Voice issue in a LD

I had my third LD today and It I suppose it was a DILD, I became lucid after +/- 5 minutes of a normal dream when I entered a Lan House, and then I saw the computers, that made me remember internet that made me remember LD4all forum and lucid dream techniques…

Suddenly I saw my normal dream as if it was wrote in a big book I was holding in my front, then I looked ahead and I saw everything vivid, I knew it was a LD because I remembered of the two previous I had!

The first thing I remembered was “don’t look to things for more than a second” and I kind rushed to explore that place (levitating sometimes), It was a room that was leading to a corridor with lots of doors, I went there and opened them, but all the rooms were empty and that kinda disappointed me… So I tried to create/“spawn” something in my front, but I didn’t remember about the tips for this, that you should think that the item is in your pocket and then grab it, etc; So nothing happened :neutral:

I thought the problem of it was that I wasn’t lucid enough, then I tried to shout “Lucidity Now!” (In my native language) but my voice was so low somehow, It wasn’t coming out loud, It was like if I was screaming underwater, I tried it again and nothing seemed to change, I kinda got afraid about my time in there, then I saw some stairs leading to the street, I could hear raindrops coming from there, I wanted to feel the rain, but when I was walking down the stairs I shouted “Lucidity NOW!” again and I suddenly woke up making that sound with my throat in RL…

PS: I started using some Omega3 pills (fish oil) this week, My previous LD’s happened more than a year ago, and this LD was during a nap between 9AM~11AM, and there were no DC’s, the LD lasted 1 min.

My questions are:
1 - Do you already had this voice issue?
2 - How do you “spawn” things easily?
3 - Do DC’s can distract you from your lucidity?
4 - What those empty rooms meant?
5 - The tip that says “don’t look at something for more than 1 sec” is true?
6 - How can I prevent these anxiety awakenings?

  1. I have had voice issues in normal dreams. I don’t utilize my voice much in lucid dreams. But I have had successful “Lucid shouts”.
  2. I expect them to be there when I turn around/around the corner/in my pockets. It really works, it’s weird, but it works.
  3. Actually they enhance mine, I usually tell them that they are a figment of my dream.
  4. They mean whatever you want them to mean. Most likely they meant nothing, but only you can truly interpret your dreams.
  5. Actually it’s better if you observe things in your dreams. The more you observe, the more attentive you are of your dream surroundings. Going around haphazardly has a higher chance of getting you back to normal dream or waking you up. Staring/focusing at something is a way to stabilize your dream as well (something I successfully did in my first lucid dream).
  6. Stay calm. If you realize you are dreaming, get to work on stabilizing your dream immediately, rub your hands, try to float, talk to people, spin around your axis, do a lot of reality checks, that kind of stuff.

I think I was just too excited about it and I forgot some of the content I learned about lucid dreaming here xD
The empty rooms part were weird because I was expecting to find some kind of surprise…

Thanks for the tips, I’ll try to focus and observe things ind LD’s from now on, and I made a reality check when I got lucid, the finger through hand RC + Pinching myself :0

I’ll try to stay calm… but now I just don’t know what I should do in my next LD, do you have any suggestions?

Considering I have had few lucid dreams myself, I don’t know how eligible I am actually to give suggestions, I just told what have worked for me. As for what to do in your dream… All I have ever done is explore the dreamscape, mainly by flying. But also going through ground and attempting to step through a mirror. You could try those.

In case you are wondering, I fly by floating, I feel like I am a kite that is being pulled up into the air by wind, and then I control myself.

I am trying to consume a lucid pill when I achieve my next lucid dream as well.

Talking to a DC is always fun. You can also start witch some “less dificult” things. Flying and summoning things can be dificult to master. You can also try to use a lucidity pill or potion when you find out you are dreaming. The most important part is to stay calm and stabilize the dream. After that: have fun!

Lucid shouting is one of my favorite things to do. Not being able to speak in your dream is just one thing that happens sometimes, at least for me. It usually wears off after some time.

Lucid shouting has always worked for me. “Show me something amazing” is my favorite! So I suggest to keep on trying.

Remember, it’s your dream. So even if nothing comes out of your mouth, your dream will still hear it.