Falling asleep when WILDing

Every time I try to WILD, withought exception, I fall asleep anywhere from a few minutes to ten minutes later (usually around seven minutes later). How can I be more aware so as to prevent losing awareness and then falling asleep?

Day dream or count your breaths. Don’t get too fascinated with the HI and HS. Read the other treads there is so much information about what to do.

Whatever method you use its going to take a large amount of practice to get it right.

HI doesn’t appear for me until much, much later on. On the few instances that I have lost awareness and started to fall asleep but recovered (a sound made me wake up), I realized that I have the opposite problem: I get sucked into the non-HI “mind’s eye” daydreams, and fall asleep. Every time I WILD, I go in with a large amount of confidence, thinking, “Tonight’s the night I’ll successfully retain my awareness,” but every day, for months, It’s been the same story. I know I should be practicing WILD not right when I go to bed (Which I do anyway), but that only effects the fact that doing it then takes much longer (or so I’ve read on numerous occasions). I just want to at least get past the first few minutes or so. Please, any help would be appreciated (but I’d prefer if you are a successful WILDer who knows what they’re talking about). Thanks in advance!

I generally count my breaths, but the technique is too passive and I lose awareness at around 70 or so (although I forget which breath I’m on and have to restart sometimes)

do maths, not too complicated but something like 2x3 2x4 ect

maybe this tecnique isn’t the right one for you? Maybe the time when you do WILD isn’t the right one? Maybe you should do WBTB (longer)? counting backwards also works, because needs a little more attention. good luck!

What if I were to start at 100 and count backwards in increments of 2, then restart from 100 and repeat?

With WILD, you can’t stay TOO aware. The point is to fall asleep, but to stay aware enough that you know what’s happening. Counting could help in the first stages, but at some point, you need to let yourself be taken for the ride, so to speak. Otherwise, your mind will be too aware to slip into a dream.