10 lucid dream goals this summer

Pretty cool man, I did the hour goal yesterday by accedent accept it didnt feel like an hour it fealt like 6. xD

It’s actually winter where I am, but nonetheless here are mine:

  1. Actually have an LD first XD
  2. Have ten LDs after this.
  3. Fly
  4. Kill Kim Kardashian (and other gossip and beauty queens)!
  5. Pull a rabbit out of a hat for a bunch DC kids.
  6. Jump off Burj Khalifa (world’s tallest building)
  7. Test play my game I’m developing (yes, I’m a major nerd) to see how it turns out.
  8. Eat a chocolate flavoured candle (WTF?!)
  9. FUS ROH DAH!!!
  10. Have some “fun” with women while flying on a broomstick.

Cool list but, eat a chocolate candle stick?!. You can do better… :smile:

Badass guy above mexD

  1. To make wild easy to achieve.
  2. Be able to go into wild under 10 mins.
  3. Have atleast 30 lucid dreams
  4. Talk to my subconcius also. (This fascinates me the most)
  5. I have had a few dreams that I have written down re play them selves in real life not excatly word to word but the characters and what we were doing. I wrote them down and it came true 3-5 days later (it fluctuates) So i want to understand that more.
  6. Fall for a DC (for the hell of itxP)
  7. Come up with atleast 10 insperational drawing ideas in my dreams and draw them in real life.
  8. Find my dream object.
  9. Find a way to force a mind into my dream characters so that I do not I have control over him/her.
  10. Solve spirtual problems through LD’s.
  1. Improve my dream recall and beat my record of 3 dreams recalled in one night.
  2. Register (in my head) the dreamsigns I’ve obtained from my dream journal.
  3. Achieve 10,000 words in my dream journal (I’m at about 5,500).
  4. Improve my ADA (all day awareness) to include sight, smell, touch and hearing.
  5. Read Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming (it’s on its way!).
  6. Have my first lucid dream.

Ok, I think I’ll replace my chocolate candle (sorry, I associate candles with food sometimes XD) with “try to eat as much food in dream is possible”. I might try to stuff as much hot dogs (sausage in bread roll) as I can in the dream.

Hehehe, that’s better :smile: I’m gonna have to put Fus roh da someone i hate on my list : D

  1. Getting confident with the WILD-method
  2. Maxing out my Dream Recall
  3. Have a lot of Lucid Dreams
  4. Visiting my Dream Chamber (see my post)
  5. Have really epic fights
  6. Making some sort of document with everything you need to get a LD, to help my friends/family
  7. Experiment
  8. Time Distortion
  9. Becoming aware in WL
  10. Make up a story and dream it

My goals:

  1. Have a Lucid Dream that lasts LONGER than just a few seconds.
  2. Trying WBTB and MILD again, and have success.
  3. Try to write in my DJ everyday.

These are the 3 things that I have to reach this summer. I’m having a break right now, because I have to focus focus on school. School in combination with LDing is not the most perfect combination for me. I’m writing in my DJ only in weekends, because I have no time in the morning to write in my DJ when I have to go to school. I tried to get up earlier, but that doesn’t work. I CAN remember my dreams, and since I focused on LDing, my dream recall has really improved.

When I have summer vacation (in about 3 weeks) I’m gonna try and do some techniques. Just not now. These 3 weeks, I’ll spend some time writing in my DJ and doing some RC’s. :smile:

Oooh goals! :grin:

  1. Have a LD this summer
  2. Have a long LD
  3. Shoot fireworks out of my hands

Haha the goal from dreamviews? :tongue:

Oh, and my goals would have to be…

  1. get to 40 LDs
  2. re-graph Aura’s layout (and then fix it in the dream)
  3. get a Spanish tutor :sad:

Oh wait… Ten… I could hardly come up with three :sad:
I just felt bad not actually posting something relating to the actual topic :sad:
I really only care about my first goal…

My ten LD goals this summer:

  1. LD at least once a week
  2. Keep a dream journal
  3. Learn how to WILD
  4. Have a few LD’s that last at least a half-hour
  5. Have a lightsaber battle
  6. Look in a mirror and then walk through it
  7. Complete one of the LD4all Quests
  8. Have a Harry Potter themed dream
  9. Try to learn a foreign language
  10. Play an instrument and then see if I get better at playing it in real life

My ten goals:

  1. Keep a more consistent DJ
  2. Have an LD
  3. Have at least one OBE
  4. Have at least one WILD
  5. Cure the insomnia I have when I wake up in the middle of the night.
  6. Learn to do SSILD correctly
  7. Find my SG
  8. Try to find inspiration for a song on the piano.
  9. Get better at auto-suggestion (Whenever I want to wake up in 5 hours, I wake up in 3 or 4 :razz:)
  10. Tell a DC that we are in a dream, and see how he reacts.

Shall I go on? I came up with those on the spot, without pausing in between :razz:

Ikr? It’s so fun to tell people “I’m dreaming” in your dream. I do that all the time when I get lucid and they say “I know, it’s so sad,” and stuff. But It’s fun carrying on a conversation with… yourself? :smile:

sad? why sad? :sad: I never got that one! I usually get total lack of interest (“yeah, I knew that, whatever”) or disbelief… or, actually, sometimes the DC’s join me in flying and stuff to see if it’s true!

My ten are:
1.Have a LD
2.Have 15 LD’s
3.Meet my DC Orion.
4.Control the elements (mainly earth)
5.Mess around with dream powers. (fly, shoot lasers out of my eyes, blow up citys ect…)
6.Play with scythes and swords.
7.Play a game of basketball with Orion. ( i suck :smile: )
8.Create castles.
9.End a dream in one plays and begin another in the same place.
10.Create my final three DC’s

hopefully this summer i can get connected with my inner self!

I’ve already posted my goals, but I just thought I’d add I’ve also got a sort of dream schedule, which sets out what I’m doing each night to work on LDing. At the moment it’s basically repetitions of one rest night followed by two LD induction nights (sticking with the same technique of course). I have to keep the rest nights in which I only focus on recall unfortunately as I often lose sleep thinking about lucid dreaming.

Here’s hoping I get somewhere this summer. Best of luck to all.