How to visualize something really good?

How would you visualize something, I just can’t do it?

One way is to look at a photo of something desirable and worthy of thinking a lot about. Focus on it for a while ( it could be an apple even ) . Then close your eyes and picture - remember it .

Its like body building for your mental eye.

Would it be possible to visualize a whole scene and fell like your seeing it behind your eyelids?

Incorporate all 5 senses into the visualisation. First build you’re landscape and then build yourself and add in all the 5 senses slowly. You need to be quite calm when you’re doing this and very focused.

If you’re artistic, or even if you aren’t, you could try drawing out the scene, a sketch, an outline even, and build up from there mentally. As Vokteraven said, make sure to use all five main senses. Visual will most likely be first, but go with whatever feels right. T’would be interesting to build a visual based on a scent alone, though…

Close your eyes…think of something…some situations…imagine you in it…picture it in your mind…and imagine how others will react.
I’ll get full lucidity if I do that, but, no thanks.