
well i have had cases where i will wake up randomly at 11:11 for weeks at a time and then i stop but when i go back to it its allways 11:11, i allways wondered what that means. any ideas?

entersting that this stood out to you, and you didnt even know what it ment, but yes aparently this is happning alot with alot of people. It is a signal so to speak from you spirit guid. There is alot of info on it just do a search. Aparently 11:11 is incoded in our DNA.

hmm. Ive noticed that to. could you tell us more kava?

Edited in from a double post: :ysim:

i see 911 all the time to. if that means anything

Here is a fasinating video on 11:11.

I was blown away by this video. It gets really entersting. Ive been seeing 44 alot lattley allso. The numbers that have stood out for me in my life lattley have been 5, 23(my birthday)11,17,44. I dont know about this Obama being the 44th president., but I have a feeling about it, I dont know yet if its a negative feeling or a posotive feeling. I guess will have to wait to we get further into his 4 years.

The internet also spreads a lot of misinformation. Don’t forget that.

Here’s a question for you, Kava. If your birthday is supposed to make you evil, then wouldn’t you have burned down a whole school district and drop water balloons from skyscrapers by mid afternoon?

I say don’t worry about the numbers. It’s your personality that makes who you are. :wink:

OK Sock Puppet, I’m going to contradict you, but I’m not challenging you. I’m just giving Information.

In Numerology nearly everything can be described by the numbers, even personality. To uncover someone’s personality, that is to say what other people will validate you for, just turn the consonants in your name into numbers. A=1 B=2 C=3 and so on; be sure to start back at one after you reach nine. Add the letters up and reduce it to a single digit or master number IE. 11, 22, maybe 33 etc. depending on who you talk to.

I wish I knew everything about your birth day number Kava, but consider this. The Birth day number has a very special significance among the main five numbers. the birth day number will highlight an aspect of you that, when incorporated with other attributes, can help you achieve your destiny much smoother. your birth day number is 5. This means your sense of curiosity, good will and most importantly freedom, can greatly benefit you if you apply it correctly. look it up yourself if you are interested (I’m sure you have), find more characteristics and see how well you relate to your numbers.

I wish I could help you more, but the specifics of strange numbers are beyond my knowledge. But as always we must not be quick to accept, and far slower to discount.


I can describe my bed as having 4 pillows and 1 blanket, so I guess you’re right.

I’m not sure about personality though, unless you’re describing a hermit as having 0 friends.

So what’s going to stop me from changing my name to something else? If my name determines my personality, I can simply rename myself and change my personality in an instant.


Only the birth name is accurate; it’s called the Cosmic Name. Changing your name doesn’t change your personality profile completely, although depending on your reasons for changing you may think and act differently.

So if it’s the birth name that counts, then what about the birthday? Kava says his birthday might make him evil, while one of your descriptions says he has good will. Is one supposed to have more weight than the other?

Birth name counts for personality, birth day counts for another function.

And once again, I don’t know enough about the number 23 specifically, but understand that any number can be balanced, under balanced, or over balanced. Depending on how you act, the relevancy of the number to your actions will change, but if you decide to use the numbers in your profile in a balanced way your life will run smother than otherwise.

Try looking up charts on how two numbers in one profile can help or hurt one another, perhaps then you’ll see how personal a numerology profile is.


You mean profile as in “birth name and birth day”, right? I can’t really change those numbers, so how does one use those unchangeable numbers in a balanced way?

By the way, I’m still curious about how numerology works. How does a birthday or birth name affect our personalities? Do the numbers somehow affect our minds?

Caution!!—New age mumbo jumbo ahead

form what I understand our life paths are chosen by us before we are born. The numbers derived form our name and birth day reflect what we have chosen, and also reflect the challenges that will make our life meaningful.

When we know our numbers, we have the ability to understand how our seemingly random quirks can help propel us towards our destiny. Use the traits found in the numbers.


It’s our parents who chooses our name, and the date of birth is merely a prediction until it happens. Or it may never happen if our mothers chooses abortion. We don’t really have much choice before our birth.

This is why I peruse Lucid Dreaming, to find answers. To know if what I learn is correct.

I take it you don’t believe in ghosts either Sock Puppet. No worries.

(Sorry for Hi-jacking the forum Kava)


I don’t about finding answers in lucid dreaming, but experiencing LDs can be fun and inspiring! :wink:

Whoa! Scary…
I was reading this at 11:11, numerology or the sub-conscious?

I’m life path 11, it’s a master number, I’m very intuative and idealistic.

Again with the numbers, reading at 14:44

Here’s something that gets me. The concept of time and 24 hours clock are human constructs. We’re the ones that assigned numbers to specific times. If it had something to do with us subconsciously programming it that way, then based on different time zones we should have different times that are important. That is, if the time even matters at all. In regards to the actual numbers, 14:44 in particular, that’s based on a 24 hour clock. If you use a 12 hour clock then it’s 2:44. What makes !4:44 special and not 2:44?

First number 11, 111 and 11:11 had great influences on me, but now its 333, 421, 433 and 434 that have great influences on my life, plus there are other sidenumbers.

Numbers are and have always been the way I remember places and certain persons and they change as I know new persons :tongue: