the cheapest, easiest to build dream goggles EVER!

Hello everyone,

I am very interested in getting access to any information that you may have gathered through your experiences at making your own kvasar, i am in the process of making one too. Computerman i think gmail allows you to transfer large files, eventually i would like to get a copy of the circuit etching, and any other info you may have. I am using the HLC2701 sensor, its the one i could get and the PIC16F84A. the IR sensor has 4 contacts, an A OUT and B OUT. Which one do you use? I’m also having a little trouble programming my chip, i got a programmer from sparkfun that is compatible with my chip and i was using ICProg, but i keep getting programming failed messages. Could it be due to using a friend’s old laptop to run the serial cable from? maybe its not enough voltage.

Did anybody get those Cadsoft Eagle files from Computerman? Is there an upload/download section to this site? I’d really like to have those board schematics so I can have a PCB printed.

If any of you guys working on the EOG ever get to the point of having a working device and detailed instructions I’d be interested in that too, but for now the kvasar is the only thing explained in enough detail I think I could build it.

Hi, I’m building the kvasar, I’ve got all the components, the only thing I couldn’t get right was the photosensor, I’m in Mexico so I went to the store and showed them all the possible sensors specified in the kvasar site and they can get me the honneywell sensor but I have to order it for $7 and it takes a week or more to arrive, etc.

Instead I bought just a random photosensor, they told me it doesn’t have a brand or something, its like a 5mm black led with two needles, I mean kvasar instructions give like 4 possible photosensors, but does the model and brand really matters? can this random photosensor do the job?.

I even have the programming module. and im just planning to take the whole thing to an electrician for him to assemble it, looking at the posts im a lil worried about it not working or the thing not detecting eye movement, ive spent $30 on components and i also heard that thediagram of the kvasar was wrong or something like that, pleasehelp me make the investment functional.

If you do so I can teach you so much about lucid dreaming and astral projection, im an expert at this, ive been to egypt and done many amazing things in the astral cuz that is what i do for a living basically, im a meditation teacher.

I can get about 2 lucid dreams or astral projections in a good month without any device, bu what im trying to achieve with this is absolute lucidity, i want 8 hours of lucidity per night, i could achieve it with a good device, i made a cheapo one that had a timer but the battery was so small so the voltage would vary between days and so the intensity and timer would change etc. But the times it lit it did the job. Please help

From the sound of that, just wait for the honeywell sensor. That’s a simple piece of the project, but it is one of the most important … and if you don’t have any idea of the model and brand then fiddling around with it could be considered a waste of time. To make it work at all with your ‘random’ sensor you would might have to change the circuit. That will prove to be … hmmm … difficult? … if you have no idea what you are supposed to change and why …

Unless you know how to change the design of this device properly, only use one of the recommended sensors.

That’s not much advice, but I hope you can make this project work.

you’re right, I just figured it out, the sensor I bought is a photodiode, just a black like 5mm led with two legs, the original sensor has 3 legs and looks like a rectangle with an eye.

I ordered the Honneywell sensor and I should get it in a week, there’s a problem though, how do you addapt its 4 legs to the schematics?, the original sensor uses 3.

anyone good at electronics?

Looking at the datasheet for the honeywell sensor, it has two outputs. Only one is used, so one of the pins will not be used. I will post instructions later.

I am in the process of correcting my Eagle files. Found errors in them. I will let you all know when I am done. Stay tuned.

Schematic is complete and error-free. Layout should be done in no more than a day. Stay tuned.

Schematic and board is complete. Zip file size is 26.2k. Anybody who wants it, PM me - or is there a downloads section here?

Also…Somebody please check the schematic and verify that it is error-free. I checked it carefully, but it can’t hurt to have another electronics guy look as well.


Thanks so much for your help computerman. While I finish the kvasar, I’m using my “cheapotron” which is a LED mask with flashing Leds connected to a current converter and to a digital timer.

It is working nicely so far, but since we are in crescent moon then I’m not sure since it is always easy for me to astral travel in crescent moon with or without masks.

I was in the astral this morning and the leds turned on, I had to make an effort not to abbandon my astral vision and wake up, in the astral I could see the red lights flashing.

Anybody know how I can distribute my Eagle files?

moved from lucid lab and merged into the BIG topic :moogle:

Hi there, I have only had one lucid dream, many years ago and have recently got the parts together to make a dream mask. I contacted some local tech geeks who said theyd help me with the code and soldering etc for the electronics but theyve left me hanging. I have to do it myself now. Together with my friend we can use a little bit c+ code but the code from Texas Instruments and the code for the dream mask I got online isnt working.

Would anyone be able to help if I went into greater detail?

Many Thanks,


Eh… why not just follow a tutorial online? They don’t really need any programming…

Hi Computerman,
any chance I can get your zipped file if it’s too late?
I am in the process of building up a LD mask using Arduino and I would like to implement the IR sensor mechanism.
So far I am not sure I understand how it works, but I have all the parts and would like to give a go. I am using Fritzing to document all the prototyping.
Feel free to mail me a link if possible.
Hope you can help

Many thanks for your time


This is very interesting, I’ll have to try it myself.

Should be fun to try experimenting in combination with binaural beats/guided meditation. Either that, or try to set up a delay so it goes off (or changes patterns) 5 hours or so after starting, it could trigger lucidity.

Thanks for the info!


from the tutorials I got online, it requires coding. I managed with my friend who studies computer science at the moment, to input the code but there is trouble(as there always is with code) Even my friend said to go get a professional to help.
Also, I have no soldering iron or experience. But Ive got a friend who can help me with tat. Its just I need someone to talk to about the computer language, C and C+.


I kinda meant those dream-masks that require 1) A sleeping mask (the cloth thingy you strap onto your face)
2) An electrical timer
3) LED lights

ok, but all the tutorials Ive ever seen require you to input your own code and hack your own electrical timer together yourself ( and then solder the chip and wires and LEDs and resistors and a whole lotta stuff I have no experience in… If there was a small timer that you could control with a switch instead of having to hack it together yourself I would buy it…if you know of one please link me!

Basically, I have the right LEDs /resistors, coincell battery holder and battery/ breadboard to test/ T.I. launchpad msp430/etc.
But the C code is giving us anomolies(both the code that came with the launchpad and the code I got from the net tutorial.
I figured if I could PM a coder, they might be able to tell me the (probably simple) problem with the code. Then I could get my friend to solder the shit out of that baby and I’d be away.

B … ask_for_3/ If I recall, this includes no coding. The guy also has the deepest voice I have ever heard :tongue:

I have a wealth of programming and electronics expertise. Can I be of any assistance? I have also been considering putting together my own lucid dreaming headset, so it wouldn’t be any trouble for me to lend a hand.

Edit: Holy eggnog, I didn’t even read the part about you owning a Launchpad. My buddy gave me one for Christmas a while back and I haven’t gotten around to using it for anything. Was just considering trying to build an LD mask with it about a week ago. We should totally collab on this. What do you need help with? I’m definitely going to clean out enough space on my Windows partition to install the awful TI devkit.

(BTW, if you’re not programming-saavy, you probably should’ve gone with the handy dandyArduino. It’s much more intuitive to use. Just sayin’. I wish I knew where I put mine…)

Fantastic! Lets put our heads together and see if we can sort this thing out. But at the same time, no pressure…if it’s a headwreck trying to do it over the internet and not face to face just let me know, its cool.

If im correct, ive done the hard part…as in getting all the LEDs and resistors and the launchpad and the code etc. But the code doesnt work. Not the code form T.I. or from the internet tutorial. I am using code composer studio 5 which T.I. recommends. The problem is the avr header files. The IDE (Code Composer Studio) is highlighting them all as errors with the line: Unresolved inclusion <avr/io.h>.
the .hex file that came as part of the instructions from the lucid Dream site tutorial ( … m-Machine/). Where should this .hex go? Is it needed at all?

Look, perhaps PM me and we can talk easier and quicker. I have a friend who is learning computer science so together we should be able to figure it out over the net. Also, I am studying web design and javascript so if your instructions are clear I should be ok to try things myself.
I have a couple of friends who recently told me they know how to solder, so that part shouldnt be a bother either.

Many thanks,
already from coming back onto LD4ALL and talking with people about dreaming I have had many vivid dreams the past 3 nights, alas no LD yet.


ps I have seen that video with teh guy with the deep voice around for a few years now. I think I didnt try it cos it was plugged into the mains or something.

pps. If you want, I can give you the shopping list those tech-guys told me to buy. As in, exactly what type of resistor to buy etc…‘300 ohm’. If its any help to you.