What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part VI

last night I got mad at someone and I thought “hm… when I have a lucid dream I’ll kick their butt!” In the same dream polar bears were surrounding our car.
Luckily next dream I had was lucid!

lol that is normal for that wicked dream lol
I missed a dream sign that my father was extremley idiot…although sometimes it is normal :woo:

Bloody hell, I had about ten last night and two the night before. All huge.

I’m going to say a few here. A little background is that I’ve left school recently, probably about a month now! Yeah more than that. But on the 10th of July we were supposed to go on a trip to London regardless as a reward (yes seriously - this is real). A few weeks before I left school my one friend turned into an enemy overnight, we didn’t fall out or anything really, he just came in the next day an asshole and I had a feeling that he was going to be like that so I didn’t speak to him and I was right!

Now here are the dream signs from last night:
I went on the London trip even though in reality I didn’t. I saw him there wearing glasses, and being an asshole. I was often late to school. I mean a lot. After getting off the coach I don’t know what happened, but I know soon after that I walked into a room thinking it was some kind of register - and I thought this throughout. What happened next was I saw my old English teacher talking about (I don’t even know/remember - if she was even speaking). I then remember the guy I mentioned being an asshole again. It then got a little strange when he said he was going to beat the shit into me on results day. These were the exact words. I then pretended I didn’t hear it and others were asking me about it! I ignored them, but I only KNEW ONE OF THE PEOPLE ASKING - WHEN IN REALITY I KNOW EVERYONE IN THAT OLD CLASS. Then the results day thing morphed slightly. Then the poeple talking to me were acting as if it was a sports results day - and I never do sports! So I almost said “Eh I wont be there!”. Then it ended.

After that there was even more!

I’ve been a fan of someone called James Rolfe for probably about 5-6 years now! I think I first saw him in 2004 so that makes sense. He’s in the US and I’m in England, but somehow I dreamt I was with him. But that didn’t happen until later!

I dreamt I was recording something with the (yes - seriously, I have no clue why, I haven’t seen Toy Story in years for obvious reasons!) Toy Story characters, but I remember them trying to pretend to be “not-alive” and just toys. But then I KNEW THAT THEY WERE LOL. I went up and picked one up saying “MOVE DAMNIT!” Then I looked away and they were moving again :razz:

Then it was as if they spoke to me saying that we can’t move if you’re looking. That made me think of Chucky from Child’s Play which made me laugh.

Now here’s the strange part: Somehow THAT PART WITH THE TS CHARACTERS morphed into me filming with AVGN - or that’s how I remembered it within the dream. I didn’t dream I was with him I dreamt I could remember it.

The last thing I can remember is thinking that I took the filming a little too far and that he’ll probably cut me out of the episode which got me worried.

I mean an episode of his show the angry video game nerd that is. I’ve been fan of his before he turned it into anything to be honest :razz:

All that happened last night. The night before it was a lot less. I went on a holiday which hasn’t happened yet and I wont be going to, but I went to a hotel that I went to years ago, when I got in there everything was way out of proportion. I went outside to the swimming pool and it was like the insides of a near-by swimming pool that I haven’t been to in years, except everything was HUGE. I then jumped and it was like jumping on something smaller than the moon! I floated up and then came down. I can also kind of remember my step-dad speaking to me, which is confusing in its own rights because that was during the jump part, and it was more like him mumbling.

Three days ago I thought that I didn’t dream. Two days ago I decided to try remembering it. It’s worked. I wonder if it will tonight :happy:

I have been trying to lucid from ages ago but never tried any techniques like reality checks, except the last couple of days. I know it can take a while but meh D:

I’m 16 if you’re wondering based on some of the content of this post.

I remember a dream I had last night…I was at school (…when am I going to realize it’s been holiday for a month already?!) and in front of the school there was a weird thing on the ground, it was like a huge hinged door or something, and we had to keep it closed. Because it was about to explode. Of course it exploded and there was water everywhere, and I clearly remember someone shouting “OH MY GOD it’s a WHALE! Nooo, whaaale~!”

…I watched Charlie the Unicorn too much, I guess.

I then was chased by a whale in front of my school. yeah.
though I managed to escape by climbing a fence. Yay for me


I had a dream the other night where I looked around and realized that everything was clear even though I took my contacts out earlier. This should have made me lucid, or at least reminded me to do a reality check, but it didn’t. I just thought that my eyes had adjusted to not having contacts. :ding: :dingding:

Well, recently I had a dream that I was fishing and all the fish were living pinatas. (I think I’ve been playing too much Viva Pinata) Last night I also dreamed that I had a huge family with lots of siblings when in reality I only have one brother and one sister and they don’t even live here anymore. The good thing is that I realized that was a dream later on. (for a different reason, though)

Leaving the parking lot of a local donut shop, present day, 20+ degrees Celcius…all of a sudden there’s 3 feet of snow on the ground. Ya’ think a person would clue in ? Although I thought it was unusual, I justified it as just some freak snowstorm and carried on. Or how about DC’s entering my field of vision in mid air and thinking it normal? As a newbie, I’m finding it unbelievable how the mind can justify some very unusual signs and circumstances and considering them to be completely normal.

Well, last night the floor was a fried egg.

So, my sister was driving my mom’s car (which was weird) and I was in the passenger seat. This little scene had roughly 3 missed dream signs: 1st, I had no clue where we were. 2nd, no music. 3rd, my sister was staring straight ahead, not blinking, not moving, I don’t think she was even breathing.
Then the huge purple car changes into a mint green Ford Pinto. I’ve never even been in a Pinto!
Then we come to a weird bridge, and my sister drove straight and crashed into the concrete edge. The car was sliced rather than crumpled.
Then, we were driving down the road again. I knew we were going to crash, so I thought, “screw this, I’m jumping out.” then it hit me: “I’m dreaming.” Jumped out, it was a bumpy skid to a stop (I almost fell over), the car crashed (empty, my sis disappeared when I got lucid, just like all the other DCs in my other LDs), i went for a flight, woke up. My first thought was: “I got lucid because I thought about jumping out of a car?!” :tongue:

And Drumm… The fried egg floor definitely takes the pancake. :tongue:

I casually observed a clock on the wall as the hands moved around the face really rapidly, as if time itself had accelerated.

That’s such a classic RC too, I feel like slapping myself for simply staring at it for a while and then going about my dream business.

A train went from the rails to the streets :anx: :dingding:

Inception much? :tongue:

I wasn’t going to pass out from seeing a needle.

“Wait, this is the dream i had yesterday. Then this must be a Lucid Dream! Cool”.

Thanks what was on my mind this night. I don’t remember anything afterwards, not waking up and not continuing the dream. Not really a missed dreamsign but I think it fits in the thread.
Note: The dream I had the day before was non-lucid and the dream I had tonight was at the same place.

I noticed the clock acting funny, but before i could turn lucid I woke up on the floor in the living room of my old house, but didn’t realize it was a FA. So in my dream I was now frustrated I had woken up when becoming lucid and afterwards I was even more frustrated, because I didn’t even notice the FA.

Some guy was sitting in a giant rubber duck and flying towards the ceiling upside down. :dingding: About as obvious as it can get :ack:

I walked on a very intense trafficated railroad and almost got ranover by a local train :razz: :dingy:

Uhmmm…try adding trains to your dream sign list in general? :wink:

My fails:

1st: I was dreaming that I was going with my friend somewhere,and suddenly I saw a mirror.I thought “Hmmm,I read that in dreams mirrors don’t reflect people quite good” But the worst is,that I actually looked at the mirror,saw myself distorted,and refused to look again 'cause I was “afraid to turn this dream into a nightmare”.And I continued on… :ack:

2nd: Had an FA after a DILD,and there I talked to a guy about lucid dreaming,he said that he is WILDing and has never heard of DILDs (probably the reflection of my everynight failed WILD attempts,I was on a summer vacation that I just returned from while posting this :happy: ). So I tell him that I had exactly that type of lucid dream moments ago. I just didn’t find it necessary to pinch my nose,just in case :ack:

3rd: This one was from vacation too,I was talking to a friend and I had just returned from the vacation.We talk about something and I say to him “You know,I had a dream that I returned from vacation,I dreamed about this(I really did have an ND that I was home)” Again,no RC :wallhit:

Haha last night I had a dream that I was at a garage sale. They had these yoga audio tapes, one of them was labeled something to the tune of “Lucid Dream Meditation” I wanted to get it but knew my parents wouldn’t like it. I didn’t even think of doing a RC. :tongue:

I found a dog in my room