Is it possible?

Is it possible to forget a WILD? I am wondering because you don’t lose consciousness, so can you forget a WILD? Because you would feel yourself waking up, and then you would remember to stay still probably, and remember the dream. So usually, do you remember all WILDS?

I’ve had very few WILD’s compared to the number of DILD’s, so I’m not sure. My guess would be that it is indeed more unlikely to forget, but probably still possible. It probably depends a lot on the level of lucidity. Say if you enter the WILD and are carried away by the story, or you sleep a lot after the WILD, maybe you’ll just remember trying to WILD and maybe entering the dream, but not much besides that. Just a guess though :razz: I don’t think I’ve forgotten any WILD’s I’ve had.

Thank you, I mean if I don’t write it after I experience it, it would be likely I would forget it, but I’m pretty sure I would feel myself waking up, and I would remember to stay still.

Yes, it’s very much possible. Even though it’s the most conscious way of becoming lucid 1 thing is the key with which you have problem and that is memory.

First of all memory of actually getting WILD done, then having the memory of having the dream/lucid dream.

There are every night awakenings which we don’t remember at all and when you do awake and you decided to WILD still it can happen that you will slip into sleeping and forgetting this part even though you did wake up and make conscious decision to do WILD.

Then again if you do succeed and you do have a memory of actually getting through with WILD and not remembering having the dream at all then again it’s the problem with memory, this time dream memory.

So one way or another you need to work on memory. It happened to me a few times and I’m sure it’s still happening… :content:
