LC #24, Final Task: Make Dream Characters Lucid!

Meh, 2 lucid moments for me last night. That is, 2 short LD’s. Still need to get the whole thing in gear :tongue:

Ah, my mistake. I’ve been putting them up at around 18:30 GMT.
(probably why I had a math nightmare last night… :tongue:)
Ah, I dunno what’s up. As long as everyone’s getting the tasks at a reasonable time.

tosxyChor: You’ll get one of the tasks done soon enough. :content: For now, | [color=#e4ecee](2 x small LD) = 40 points[/color] |

Yay, LD # 50 :slide:

I finished the first task, but the dream faded when I began the second task. It felt somewhere between 10 and 12 minutes, so I’ll call it long.


Crap… Gotta get focused this time!! xD

So close to LD but not yet…

Managed to do it: :content:
Flying and Transforming
Was around 6-7 min I think.

Had a brief but interesting transformation LD. :tongue:
here it is

it lasted about 1 minute. medium length dream time for me is about 3-5 minutes.
also, the first transformation i consider a complete transformation.

I’ll be ready to post one here once I can attain lucidity again. Get your suitcase packed and prepare for another summoning in the near future Wyvern. :wink:

Nice to see you’re doing so good with the tasks! :happy:
Last night I just had a medium LD, but I guess I can’t let the whole thing pass by :tongue: I’ll get on more to completing the tasks! ^^

I transformed in a ND last night -__- how could I NOT notice it’s a dream :cry:

Hey, it does count towards the challenge, so post it up! ^^ Notice how there’s lucid points for each task you complete, which means there’s the possibility of completing it while non-lucid.

no LD tonight, but instead, i defeated a giant magical self-splitting phoenix, found out that there are 6 elements (fire, water, earth, air, apples and light), and managed to master some legend-of-zelda-like dungeon :slight_smile:

Like tosxyChor said, that still counts! You just won’t get the lucid points but you can still get the Task points, so post the dream anyway. :happy:

And great job everyone else. :woot:

Rhewin: Too bad you didn’t manage to transform. You’ll get it next time I’m sure. :content:
| [color=#e4ecee]30 lucid + 30 technique (peter pan) + 40 LD (long) = 100 pts[/color] |

Bluemoon: I need to know if that was a short, medium, or long LD. For now your task points: | [color=#e4ecee]60 lucid + 40 combo + 60 flying technique (peter pan, bat) + 30 transformation (bat) + 15 transformation technique (will)= 205 pts![/color] | I’m also assuming this was the first time you’ve transformed into a bat to fly.
/me loves bats

littlenemo: I don’t think I’ve ever personally grown crab claws. :tongue: It sounds more like a partial transformation as it was only your arms that transformed, even if that was your intention. You hadn’t decided that would be your complete form before the transformation. | [color=#e4ecee]30 lucid + 20 early + 15 technique (will) 30 transformation (claws, incomplete bird) + 20 LD (small) = 115 pts[/color] |

tosxyChor: More LD pts for you. :content: | [color=#e4ecee]30 LD (medium)[/color] |

@Mimmo0: Sounds like you’re still keeping busy regardless of the Challenge. :tongue:

Just woke up but there are no LD points to add up to my tab. I’m having a rather weird phenomenon happen the last 3 nights. Wake up at 4 stay up for half an hour as usual write in DL and read book on lucid dreaming and go back to bed, only to wake up 30-45 minutes later like someone tossed a bucket of water on me, with no recollection of a dream, and not being able to go to sleep again. Odd :meh:

I’ve had very little luck so far. I guess I’m in a dry spell again.

/me decides to do a complete recall journal for some weeks

Hey, Wyvern! Can I join the challenge? :lol: Nah, just kidding (sorry, I had to :tongue:) Congrats everyone and keep up the good work!

lol² at that! :grin:

Oh the time, hmmm! It didn’t feel that long so I would say medium and yes it is the first time I succeeded (I tried once, but failed).

Oh and congratulations to the others! :wink:

Just noticed that Rhewin and I are loving the Peter Pan flying style. :rofl:

Okay then. I’ve added your points.

Going to have another delay folks. Should be the last one. :tongue: Honest.
The next task and scores will be posted tomorrow at 16 GMT.

@ Wyvern - oh okay i see your point. :smile:

:woo: One more try? Cool! I didn’t do well the second night of this challenge. I’ll post tonight’s and the first night later.