Final Fantasy

awesome :happy:

SWEET! heh ff forever :razz: PARTY!

WOO! go final fantasie!, sweet link!

oo my ff art

it’s great…isn’t it great? :tongue:

lol thanks for the title. guess i gotta try to make more now huh? :razz:

well figured i’d do somthing with ffx but didn’t know quite what to do but i made somthing :cool_laugh: here goes… sorry if it looks kinda blurry i’ll try to fix it :tongue:

fear, I think you’ve become far too obsessed with that light-effect on your text. Sorry, but someone had to say it. :wink: Honestly, it looks like a transition from a very low-budget movie.

The FF7 animation wasn’t too bad though.

lol it is a low budget movie :cool_laugh:
i’ll change it next movie promise :happy:

hahahahhahhahhahahhahahah :cry: im already crying… :cool:
i was loking for that video… a friend of mine told me about it… i din’t find it on the google… men what a coincidence…

I remember when Final Fantasy was first released in America for Nintendo. :cool:

Me too. :cool: I’ve played them all and I love them. BTW Final Fantasy characters are good dreamsigns!

Fist Final Fantasy I played was FF II (FF IV) in Japan. In all i’ve played FF IV (II in japan) ff V, FF III (VI in Japan), VII, VIII, IX, but none of the new ones :bored:

heh call me a geek but o well i have played and beat every ff there is except 11 :cry: i’m not a fan of online games anyway heh

My first was FF 7 followed by 8 and 9. Then I did 6, 4,5, 1 and 2 followed by 10 which I haven’t quite completed yet.
All the others I have done multiple times. :grin:

FF8 is my fave, I know you can’t see it but my ava is Irvine…so fit!
I’ve just spent two weeks learning FF tabs on the guitar!!!
FF crystal chronicals looks crap, really crap!
Oh well, they were bound to start making them crappy someday!


Hehe, to me the “new” ones are anything after FF2 (IV).

order: FF7, FFLII(gameboy),FFT, FF9, FF5, FF6, FF10, FFTA, FF1, FF2, FF10-2.

I love final fantasy. I have beaten all of those ^^^ except for 9 which my brother sold b4 i could finish it.

I bet you felt like killing him. :eh:

my son swapped sonic 3 for mortal combat and then we couldn’t save the sonic and knuckles game anymore! :cry: We still remind him about it!

hah i just bought the sonic pack for game cube that has all the genesis games on it. i beat sonic 3 in a day.

yeah i felt like killing him. I actually own FF7 on the PC and PS. I cant wait until the FF7 sequel movie comes out. Im gonna buy it right away.

and pistgirl, crystal chronocals(sp) is crap because it isnt on the playstation. They pretty much told nintendo how to make a FF game then they took the rushed product and produced it under square or square enix or w/e. And so that it would appeal to people, they added the GBA link option for multiplayer. (lame)