How do you make a certain person appear?

just a few more:

  • call them on the phone and ask them to come to you really quick!
  • call out their name until they answer and then follow the voice
  • ask a DC when X is going to get there
  • ask a DC where X is

when i get good at LD control, im gonna materialise a big wooden wardrobe, and whoever i want to appear will step out of that lol
or maybe have them drop in more literally -

“hey wheres matt damon?”
(sound of far away scream that gets closer really fast as poor old Mr Damon drops outta the sky and faceplants on the tarmac in front of me)
“well i wanted jam on my toast but thats just… ikky…” :neutral:


this reminded me of a “Self Hypnosis to Awaken You Psychic Abilities” tape that I used to listen to…
After getting into a deep hypnosis, I would visualize being in a room that has a stage with a curtain and a filing cabinet and something else I forgot.
Well I was to ‘know’ that who ever I wanted, dead, alive, known, or unknown will materialize behind the curtain right when I want it to happen. Then I can push the curtain aside and speak with them, interact with them…
The filing cabinet: What ever I wanted to know, there would be the file in there, I can pull it out and read it. (Akashic records)

So you have to make yourself that room, get familiar with your room, because you master it…
I think the room is to symbolize your subconscious at your command.

My technique is to pop up into the air and levitate :tryfly:, then say out loud “please take me to Blah”. I get gently pulled along as if there’s some sort of current (like in a river), taking me to that person. It’s a nice ride! After a minute or so, the force will deposit me near the person or outside the building they’re hiding in.

In any case, this works pretty well for me.

wow this one sounds interesting! gonna try it next time because I’m having troubles with finding/summoning persons in my LDs :tongue:
thanks for the idea, I think this might work :content:

sorry for the double post but I need to say this

whoa! I had a LD last night, tried dunlar’s technique and it worked PERFECTLY
I’m not afraid to say it was my most amazing LD ever, I’m still so excited
thank you again for this idea, it helped me so much ;__;

How can you close and open your eyes in a dream, that woke me twice =\ As for what I do for making a character appear is pretending there is a place they are always at and go there or that they are waiting for me by the store or something nearby, depending on the suroundings. (I only did it once.)

Glad to hear of your success shinji :happy: May this technique serve you well in next lucid dreams as well! :content:

grats shinji! :smile:

now that I reread it, it does sound like an awesome idea. I’ll sure try to remember it next LD :grin:

all thanks to dunlar :tongue: I’m just curious, did you invent that one yourself?

I recommend this technique, I mean…firstly, I’ve had real troubles finding a certain person “they’ll be behind me/behind this door/in this building/whatever” style
It has never worked properly - there would be no one, or someone else, or something completely random so it was kinda frustrating
and also, most of my LDs take place in my house which is boooring…this way I got taken to some interesting places where my targets were hiding :tongue: and like dunlar said, you can enjoy lovely ride til you get there

and what pleases me the most, I finally managed to meet my original character who I’ve been trying to summon in LDs since march :sly: (it was fun until someone started to shoot at us…shrugs)

try it! :grin:
(ok I’m done advertising now lol)

You’re welcome – hope she was cute! :nodnodwinkwink: :lol:

That is one of my own… I’m hoping to get a shared lucid dream out of it one of these days (tonight!). You can carry an object into the dream with you by putting it in your pocket before bed, then pull it out once you become lucid… Figure if I bring along someone’s personal belonging, I can use that and the “Please Take me to Blah” to find the actual person.

Heres what I do:

Go looking for the person you want to see, and when you open a door or go around a corner just say “I hope that this person is behind this door or around this corner”. The person is almost always there.

in my first ld, i had total confidence that anything i did would work, so anything i tried worked. anyways, i had read that you could summon people and so i decided to try that. it was really funny, but i couldn’t remember how so i did like they do in the movies and i clapped my hands 2x and said “I summon _____”- really funny but it works for me :tongue:

Normally I can just call for the person to come near and they’ll come.
Last LD I said this…

" name here, are you there? I really need you here now." and the person showed up… with a spirit guide in tow, too :smile:

Well you can always try to summon one of those dark portals from WoW :tongue:

Hey sorry for the long silence from me guys,

But I’ve found a new way of spawning DC’s.

What I did last night while I was lucid, is, I saw a DC standing far away from me, and I couldn’t recognize who it was by the face, because that person was so far away. So I imagined the DC I had in mind to be That person, and then shouted the name of the person to come over here. And it worked! Still following me? :tongue:

So you turned an unnamed DC into whoever you wanted? That’s something I haven’t heard before being conciously done. I do a technique where I simply say (and believe, which is reenforced every time i perform this because it works) “I wish ____ would come around the corner”, or “When I walk around the corner, ___ will be there” or something to that effect. It seems to have a 100% success rate with summoning, since it’s really easy to believe they were there in the first place.

Even more useful but a lot less potent is to say “When I turn around, ____ will be in front of me”. This has the advantage of not requiring corners (but really, corners are extremely common anyway. Just take a look out the window or even just beside you to see what I mean)

Yeah, I did. But only because I could not see the other person’s face.

And what you said sounds effective actually. But don’t you always have the thought in mind like “I just hope the character is really there” that will stop the DC spawning from happening ? Especially the first time?

I seem to have trouble with this quite often… i usually use the behind the door technique and that usually works but not always… but ill try some ideas that were posted

I Had my first lucid dream but in it it was very easy for me to make certain people appear I would just think of that person and them being in my dream and when I was done thinking of them they would walk in or drive up to where I was at and this worked every time I tried it and this was on my first lucid dream I use this technique ever time and it always works for me. Had anyone else had this happen to them?