Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD) Part II

Something funny happened last night :smile: Earlier during the day I tried to take a nap after doing some 5-6 SSILD cycles but could not fall asleep. Then in the evening when I was getting ready to go to sleep I decided to try SSILD again with WBTB and put my iPhone’s alarm clock to wake me up at 4am.

I woke up as the alarm went off and grabbed my iPhone in order to silence the alarm. However, the phone stopped ringing before I even touched it and the screen went black. I tried to restart the phone with no success. I stood up and my girl friend woke up as well. At that moment I realized that something was not right and did a nose RC and could breath! I became fully lucid but it lasted only for 1-2 minutes as I got too excited and woke up. So it was a very realistic FA!

My question: is it possible that the cycles I did during day had something to do with the last night’s false awakening?

I found it pretty funny that the pure intention of using SSILD helped me to become lucid, even before I had the opportunity to do the cycles :smile: :smile:

That indeed is a funny experience. I wouldn’t say the experience is resulted from earlier attempt of SSILD… it can’t be that powerful can it? LOL. However, it is faily common to experience this kind of hyper realistic false awakenings after doing SSILD. You are right about intentions – they are indeed very powerful. In fact, SSILD itself is a way to set up intentions. Words/mantras are not particularly effective at communicating intentions with our subconscious, but the SSILD exercise seems pretty good at that.

Can you answer my questions? :razz:

Sorry if I am a little impatient, but im very curious and want to try this technique!

Just do one after another, without a pause. Make sure you don’t do it too fast. You want to allow your mind to wander to the point you occassionally forget to do the exercise.

You can allow the steps to overlap.

Well out of strange circumstances I ended up trying this. I woke up after a pretty poor night’s sleep at 7 AM, got ready had breakfast, went to the gym to find out it’s closed :grrr: , so I come all the way home pretty tired and just went into bed.
I remember reading this thread the other day so I decided to try focusing my hearing and touch, i forgot about vision. I did this about twice and then stopped.
I then must have fell asleep cause I was then in a bath naked playing a online game with a friend. After a while I just became lucid out of the blue, though it only lasted for me to get out of the bath and walk downstairs until I woke up.

Now I’m not sure if your technique was responsible since I only did it half heartedly and partly correct, though it seems to have helped :smile:

Okay, I tryed last night. No result. I did the WBTB technique etc, (after 4/5 hours sleep) I get up and watched some motivation scene’s from inception (stayed awake for 30 minuts), then I did go in bed and tryed the steps 4/5 times. But with no result. And it took a while before I get to sleep. So do you have tips?
Another question is; When do you have to go to sleep? When you did it 4/5 times? Or when you get sleepy? Or do you just have to wait when you fall asleep?

Doing it half heatedly is actually the correct way to do it! The out-of-blue-becoming-lucid is a very typical result associated with SSILD.

How long did it take you to finish the cycles? Did your mind wander while doing the exercise? Did you occasionally forget about doing the exercise? If you did not experience any of these then you may be doing it too quickly, too systematically. If that’s the case you want to slow down, do not count the time, and let your thoughts drift.

Thanks for the answer and yes my mind did wander a couple of times.

I still don’t understand when I must sleep :razz:. Or do I just have to repeat the steps untill I fall in sleep? Of just sleep after 4/5 times? And isn’t it a problem to stay awake for like 30 minuts, because with the WBTB technique they recommended that.

And what do you mean exactly with let your thoughts drift?

Edit; So I tryed it last night again. I waked up after 5.5 hourss sleep (6 o’clock), I writed my dream down and then I had to go to the toilet. So after ten minuts, I was back in my bed again and followed the steps. I wasn’t very comfortable, I think because I was to awake. An hour later I finally get to sleep, but as you may understand my focus was gone. I just wanted to get to sleep.

Must I wake up earlier? Or dont go out of bed? Ist very annoying when you cant sleep.

Question for those who are fairly experience lucid dreamers. How does the quality of lucid dreams fare using SILD? Comparing it to being lucid from other techniques, does it create more vivid LDs? Shorter LDs? Longer LDs? More frequent FAs?

As far as I can tell, there is no difference between SSILD and other techniques in the quality of LDs they produce.

Sounds interesting I think I’ll give it a go tonight :smile:


Success! My first proper LD! It happened in strange circumstances though :tongue: managed to get through about five cycles and then my alarm went off. (I’d managed to use the MILD technique to wake myself up for WBTB and forgot I’d set an alarm as well :wink: ) anyway I was annoyed cause I thought I’d stuffed up the whole process, so I just decided to try WIlD but that I don’t think it worked because my LD was a DILD. Another thing was that I had an FA right after it faded, but that was still a cool experience for me :tongue:

Anyway, awesome technique! I can’t believe it worked first time for me :woo:

Here’s my recount of my dream if you’re interested:

Congrat! The FA is an indication that SSILD somehow kicked in even after the interruption as FAs are frequent side effects associated with the technique. No matter how real it may feel I suggest doing a RC as soon as you wake up after the exercise.

I usually do a reality check when I wake up I was just excited that I had my first proper LD :tongue:

Am looking forward to trying this technique again tonight!

This happens to me a lot, how about whenever you have a LD you also do a RC? That will help catch FA’s. :wink:

Good advice! :content: Now that I’ve actually had a proper LD I can do it :tongue:

I tried this technique last night and didn’t get any progress, although I had an interview to go to today and was stressing about that. I’ll try again, going to have a nap soon.

I do have a question about focusing on the sounds. I never heard anything no matter how hard I focused, is this ok?

As I always said, the proper way to do the exercise is to not focus on getting the sensations such as hearing actual sound. If you focus too much on trying to experiencing the sensations then you may lose sleep and never get into the trance, which is the state that your mind begins to wander and you constantly forget to continue the exercise. Next time do the exercise more slowly, without counting the time, and do not restrain your thoughts.

Alright, thanks! I’ll try it again tonight and let you know how it goes tomorrow. :smile: Happy dreaming!

Also, would you recommend listening to Binaural Beats while attempting SILD?

I would like to try the SSILD technique. First of all, Cosmiciron, thank you for posting and sharing your technique. Unfortunately, I am very fastidious person, which means I have to analyse something to death before I feel confident to attempt it! Please answer my issues.

Question 1: Is it correct to say that this is the sequence you do:

A: Look beyond eyelids, 15-20secs
B: Listen to sounds in head, 15-20secs
C: Observe bodily sensations, 15-20secs

D: Look beyond eyelids, 15-20secs
E: Listen to sounds in head, 15-20secs
F: Observe bodily sensations, 15-20secs

G: Look beyond eyelids, 15-20secs
H: Listen to sounds in head, 15-20secs
I: Observe bodily sensations, 15-20secs

J: Look beyond eyelids, 15-20secs
K: Listen to sounds in head, 15-20secs
L: Observe bodily sensations, 15-20secs

M: Look beyond eyelids, 15-20secs
N: Listen to sounds in head, 15-20secs
O: Observe bodily sensations, 15-20secs


Would it mess things up if I did the visual focus, then the listening focus, then accidentally went back to the visuals?

Would it mess things up if I accidentally did, say 7, repetitions instead of the recommended 4 or 5?

Question 2: Because I am so fastidious, I wonder what part of the body to focus on at when observing bodily sensations. Is it okay to just scan up and down the body vaguely, or should I systematically pick out a part at a time (fingers, abdomen etc) and focus on that for some time?

Question 3: Will it ruin the process if I do one of the focuses for under 15-20secs? And suppose I focused on bodily sensations for over 30 secs - would that mess things up?

Question 4: Is it okay to practise this technique during the day? Not to try to achieve LD, but to know the process so it will be easier to do in the middle of the night?

Thanks. Hopefully cosmiciron will be able to answer these questions, but if anyone else can answer them from their own experiences with SSILD, I’d love to hear that!