesting things I researched/found out while experimenting:

  • You get more vivid HI if your light isn’t turned on. I don’t know why, it’s just this way.

  • Sometimes, when I try to VILD at night; in the middle of the VILD I suddenly remember Sleep Paralysis, and keep thinking I’m going in SP. I know this won’t happen to for two reasons:

  1. SP is extremely difficult to achieve at night because REM Sleep doesn’t occur for a few hours in the night.
  2. I fall asleep while thinking about thoughts anyway, so thinking about a specific VILD scenario won’t make a difference.
  • As you progress throughout VILD/CALD, the scenes tend to get more vivid.

  • For some people, visualising a large area can be tough, because they can’t process that much information at the same time. It’s the same for creating a landscape out of nowhere - it’s hard to keep track of where everything is.

These are the steps I’m going to abide by tonight, and I’ll make sure it happens. I will report back tomorrow with results.
Wow, that turned out to be a long post :happy:

Wow, sounds like you’ve got a good plan. Crystal and I both love you for taking the initiative on the MP3. Can’t wait to see what progress you make.

For the visualizations thing, I run into that problem as well. That’s actually one of the reasons I stuck with the dead forest as my mindscape over any of the other ones that I made. It’s large, but it’s simple.

@Mecha: It’s interesting that your characters are deciding to change their forms. It isn’t surprising that Crysar is keeping himself the way he is, though. Keep us updated on how they turn out, all right?