I want to share this with you, but...

What if we were to make this key, and put it in our pocket (figuratively speaking) This hole thing with the weird shit that happens to me is tied up now. Im not saying my hole spiritual jorurney is over, because I still have the rest of my life to go, but it could be like your own 2012, but something more tangble that could be used at anytime. Just like with 2012 there is a 50/50 chance that something might happen. So if you do do it dont tell me about it. I would rather it remain a mystery, yea Id rather have a cliffhanger. Its just an entersting story to tell around the campfire now. Live your life for the purpose of having entersting storys to tell. I have mine now. Thanks you were a huge part of it all.

11:11 PM ? How does it work for people in different timezones ?
Because, I’m not doing it, but I’ll probably be thinking about you (as in, supporting you, because it’s exciting even though I don’t really believe it will work) and that portal thing that day. Unless I’m asleep, of course.

GO GO GO!! Kava better to find out the truth, I personally think it’s sad living in a world without craving for the truth. (EAT THE APPLE) Try it out and find out wether it’s working or not! Nothing to be afraid of, if there is any so called magic then it will most likely not harm you since it appeared in your dream through your DC, and if it does harm you even then you should not worry, I know I wouldn’t.

Now I am not going to try this because I personlly don’t believe it will work, but it is a sad thing to believe in something and still not have the guts or whatever you would like to call it to not complete your own task.

I hope no effense was taken, good luck with the task everyone (the ones that are about to complete it), all of you have gotten my solemn prayers! :content:

i might take you up on that offer kava.

I was thinking about how this might work on a scientific way. First I thought it might have something to to with light reflection, or somthing you know how a C.D. reflects a rainbow, but that didnt make sence, because it would have to be done during the day, but then it hit me like a brick walll what if there is actualy a lasser beam that would play the C.D., and if that is true then it would be more of a signal. Who knows Im getting excited now.

Kava I am afraid that your last post didn’t make any sense to me, a laser beam?? Where from? =/ The sky?

Just try it, the things you are talking about has nothing to do with physics, human kind have not studied any warp or gate being opened by a CD or a Y shaped stick, but if you do believe in magic then stick to that, don’t waste your energy on trying to explain something that cannot be explained…

I agree. You can’t possibly explain what you plan on doing scientifically, so, don’t even try.

And personally, I think you keep postponing the date because deep down, you know it won’t work. And a person like yourself needs something to look forward to, to keep going.

I think you should just do it already.

Full moon is approaching. Do you still want to try and open that portal ?

Are you going to do it or not, Kava? Full moon is tomorrow.

You might as well. If anything, do it for shits and giggles.

Uhm, can anyone please tell me what indigo people are? I know my halo is indigo coloured :razz: and why are you afraid of the illuminati? They are not really actual are they? And where are you from Kava?

GOOGOOOGOO Kava TIME TO EXPLORE! that’s what you wanted right? I don’t feel like putting pressure on you but I am expecting you to do it, I think alot of us here are, complete the things you have started now… :content:

No need to worry, we are all with you in mind and spirit! :cool:

Gaia -> Indigo people (the common phase is “Indigo children”, but some of them are no longer children) are people whose aura is indigo. According to the belief, they have special abilities such as telepathy. Some people believe that their destiny is to change the world, like, bring the next stage of human evolution (hence this portal thing), and some people also say that they come from space, from another planet or something like that. People who don’t believe in Indigo people say that these people are / were children with disorders such as hyperactivity, whose parents preferred to believe that their children were gifted (I’m not saying that this is what I think). Thus we can say that the concept of Indigo people is highly controversial. Maybe Kava, who is apparently an Indigo himself, will be able to explain this to you more precisely.

Ö i found a site about it! Omg it was just so me :confused: but I am not hyper or something haha

Was what you found an “Indigo test” with questions like “Do you feel misunderstood”, “are you rejected” and the like ?

Actually, most people your age (and my age, too) would probably say the same thing : “this is exactly how I feel”. Yet, as far as I know, very few people are actually Indigoes. I don’t think that answering yes to all these questions makes one an Indigo. It only means “chances are that you are one”.

I’d like to stress one point. Please keep in mind that I’m not trying to either prove or deny that Indigo people exist. It’s just about those “tests” I’ve found. Most teenagers aged 13-15 (and many teenagers around these ages) feel misunderstood, as in, they know they’re special but no one will understand how special they are. I’ve been like this myself - I still am, to some extent, and this is why I’m very careful with that Indigo thing. Now, how will these teens react when they come across such sites saying that if they feel misunderstood, rejected and all that, they are probably special - more than that, they are superior beings with a destiny : to change / save the world ? Well, chances are that they will think “Oooh, I knew it from the start, I’m definitely one of those !” Maybe they are, indeed, but they will automatically forget the second part, which is : maybe they aren’t. They won’t even ask themselves whether Indigo people exist or not, while IMO, the choice whether to believe in something should always be a conscious choice, as in “OK, this has not yet been proven, I can’t know for sure, but I believe in this anyway”.
It is exactly the same problem with parents whose children are not good at school. The teachers tell them that their children have disorders, while these sites tell them that their children are gifted. Who do you think they’ll believe ?

I’m not saying that you are not an Indigo - how could I know ?
I’m not saying that Indigo people don’t exist - I don’t even know what I believe.
But i’d like to say, to you and everyone else : BE CAREFUL, PEOPLE. No matter whether you’re / your child is really an Indigo or not, bad people might be lurking there, trying to manipulate you into God-knows-what.

Don’t worry Kava no are not alot more crazy then the rest of the population of this planet. Then again…that’s not saying much, is it?

I take it no scary aliens have popped out of that portal of yours yet?

I am crystal/indigo by the way. I just don’t go around the internet spreading disillusional thoughts.

I’m waiting for Kava to return and tell us what happened.

Lol, maybe he went through his magic portal into another dimension and will not return.

Inb4 he’s postponing it until Dec 21 2012.

The Laughing Crow might be right!! >.<*

Btw all the tests I have seen about the Indigo stuff are just lame because everyone can relate to them, they are built in that way… (I mean like who does not want to be special?..)

Kava where are you? @.@

I still havnt tried this… I really dont know what is stoping me. Its not fear. I would just like to have someone with me when I do it, and I cant just go up to someone, and say… “Hey want to make a portal”. So Im just waiting for my friend to get here which will be sometime next summer. I havnt seen him in a long time, and he is the one who found the website with me in the first place so it would be cool to share the expirance with him.