New LD technique called WMBTB discovred by Alex Curtis

Yeah, that’s it, pretty simple, and almost reliable

hm, i’ll see about that. but i actually have a problem about calculating (dividing, multiplying) by heart (without a calculator xD), so it might wake me up a little too much… we’ll see. maybe i’ll try, if autosuggestion works :smile: (can’t use alarms)

Simply doing math is the point, add and subtract if you need too

right. thanks, i’ll try :smile:

This sounds very promising! I will definitely try this tonight :happy:

Did you discover this by accident… or…?

Hmm i don’t like maths but I’ll give it a try sometime.

Neither do I, but maybe if we find some other things that can stimulate right side of the brain we should gain same results! IMO!

Interesting idea!

I’ve trouble keeping my mind to a consistent thought during WILD attempts. I’ll give math a shot.
If you’ve to do math for school, this could come even more handy :tongue:

True, but I do enough math in school, so no extra math for me! :tongue:

Sounds like a good method, I would really try it if i was good at maths tho haha xD

It was first discovered when I was using the app, ProAlarm, it wakes you up, then has you do math problems to turn the alarm off, worked great, I varied it from there

so… the alarm doesn’t stop untill the math equations are solved? :bored:

…that would get me really stressed out and I’d probably smash the alarm clock unto the floor…

This all works fine and well if you don’t keep a dream journal, but I do. Now I’d still like to try and see if I could use it, but If I wake up after four hours of sleep, I usually remember a couple of dreams a night so once I woke up I’d undoubtedly have to write down my dream as well, extending the amount of time that I spend awake before going back to sleep. Would this still work, or do you HAVE to do the math really quickly and go back to sleep?

Thanks!! I’ll try it!

Yeeeeeah, not for me. I hate math. :content:

See what works for you…

well, i tried it, but it didn’t work. but it probably didn’t work cause i simply suck at WILD. woke up at 3, did 5 math things, and then WILD wasn’t any different than in the evening… same as hard, nothing happened, and also i had a really hard time falling asleep when i decided to give up with WILD :sad:

It’s reliable for YOU. But maybe not someone else. I like the make WILD your own thread, much more helpful. Still, interesting topic. Stimulating that part of your brain might be a useful tip.

I think it’s the same as with WBTB technique, it’s different from person to person. You should experiment what amount of time being awake and doing math in this case suits you the best!

I tried last night as well.

Here is how it went: I set my alarm clock to go off after 5 hours, made some math equations before going to bed, then woke up and solved them. I did go to the bathroom after I solved the math. I tried to WILD and thought about math, was hard for me because I lacked focus a couple of times and carried away with HI… I finally fell asleep without being conscious. I started to dream and at one point I was thinking about math equations. “why am I thinking about math?” I wondered… “ooh that’s right! I did some math when I woke up before this dream!” … and then I didn’t associate doing math with becoming lucid so I just went back into the ND :sad:

So I’ll just have to really associate math with becoming lucid :smile: I will give it another try tonight! :happy: