Lucidity Challenge 35 > winner Koharo!

Task 3: The Dreamternet!

The internet is probably THE marvel of the modern world. It has a virtually unlimited potential to expand, too. So what does the internet in our dreams contain?

Find a connection to the internet (ie: a computer/smart phone/etc)- 5 pts
Connect to the internet - 10 pts
View some webpages, chats, or something - 20
View something above and beyond the real internet’s capabilities - 10
Create an internet location (website, chat, other?) - 20

I fully anticipate the internet to be something more than just text and images displayed on a monitor, so terms like “webpage” and “chatroom” may not exactly be the most fitting, but I think they get the idea across. Good luck on your cyber dreams! :happy:

Let’s ask again, does it make sense point wise to also do the previous tasks?

Yesterday I had a dream in which I questioned reality, and I was convinced it wasn’t real, but I didn’t realise it was a dream and I lost the realisation that it was not real after 2 min or so. (I am not sure if this scores me points or not, but I wanted to mention it anyways :tongue:)

Oh, sorry Ansie, meant to answer that…

Yes, you can still get points for old tasks, however you miss out on the 20 point bonus for doing the current task.

I had an ND last night in which I connected to the Internet via my laptop and somehow ended up with a printout of a webpage. Not the most thrilling ND, but at least my dreams are starting to relate to the task. :razz:

A short LD again, and unrelated to that LD, I connected to the internet in a dream of mine via my (old) iPhone. Got on irc and also browsed the news through Yahoo. Apparently Ralph Nader has pulled ahead in the polls >.>

The medium lucid I had (that has already counted for points) featured the internet, do pre-tasks count for anything? :tongue:

[color=green]-9/18/12 Medium LD with nothing to do with the topic

-9/20/12 Long LD with nothing to do with the topic

-9/22/12 Multiple short short ND/LD’s WBTB more short ND/LD’s not on topic (Counts as 2 short) [/color]
^…?? This was the Assailant dream which was a long LD. *Correcting entry error I’m aware the awarded points are still the same.

[color=green]-9/23/12 Medium LD nothing to do with topic

-9/24/12 Long LD nothing to do with topic[/color]

SPOILER - Click to view

[center]…And a lot of recording for my logbook. It gets interesting and pretty vivid on 9/20, 9/23, and 9/24…these hit me out of no where but I’m doing much better since my LD dryspell.[/center]

I had a average-length LD, noting very important so im not going to be updating my DJ at all :razz:

And btw, these are awesome tasks!

3 medium LD’s and 2 short LD’s

1 short LD off topic

Edit: FLD -20

I had a medium LD this morning, in which I attempted and failed my personal goal.

I had a short LD this morning.

A medium LD which was broken into two parts thanks to almost waking up, and also one long LD which was in an odd 3rd person perspective.

2 short LD’s
1 medium LD all off topic

Edit: I believe 9/29/12 was an FLD -20, so 1 short LD instead of 2.

Task 4: Spaaaaace!

This is the DreamShip, and it’s continuing mission to seek out strange new worlds.

See the ‘night’ sky - 5 pts
Spot a planet(s) - 10 pts
Travel through space - 20 pts
Land on a planet/asteroid - 25 pts
Land on a star - 30 pts
Travel through a wormhole - 40 pts

I will be looking to award some creativity points here, too :wink:


A Short LD. I attempted the Task 4, but didn’t really have any success with it.

One short LD

Hey wait, i just did this! :tongue: didn’t even know it was a challenge.

I’d consider it a medium LD

Sorry i don’t know how to link directly to a post, but it’s at the bottom, the last dream i had.

also… does the tornado effect thing that happened count as a wormhole? because that’s kindof what it looked like.

ah but i didn’t sign up… :sad:

Use the link in front of: Posted date, year, time. It is a small piece of paper at the top left of the post :razz:

E-mail notification on this topic fails for me for some reason, so I never read the 4th task and I also didn´t read this months Quest which I regretted in my LD this night. I did however have a long dream in which I did task 3 and 2. I will post the details later when I have time and when I have my DJ. I am just happy to have this very lucid dream after so many nights of no recall :smile: (There was also an internet cafe owned by Ysim in the dream XD)

Edit: Part of this task I did last month for the Dutch Quest: Man on the Moon :razz:

First, an average-length lucid dream from two nights ago.

[spoiler][color=blue]I’m in an office kitchen and I happen to run into L, an old friend from high school that I barely ever see. I ask how married life has been and whether anything exciting is going on with her. She reveals that she’s expecting and is “3 weeks along”. I remark that I couldn’t tell (duh) but she doesn’t respond.

Assuming she didn’t hear me, I repeat what I just said, only to realize that she has vanished. A young woman taps me on the shoulder and says, “Are you okay? You look like you’re talking to someone but there’s nobody there.”[/color] [color=red]Immediately lucid, I nod to her. “Thanks. Everything’s fine. I’m dreaming.” She seems to accept this, walking away. My mind is immediately on the Task of the Month and I walk through the nearest doorway.

I wind up in a large classroom that looks like it might be for first- or second-graders. Daylight streams in from a large window on the far side of the room. I’m the only person in the room and there’s a pumpkin in the middle of every short little table. Yes, conditions are perfect for removing my own head. :happy:

I walk around the room, thinking of mirrors, expecting to see one around every corner. Finally one of those odd, distorting fish-eye mirrors appears but I figure it’ll be fine. I check my reflection and I’m wearing extremely thick black glasses and a purple tank top. My hair looks all 90s and hair-sprayed. I decide not to get too attached to this new look as I shall be ridding myself of this head shortly.

I begin to think about how all my life I have had the head of a Lego man, attached to my neck by nothing but a short knob. I place both hands under my jaw. Even though I can feel my hands on my face, my reflection’s hands are a few inches away. I go ahead anyway, smoothly pushing up, and my head pops right off, just like a Lego piece. There’s no blood and no pain. All of this feels perfectly natural.

I need to find a pumpkin now so I unceremoniously chuck my head onto the floor. It makes a sound like a softball as it lands. I grab a nearby pumpkin and see that it’s already carved like a jack-o-lantern. I wonder whether this is a violation of the rules that I’m supposed to carve it. I decide that once I put it on I’ll add features. (Maybe a mustache?) I return to the mirror to complete the procedure but find that my original head has grown back. I feel a flash of surprise and the mirror disappears.

I start looking around the class for more mirrors. One pops up but vanishes as soon as I try to look into it. I grumble about this and my voice suddenly sounds like the growl of an old man. I find a third mirror. When I look into it, Walter White from “Breaking Bad” is staring back at me. He (is this me or someone else??) is wearing the trademark Heisenberg pork pie hat and dark glasses. The dream fades [/color]and I’m awake.

Next, another average-length lucid dream where I believe that I accomplished the following:
-Travel through space - 20 pts (Note: I exited Earth’s atmosphere and made it into space. Once I got into space, I started floundering without traveling very far. I hope that this still counts, but it’s of course totally up to the organizer to decide!)

I’m a graduating senior in college, following around a guy who seems to think we’re close friends. I feel pretty guilty because I have no memory of him at all. I’m accompanying him so he can say his post-college goodbyes to his girlfriend. We meet her outside of a dormitory, and I recognize her as a girl that I know from high school. I recognize how weird this is and [color=red]quickly find myself lucid.

Both of the dream characters freeze in place, looking into one another’s eyes. I decide to leave the love birds alone while I take another pass at Task of the Month. (In this case, I’m going to be trying to remove my head and replace it with a pumpkin.) I try to will a mirror onto the outer dormitory wall but nothing appears.

I remember how much more dream control success I have when I’m detailed and thorough. I try again, this time imagining an ornate mirror that’s been worn by time, the paint on its frame beginning to chip and flake off. This time I get my mirror!

I look into the mirror but it’s dirty and cloudy-looking. The reflection looks like a shirtless me but it’s very hard to make out any detail. I wipe at the mirror but it just doesn’t make any difference. Rather than get hung up here and waste a lucid dream doing glass-cleaning, I decide to spend my time trying out other things.

I leave the grounds of the dormitory and head out onto a quiet, empty street. The morning feels chilly and the city is covered with a blanket of fog. I wonder what this fog looks like from above, so I decide to try flying above it. This time, I focus on the little details. The chill of humid air against my fingertips. The breeze flowing past my hair and tickling my scalp. Concentrating on these sensations leaves me no time for doubt and I smoothly rise up into the fog.

The fog swallows me whole as I rise. I wonder how long it will take me to pierce it. I feel myself going faster and faster and soon I’m rocketing up through the atmosphere. The fog never seems to end and I feel like I must be high above the Earth.

Suddenly I break through into blackness. I stop rising, my momentum suddenly gone. I’m in the blackness of space and the fog is now a floor below me. I realize that it isn’t just the city that was covered in fog – it’s the entire planet. I am able to breathe but I somehow can’t keep myself from doing so in these desperate, shallow gasps.

My flight abilities have stopped working and my arms and legs flail helplessly. I will myself a pair of rocket shoes but I get confused trying to work the lever that turns them on. I start losing my cool and my breathing becomes even gaspier until [/color]I wake up.[/spoiler]