LC #41 - Congratulations Thorn!

Task 1 – Ride!

And so begins the start of the glorious LC #41. The first task to begin will be Ride! Ride can mean many things, a vehicle, an amusement park ride, a horse, etc. In a way, this competition will be quite the ride in itself – a race to the finish! (though, I am focusing on more of the physical definitions here. :tongue:)

1. Ride something! +30 pts
2. For every additional type of ride +10 pts (repeatable throughout the LC)
3. Be in a chase or a race while riding! +40 pts

The plans for group incubation must be posted within 48 hours, as stated previously. A successful group incubation will earn you 30 pts while a close attempt will earn you 15 pts. Participants are only eligible for these points while the task is active.

And without further ado, let the race begin!

  1. Mew151 - <10 seconds - Play DDR Dream Mix
  2. Thorn, 5 minutes, become Wyvern’s drawing of me
  3. ZRVera, 3-4 minutes, give a DC a good punch in the face
  4. ian1, 4 minutes, Fly.
  5. Scipio Xaos, 3.5 minutes, Fly with my wings again! :happy:
  6. HeadInTheClouds, 2-3 minutes, Summon Three People (and/or Animals)
  7. James_UK2008, 2-3 minutes, Shapeshift
  8. muccy, 30 seconds, do a backflip
  9. R h e w i n, 5-7 minutes, regenerate
  10. BrandonBoss: 10 minutes, have a two way conversation with something that doesn’t talk in waking (doesn’t have to be out loud)
  11. Yev, 1 minute, get some useful advice from a DC
  12. Lumessence: --, ask someone about D17.

I guess I could use a motivator to actually exist somewhere

  1. Mew151 - <10 seconds - Play DDR Dream Mix
  2. Thorn, 5 minutes, become Wyvern’s drawing of me
  3. ZRVera, 3-4 minutes, give a DC a good punch in the face
  4. ian1, 4 minutes, Fly.
  5. Scipio Xaos, 3.5 minutes, Fly with my wings again! :happy:
  6. HeadInTheClouds, 2-3 minutes, Summon Three People (and/or Animals)
  7. James_UK2008, 2-3 minutes, Shapeshift
  8. muccy, 30 seconds, do a backflip
  9. R h e w i n, 5-7 minutes, regenerate
  10. BrandonBoss: 10 minutes, have a two way conversation with something that doesn’t talk in waking (doesn’t have to be out loud)
  11. Yev, 1 minute, get some useful advice from a DC
  12. Lumessence: --, ask someone about D17.
  13. demented: 2mins, visit ancient greece.
  1. Mew151 - <10 seconds - Play DDR Dream Mix
  2. Thorn, 5 minutes, become Wyvern’s drawing of me
  3. ZRVera, 3-4 minutes, give a DC a good punch in the face
  4. ian1, 4 minutes, Fly.
  5. Scipio Xaos, 3.5 minutes, Fly with my wings again! :happy:
  6. HeadInTheClouds, 2-3 minutes, Summon Three People (and/or Animals)
  7. James_UK2008, 2-3 minutes, Shapeshift
  8. muccy, 30 seconds, do a backflip
  9. R h e w i n, 5-7 minutes, regenerate
  10. BrandonBoss: 10 minutes, have a two way conversation with something that doesn’t talk in waking (doesn’t have to be out loud)
  11. Yev, 1 minute, get some useful advice from a DC
  12. Lumessence: --, ask someone about D17.
  13. demented: 2mins, visit ancient greece.
  14. mr_Block, 30 seconds, use a functioning teleporter

Group incubation go!

James_UK2008, Scipio Xaos, Mew151, and I all formed a group. We’re getting nostalgic with our Task 1 incubation and going back to LC 37 Task 1’s group incubation, which we affectionately called Flight Club at the time, by transforming at least one other group member into a mount for riding. Since there are no points for being ridden, we can’t all have the exact same incubation with this plan, so we can’t possibly be specific about who becomes what. However, there will be some sort of shapeshifting or sizeshifting involved to make a practical mount, and it’s likely that we’ll create two mounts to allow the dreamer and remaining DC to race.

I hope that other LC participants take advantage of the group incubation points too! There’s no penalty for not managing it and it’s good to have people motivate you as you try the LC tasks.

Ok, in an ND I drove a car to the mall. I was looking for mattresses with some other person, but the ones we kept finding were really thin, like only an inch. Eventually we got two and used them as sleds in a race going down the stairs in front of the store. It was not the most comfortable ride.

Had a Medium length LD and I rode on a train on it. Didn’t do it intentionally, or when I thought of goals I would have made someone chase the train or something. :razz: Or two trains racing would be fun.

SPOILER - Click to view

Me and my sister are playing Super Mario Bros, it is like the old side scroller, but it is 3D… well it has the same rules as the side scroller at least. I become lucid halfway through. Aha. This is pretty awesome. Jumping on Goombas and riding Koopa shells. A very low level of awareness at first. I start marching to the castle and lose awareness. It skips to the end and I saved the princess. I set down the controller and stand up. Gravity is sidewaysish… Remember that I am dreaming. I notice a ladder out of the room and climb it, my sister follows me. Out the top I can see that I am on a train. It doesn’t seem to have tracks though and is just going through a city (just noticed the inception idea haha). I Make my way through some cars and can’t remember any dream goals. I decide to continue the Mario idea and make the goal to just get to the end of the train (like a finish line… you know, dream reasoning). I don’t remember my sister fighting or anything, but I took out two guys in two rooms. I had some minor puzzles, but mostly just pressing buttons to get to the next room. Sometimes I had to move a box (Zelda style). I got to the front of the train and we stopped. I jumped off the front and woke up.

I had a short lucid last night (30 seconds)

SPOILER - Click to view

I am out ay the pool again, but this time it is dark outside. My brother in laws are there and we are talking about what we are going to do woth my two guns since i am leaving. Then we talk about the pool and if people show up to what we posted. We all lay back and look at the sky. I am a little confused. There is no moon. I know that there should be a crescent at least. It is a week or so away from new moon. I keep looking and my sub puts something up finally. It is a circle, but not quite the moon. It also has an arrow pointing to it. Aha. Arrows like a game menu or a computer menu. I look at the rest of the stars now knowing that I am dreaming. The DCs next to me are still talking nonsense, but it is nice to have someone there. I start changing the sky around a bit, but before I can do anything awesome and drastic my wife’s alarm goes off. :cry:

I managed to ride a car in a ND last night.

Also, in that same post, I had HI where I rode another thing, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t count. (or does it?)

I had two NDs last night, but I’m not sure if both qualify for the task. In the first one, I break into a parking garage and hop into a hybrid SUV I was considering buying in the dream. I accidentally take the emergency break off, and the car starts rolling. I stop it, but then accidentally do it again later, and I almost go off the cliff in front of the car.

In the second dream, I was in a go-kart/car. I think it was a car, but may have originally/become a go-kart at some point. I was driving it around in some park area, and I had a little army of toy soldiers/real life videogame miniature characters following me, but they were under my control, so I’m guessing it doesn’t count for a chase.

An army of toy soldiers? That is very adventurous sounding :happy:. I am surprised that you weren’t lucid my man. It sounds like you were pretty close to it.

Welp, it’s better than nothing! Here’s a short LD.

TF Nap ~ Short Lucid Dream

Stats so Far:

SPOILER - Click to view

Short LDs: 1

Had an LD here where I started shapeshifting into a Reindeer. Length was around 5 mins.

Well… I had some fun ideas and plans, but it seems I had to settle with a horse…
I was in school, as it was a kind of safehouse. The outside world was infested by hostile creatures.

I had two weapons, a black metal sword in my left hand, in my right, a longer sword composed of some form of dark green cystal. I rode the horse through the school, out the door, and was trying to reach another building in order to rescue someone trapped in their basement. I’m not sure if you’ll count that for part3.

Also, I watched buzz lightyear get dragged off and eaten by a large monster.

I had a ND where I rode on a pulley system thingy to descend a great height safely.

I had a long LD last night.

In it, I completed the monthly quest, although earlier in the month I had already completed it before. I think that counts, but I figured I should mention it. I mainly just walked through my house, trying to get light switches to work.

Also, I don’t know if this qualifies, but if it does then I became lucid through a new method. There is a method I heard about called RILD, where you clap your hands together IRL, then imagine yourself doing the same after awakening in the middle of the night, until you find yourself actually doing it in the dream. It is basically a rhythmic version of FILD. However, I was able to become lucid using RILD from a FA. It was a very vivid dream, but I’m not sure if this counts as a new technique or not.

Another ND in a car. I spend too much time in cars!

I am on vacation with my wife. We keep stopping at random people’s houses and I remember the end part really vividly where we are both talking about Lisanna and worrying about her and where we left her and who we left her with. My wife was driving. I am thinking of an awesome way to complete the race, but I didn’t get lucid last night because I spent the wholenight taking care of sick wife and daughter.

I rode on a train and also on a golf cart.

Enough of this wishful observation on my part! I’m sick of it! A weakness that preys me constantly…

I am joining. My motivation and determination will run out, sure, but that’s of no concern. I will not falter. I will crawl my way to the end, possibly on the verge of the death and blood-stained from the sheer effort (of sleeping). Yet, falter, I shall not.

Name: Oleg
Medium length LD: Expectations? Roughly 1 - 2 minutes - 5 at best.
Personal task: Enter a physical fight (preferably something with sword in it, by the way)

By the way, I’m curious… am I the only one who thinks the importance of ‘length’ is considerably overplayed? Methinks the quality of recall, clarity and coherent thought within is much more important. In fact, I had a 15 second LD once, and it was far more interesting because it didn’t feel so… false and betraying.

But whatever. I’ll just go with it, albeit slightly irked.

SPOILER - Click to view

Now just hope I won’t forget about this. :meh:

The first of the two NDs posted here sees me riding in a car. My main concern was getting the early points for this task despite interrupted sleep, and that is now alleviated. The other points will likely happen in my NDs or LDs over the next six weeks, as I am often riding vehicles or boarding in dreams and am often racing them. Now I just need to try for the group incubation. :smile: