LC #34

I just had the weirdest dream last night, I don’t think it counts but it was so strange…

Last night I was waking up all throughout the night for lots of diffrent reasons, one of them was my my dog. So I decided to go take him out of my room so I got up walked him to the door and took him outside. I get back in bed and I hear my dog drinking out of the toilet >.< but it was from the bathroom that is in my room. So I guess I did a WILD in like 10 seconds just to take my dog out of my room hehe.

Need to post all my DJ posts… oops. Been keeping it at least.

Lucid moment last night, thinking “I should remember this is a dream for the sake of the story, since I know I won’t ever reach the tallest roof.” I lost that moment VERY quickly, and indeed never reached the tallest roof.

Later on, I was in a red room (so shoulda caught that, but it was an awesome dream anyway), and one of the gods was telling me (dream was centered around gods/goddesses, at least for most of it until the end) to play this piece. I played a violin piece (supposedly one I already know, if it was, I don’t remember which one), and there were people watching, as it was a choreography with a dog.

The dog danced with me into various rooms and around some chairs/sections. It went great the first time, but I decided we should do it again just for practice. We ended up stopping halfway through going around the chairs and stuff in the last big room though. We ended up going to the beach then, so that part ended. o.O All of the music/dog/dance part was non-lucid, not related to the lucid moment in any way except for being later in the same dream.

Short LD

Yey! I had a random short lucid this morning. I was looking out a window at night and noticed 2 moons, that’s what triggered it :razz: I forgot about the task though, I just flew through the window and around the sky, gazing at the stars happily. I don’t remember anything after that.

I had a long LD this morning! :cool_laugh: i even continued it, less lucid, after i woke up and looked at the time. It will be posted after work.

short LD

Had an awesome ND that turned into a LD that was short :sad:

Had a lucid moment early in the night. Then I had a normal dream and sang The Best Song for karaoke.

Personally, I blame Rhewin :tongue:

Had another ND in which I did the task. Dunno if it changes any points though. Link. At least this time I know the piece/pieces I played don’t exist, and I played with someone instead of solo for more people. Anyhow.

~1 minute. Forced people to hear me sing trololo, as well as attempted to arrange something where I could perform more stuff and complete whole task.

—===[ Nobody likes your trololo ]===—

Will post more in the morning, but I just woke from an epic of itself. :content: A long WILD (roughly 2 hour) in which in which I traveled a lot through space, mostly in 4th dimensional wormholes, but also in the tardis after i met the doctor. :grin: I ran into a dalek and another alien enemy of his. While on the tardis, I first sang a song to it (which the doctor, rhewin, and some companion got to hear), then used its controls to synthesize a neat little techno song. There was also one other part I was singing to myself.

After that, I woke into SP and projected, which I will skip for now. I woke from it and found myself in a FA. I became lucid but didn’t have any time to do anything and woke up from real.

/me collapses back to sleep

sigh if keeping a DJ was part of a class i’d be failing at the moment.

i forgot to post but a few days ago i had a short 20 or 30 second LD, i didn’t do anything but i finally figured out what RC works for me, its holding my nose to see if i can breathe. a lot of the other RCs are unreliable for me, looking at my hands does nothing and i cant seem to push my finger through my palm in dream, so holding my nose works best.

also this morning i went into SP and actually for the first time i didn’t freak out and wake myself up lol. but unfortunately once the vibrations stopped i thought i could move but when i did i found i was awake anyways --__-- fail

i know, i don’t expect to actually win, or get very far in this challenge, but i am just hoping it helps keep me on track, i am serious about getting better at Lucid dreaming, its just there has been a lot of distracting things going on lately making it hard to remember to do RCs.

btw i am kinda confused about the point system, you have my name and one of those lines (|) out from it and another further from that, but there aren’t any numbers…i dont get it, how does this work? how can i tell how much points i have and how many points others have so far?

oh great, where that smiley is in my post thats a mistake, i didn’t know that typing ( | ) without spaces made that face…er ignore it lol i was talking about that line that looks like this: |.

DreamSailor: just highlight the “blank” portions with your cursor to reveal the points you got. They are otherwise hidden.

Oh, and nothing new to report on my end. I’d still like to try going to space even though we are done with the first task. It’s that or the most recent LQ: find your true form.

A suprising lucid moment this morning. About, 2 mins.

In the dream my dad was unable to find something, so then I noticed it was a common dream issue and told him he was probably dreaming… Then I realized the stupidity of that comment, & realized I was dreaming. Had some fun chasing bad guys and using powers. Only to find out my dad was the real enemy. :o

had a short LD about 20 seconds. i lost lucidity quickly though and didn’t do anything quest or task related.

how am i in the lead? wow unless i am reading this wrong (or dreaming) it says i have 250 points while others have 130 or 150 points, i guess it was that personal task that did it lol, next time i will make sure to choose something harder though, but i didn’t fully understand the rules then, now i do.

anyways in the LD i had, there was this bad guy who wanted to take over the dream world with his powers. he made everything turned gray and freeze as if freezing time, i began to freeze in place too and i wasn’t lucid enough to know i could have changed this --__-- i had a FA after that in which it was on the news that the dream world had been taken over so no one could have anymore dreams when they sleep.

now my question is and was in the dream, why would you want to rule over a completely empty world? eh?

Rhewin: |10 points for a lucid moment + 20 points for a short LD = 30 points|.

GnarGnar: How long was your DJ dream? For now I’ll assume it was medium. |20 points for a short LD + 10 chain points + 30 points for a medium LD + 20 points for a short LD = 80 LD points|. Also, did you make up your own song when you were rapping, and did you perform for anyone? I’ll add those points if so, but for now, |30 points for making music + 30 task while lucid + 20 early points = 80 task points|.

Thorn: |30 points| for a medium LD.

Zzz: |30 points for a medium LD + 50 points for succeeding with a new technique = 80 points|.

Siiw: |40 points for a long LD + 40 points for another long LD + 5 chain points = 85 points|.

demented: |60 points for two medium LDs|, and |30 points for singing + 20 points for performing for DCs + 5 points for singing trololo + 30 task while lucid + 20 early points = 105 task points|.

skyglide: |30 points for playing an instrument + 20 points for performing for DCs + 20 early points = 70 task points|.

EyesWide: That’s a really cool dream! |30 points for a medium LD|, and |30 points for singing + 20 points for performing for DCs + 20 points for making up a song + 30 task while lucid + 20 early points = 120 task points|. I’ll also award |10 bonus points| for the creativity of a musical-style dream.

ZRVera: |10 points for a lucid moment|. If I’m reading this right, in the second dream you played a duet with your mother for a group of DCs, so |30 points for playing an instrument + 20 points for playing with a DC + 20 points for playing for DCs + 20 points for playing a made-up piece + 5 points for playing a second piece + 20 early points = 115 task points|.

StarryGwee: |40 points for two short LDs|.

Limitles: |20 points for a short LD|.

Ysim: |10 points for a lucid moment + 40 points for a long LD + 5 chain points = 55 LD points|. Your score for the first task won’t beat your earlier score, but your score for the second task is |30 points for making music + 20 points for performing for DCs + 20 points for making up music + 10 points for performing a second and third song + 30 task while lucid + 20 early points = 130 points|.

DreamSailor: |20 points for two lucid moments|.

Great job, everybody! :happy:

Current Standings

StarryGwee: |140 points|
GnarGnar: |170 points|
Rhewin: |160 points|
Limitles: |20 points|
Thorn: |30 points|
Leijona: |10 points|
ZRVera: |285 points|
Siiw: |105 points|
demented: |205 points|
brandon2071: |0 points|
Ysim: |345 points|
EyesWide: |160 points|
skyglide: |205 points|
PrecisionConage: |0 points|
DreamSailor: |270 points|
Zzz: |80 points|

Task 3: Explore Underwater!

Swimming in LDs can be amazing! Not only can you breathe underwater, but you can find all kinds of interesting places under the sea. Maybe you’ll find a shipwreck, a sunken city, or a town full of merpeople. The only limit is your imagination!


+30 Go underwater
+20 Meet some realistic sea creatures (e.g. fish, whales)
+20 Meet some fantastic sea creatures (e.g. merpeople, sea serpents)
+30 Explore an underwater location
+10 for each place you explore after the first

Short LD the other day in a nap. RCed to realize I was dreaming, but didn’t even THINK of the LC because I was worried that a disembodied voice I’d heard in the dream had actually come from WL. I tried waking myself up and finally succeeded after two more (lucid) FAs. I’d say two-three minutes.