Whats your favorite Power ?

Mine is flying (i dont have often the high enaug lucidty and clearness to do more) :sad:

Tricky question, but I’d have to say either flying, spawning or telekinesis

Transforming :content:

It would be transforming… :tongue:

I don’t have to have LDs to know it…


Telekinesis :razz: can have lot of fun with it

If i had an LD it would probably be stopping time, invisitbility, flying and transforming

I love the power of making everything and everyone do as I wish. Yes I know, it’s a dream - Of course they do as I wish :happy: But I feel that if I make it a “Power”, then it is much easier to succeed with.

Time travel. :smile:

As evil as it sounds, the power to do anything :devil:
Because in a dream anythings possible so the feeling of power is overwhelming.
If I had to choose one it would be the power to create. I like to spawn random objects at times and when I need something to continue the dream.

Oh and can someone direct me to the LD Powers archive mentioned in the first post. Thanks.

Telekinesis is indeed a very amusing power!

Then another one I like is of course being able to control time! :happy:

flying :content: (still fun after you’ve done it a lot)

In a dream, you have absolute power, but I think the problem is that we limit ourselves to certain powers. We need a thread or link or something to the most outrageous and awesome abilities.

Like many other people have been saying… FLYING!!!


I would love to be able to fly and transform. Hopefully I can experience these in a LD soon.

Flying! It just never gets boring!

magic powers and invisibility

gonna have to bump transformation again.

Iv used hundreds of powers over the years so it’s difficult to choose a favourite. Regulars are flying and telekinesis, they’re in every LD
the power to make people appear who I want to meet, has to be one of my favourites. Also transforming into animals, walking through walls, aaaaand weather manipulation. Seriously fun to create lightning and hurricanes and whirpools etc.
There’s loads more but those are probs my favourites.

Flying! its the easiest and most fun.