Problems Regaining lucidity ^^

Hi guys !!
As some of you may know, I’ve achieved lucidity quit a time ago ^^ (WILD then DEILD and SSILD)
Nevertheless, i let go a bit, maybe because i had problems with it(too hard ? )… But know (more than a week lol) i wanted to get lucid dreams again since, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY, i had lots of lucid dreams without techniques O.O
Really, it was shocking, i had them for no reason ! Low level lucidity, but each time i was like wow ! So it gave me the punch i needed to try back :smile:
BUT, no… I can’t seem to :sad: Each time i try a technique, either i forget to do it when i wake up, or i sleep in the process. EACH time !!
And WILD kind of scares me, even though i loved it… maybe lack of practice since all this time ?

Is my subconsciousness making fun of me in a weird evil way ? :eh:
Thanks for answers, and advices are VERY welcome :tongue:

The best thing I can say is to stay active. Sometimes random lucids happen more frequently than they do at other times. Without techniques or awareness training, they’ll just happen when they happen. Now, even if techniques seem to not be working, they are doing one major thing. They’re keeping you thinking about LD’s. The more you think about it and try to achieve, the more likely DILDs are possible. The more it’s on your mind ,the more likely it is to happen on its own. Reading material, doing consistent reality checks and talking to others about LD’s can help. Again, if you want to go in with passive techniques such as DILD, RCILD or just general awareness, you’re going to need some patience.

Now, since you’ve had LD’s recently, here’s another think that will help. Try to remember that moment when you became aware. Remember how it felt? Hold on to that feeling, try to recreate it through the day and be aware during waking life. It’ll help, trust me.

Thanks for the response ^^
I’ve never actually done passive techniques, but maybe i’ll give it a shot ! I’ll do WILD and try awareness techniques ^^
Well patience isn’t on of my strong points but yeah, i don’t have a choice lol
Thanks again :smile: