3AM dreams

Two days in a row I had a nightmare and when I woke up it was 3AM. I wrote it to my DJ and was surprised a bit, because my DR isn’t good usually I don’t remember dreams which happened during an early sleep cycle (both of these days I went to sleep around 12PM). Does anybody else have nightmares or gets up exactly at 3AM?

Wow. Get outta here, Mr Spammer. (jer118, who just made 2 posts in 1 minute.)

(1)Nope, I never have nightmares. They finished when I was around 16?

That’s all I have to say. >>>_>>>

I do have a nightmare from time to time but not much. Well this could only mean that your sleep cycle is pretty stable. I mean you can use that in you advantage. Maybe it’s a good bet that one of your next cycles will be over around 6 am so you can wake up around 5:15 and do WBTB or adjust waking time to the time you usually stay awake for WBTB. Keep in mind that your cycle might end around 6 so give yourself at least 30 minutes to dream…

It’s good to have that in your advantage, experiment a little bit and use it!

Good luck! :content:

Sometimes when I get up and feel that I’ve slept possibly the entire night. (I don’t have an alarm clock, or a clock in sight in my room). I will get up and look at a clock, and it is either exactly 2:00am, or 2:30am. usually the latter. I’m not sure at what point this happened, but I believe my cycle has attuned itself to wake up around that time… Which is very inconvenient for me…

Is the nightmare the same each time? Maybe if it’s something on your mind try to use it to your advantage and realize the next time you have that nightmare that you are dreaming :happy:

No. They were not the same. Every one of them were completely different, but they stopped for now.

Happens to me… always 3:00 or 3:30 am. If not, around 6:00 am. Like someone said, I think it means that we have stable sleep cycles… which I guess is a good thing for LDing! :smile:

That’s kind of freaky… I’ve been told stories of how 3am is the hour of the devil and many people would wake up at 3am smelling fire and crazy stuffs happen. :razz: Heh, but yeah it’s probably your sleep cycle’s ending point.

I rarely ever get nightmares. People would think thats good…but I actually would love to have some nightmares. Consider yourself lucky, it’s actually quite easy to become lucid from nightmares.

I never get nightmares either… wouldn’t mind one or two as it makes it so much easier for me to become lucid.

That’s interesting… now that I think about it every time I have a nightmare I get up between 3 and 4AM. Could just be a coincidence though, as I have nightmares so rarely that the chances of them happening at the same time every time are not that slim.