About Mild

I have some question about the MILD technique.

Is that mantra good? I will remember to realize i’m dreaming. ( took it in a thread )
Should I say this mantra and after visualize last dream I did?

Sorry for my bad english :sad:

You will have to find out what is best for you, because everyone is different.

In the guide how to MILD, you have 3 steps, 1. remember, 2. set your intent (mantra), 3. visualise, but as with every other technique, you don’t have to follow the guide exactly as it says, it’s best for you if you adjust technique in your case MILD, to your own needs and possibilities.

And if you have a need to say mantra one more time after visualizing a dream, then do it… Those steps are generally for everybody, and it’s on you to adjust the technique in the way that most suits you!

Hi 008, I would suggest you read this article by BenDrummin. It’s got some very good tips for MILD mantras.

Click on this link for article.