All my recent dreams have been based on events from that day

This last week I have noticed that I have always had dreams that were in some way directly based on what happened during the day.
Does this mean anything, like, is it somehow related to lucid dreaming or an increased awareness in any way?
I have been lazy with Lucid Dreaming for a while now and only had normal dreams, but they have always seemed to be about events I just experienced in waking life.
Yesterday, for example, I thought a lot about this hotel where I will be at during my holiday this summer, and what do you know, I dreamed about being there.
It’s been like this for several days in a row now.

This is very common. I’ve heard that the brain is sorting memories when we dream so we dream about those memories.

Happens with me a lot. For example, I dreamed about golf today because I’d been thinking about how I want to do some golfing earlier this morning while at work.

Yeah, I just find it a little strange because I’ve never had dreams that directly relate to what happened during the days for over a week before. :tongue:

This had happened to me, one time it actually helped me remember a homework that i had forgotten about because i dreampt about doing the homework the night before.
I also studied for a vocab quiz and there were these two words that i got confuzed with a lot. That night i dreampt about myself explaining the differenses between the two. On the quiz i couldnt remember which word meant which until i recalled the dream. :content:

Happens all the time.