ND Challenge 2 - Winner: Moogle

:hyper: I finally got a nightmare!

No babies yet…

/me high-fives Mew

Four dreams and one fragment. One of those dreams had babies and ended nightmareishly (I blame Mew for that). :razz: Typing them up right now and will post when done.

Edit: Okay, it was three dreams and a fragment, and they can be found here
Since the beginning of this baby task I have had… Starting from here (the beginning of the task)
2 ND’s and a fragment
3 ND’s and a chain
2 ND’s that weren’t written up
3 ND’s a fragment and the completion of the task

Okay. So my total for the entire (1 week long :eek:) task:

1 LD
7 ND’s that did not accomplish any tasks.
1 ND that completed my personal goal (get a nightmare). :yay:
4 fragments

Task 3 - Shooting Stars

That’s right, we’re going star gazing. Hope it’s not to cold out for you guys, you may have to dream another season :wink: Your new task is to see a shooting star. Even just one will do, though a whole dream meteor shower sounds pleasant :wink:

Good luck and don’t forget to read and vote on each other’s DJ’s!

Scores are being tallied now, promise!

ive had 5 ND’s just unrecorded… meh i need to write dreams down again

The Scoreboard as of the end of Task 2

  1. Mew151 135 + 8 ND’s + 1 LD + 1 personal task + 4 fragments + Best Content vote = 295
  2. Eilatan 30 + 10 ND’s + 2 fragments + 1 chain + 1 task + Best Writing Style vote= 200
  3. Limitles30 + 5 ND’s = 80
  4. Scipio Xaos 40 + 1 ND + 2 fragment = 60
  5. moogle 40 + 1 ND = 50
  6. GHOSTIE11 2 ND’s + 1 fragment = 25
  7. Togro 2 ND’s = 20
  8. OlegEqualzName

Mew, since you’ve completed your personal task, you may choose another one. Or you can keep this one and try to do it again.

I’ll just keep my personal task as what it is. :smile:


5 ND’s for no night. And just lots of Xander. Can be read here :tongue:

When incubating dreams, I am always a little behind. I got a gift dream last night. link

Alrighty, well here’s three NDs and three Fragments.

Task 4 - The Feast of a Dream!

Food always tastes interesting in dreams. Whether it is normally edible food or not, it often has an interesting taste. In this task you are to have your cake and eat it, too. Any sighting of food or anything you eat (food or otherwise) will count for this task.

Good luck and happy eatings! And don’t forget to vote!

(Scores coming soon)

I remember from one ND i tested ice creams about 20 flavors. But interesting part is i couldnt feel ice cold and tried hot icecreams but it was the same no hot feeling. So we cant feel hot and cold feeling in dreams but we can taste?

Task 3:
5 ND’s (not including fragment, goal, personal task)
1 fragment
1 lucid! :yay:
No shooting stars.

I’m going to eat a mirror and see if it actually tastes shiny.

Woah maaaan, time travelling elves had sent me to the future… YEEAAAH…

I got heavily distracted by stuff like school so I have been gone for a while. Am I still in or already disqualified? I would like to finally start with this. :happy:

Here’s four NDs and a Fragment. No tasks complete.

I tasted cheese in a dream a while back it was pretty good. But then a dream further forward I tried to make a Cheese Wheel of Persuasion but all I got was vengeful cheese set on destroying society. Tried to destroy it by eating it… bad idea.

Oh! And I just looked at the scoreboard. What the HECK? I’m the only one who voted!!! Come on people! How 'bout you show a little community and pitch in. If I’m the only one who’s voting it really unbalances things. As long as everyone votes it’s evener I guess.

ive tasted a couple things in dreams before, one was one where i was partially aware and it was a cake and it was SOOOOOO GOOOD! better than ANY cake ive had in real life and ive had some awesome ice cream sunday too! ill see if i can make the cake in my dream, in the dream a while ago, i remembered the secret ingredient in the middle and plan to remake it IRL

Oleg, you’re still in the challenge. Better late than never :tongue:

The Scoreboard as of the end of Task 3

  1. Mew151 295 + 5 ND’s + 1 fragment + 1 LD = 370
  2. Eilatan 200 + 5 ND’s = 250
  3. Scipio Xaos 60 + 3 ND’s + 3 fragments = 105
  4. Limitles 80
  5. moogle 50 + 1 late task = 75
  6. GHOSTIE11 25
  7. Togro 20
  8. OlegEqualzName

And really, don’t forget to vote -.-

Tonight I had a fragment and a ND which turned into LD. I ate some M&Ms there and it tasted… reasonable, I guess…

Here’s two more NDs. No tasks accomplished yet. Snivel.

Had Four normal dreams last night. They can be found here. I feel the last one completes the task, even though it has to do with lollies. The first and third one have Rhewin, then Fix and Siiw in them. :razz:

/me hugs Scipio.

Don’t worry, you will get one soon.