LC #41 - Congratulations Thorn!

Had an ND here which featured Zapdos and a scenario/setting that was likely influenced by the 2nd Pokemon movie.

Well, I really should have posted this a week ago when I had the dream, but… I’ve been incredibly lazy this last week (I suppose my excuse is being as lazy as I can before I start my new job). So, I did have the dream related to the first task during the first task, but I’m posting it a week late. Oops. I had this the morning of 02/27 (all non-lucid, as well).

[spoiler]I’m in an abandoned house looking for treasure. While I’m there, bandits pull up in cars and trucks, and begin their own search. I do my best to stay unseen, though I have to do so pretty actively and have a few close calls, but I still attempt to look for treasure even so. However, I’m not able to get anything because I’m too busy hiding, trying to stay unseen. At one point, once they’re done looking upstairs, I head up there to have better luck avoiding them and see if I can find anything, but apparently that made three ghosts upset, because they came out and started being unfriendly, so I had them to avoid as well. I finally book it out the front door (the ghosts having been the last straw), and I jump in a silver Chevy pickup truck. I’m not sure whether it was my truck or theirs, but it was effectively mine after that.

It was backed into its parking spot, so I put it into drive and hit the gas, speeding back home (my parents’ home, not my current one). I show my parent my new car, and I like it in the dream, even though I wouldn’t while awake. She’s unsure about it, and wants to see the trunk, since in the dream, when I was behind it, somehow it had one. I open it before she gets there, and when I look inside, there’s a bunch of trash bags, as well as a dead guy. I never was “told” by the dream that he was dead, but considering I closed it immediately, I’m pretty sure he was. I tell her it’s full of trash and that she doesn’t want to see it, but she’s so insistent that she starts trying to do so anyway, first going around back, and then I’m afraid she’ll try to get to the trunk release in the front.

Not wanting her to see all that, I jump in the driver’s seat, turn on the car, and turn around in the driveway as fast as I’m able, and hit the gas down the driveway, trying to hit her in the process as she sidesteps behind her van. I’m still speeding down the road, but I’m really enjoying the maneuverability the truck has. Somehow, a guy joins me in it, and then he tests it out (while the truck is still going) by flooring it down a long road, then turning and stopping on a dime right in front of a dumpster decorated for such a purpose. I tell him that’s why I like the truck, and then drive back to the abandoned house. The bandits are gone, but they come back while I’m still looking around. I have to go through the whole hiding thing again, thankfully without ghosts this time, but have the (not so) bright idea to go upstairs first, then realize that they haven’t been up there yet either.

On my way up, one of them, a young guy, comes down a hallway. I press myself against the wall, obviously in plain sight, but somehow he doesn’t see me and keeps going thanks to my surety that I wouldn’t be seen. I jump up in the area, but it somehow turns into a game, and eventually I have a very close call with masked twins. Soon, they rush down my corridor, and I jump into a large cement room with numerous people, but they catch onto my right boot as I fly in. (The atmosphere of the room felt like an American football party.) I do my best to shake them off, but it’s not working well. I realize that I’ll slowly lose altitude, so I make my way over to a wall before I go too far down, and try to kick them off against that. I still have no luck, so I go over to the ceiling near the middle of the room and grab on one of the wood planks. I try kicking them off against the ceiling, and that finally works.

However, I lose my boot as well, and it starts falling on the other side of a table below me. Somehow it ends up on the other side of the table with me as I turn the other way, and I grab the boot and start trying to get it on before I land.[/spoiler]

I’m assuming the truck ride counts as a ride… but if it doesn’t, I understand. I guess I kind of gave those twins a ride with them hanging on my boot in midair… though I wasn’t quite happy they were there. :razz: Though, I’m not sure if “a different type of ride” still requires me to be riding something, or if it’s just a ride in general. I guess the last one kind of involved a chase, but the truck ride didn’t. I was just speeding cause I could.

Today’s dreams where I had a medium/long LD.

Besides the LD, I also had a part where I had a Pokémon-like creature in my possession. In hindsight, it did not resemble any Pokémon I’m aware of, but it worked very similarly to one - I ordered it to use ‘dig’ on the ground, which I thought would fit into the democracy mode task. However, like said, I aimed my attack at the ground.

I need to start to remember to do things inside my dream… I always forget…

[spoiler]Unrelated to all, I suddenly realize I once joined LC#38, but then forgot about it. I decided to look up to see how my score fared compared to others (I believe I quit somewhere around Task 2…)

“I had 185 points, eh? Eh, I guess it ain’t that bad.”
notices the top-tier and their 5,000-8,000 points

Either way, I think a much better position at the moment. I’m not as keen on giving up. At the moment, I’m only 26% of Thorn, so as long as I don’t end up falling behind, I shouldn’t get another 2%… And hey, maybe if I work really hard, I’ll win.

And yes, I am kind of competitive… :I[/spoiler]

I rode in a bus and a plane in two NDs last night. I’m not sure if I’ve posted a bus or plane ride before. There was also a ND where there were three people in a car and the police were chasing them. I was watching from a third person perspective, but I’m not sure if I was one of the people in the car or just a DO. I think in the beginning I was supposed to be one of the people in the car, though. I’ll let you decide if that counts.

In a dream fragment posted here, a car I was riding in became a kiddy pool (the round, plastic kind), and I rode it shortly. Other people in my fragments rode snowboards and a log flume, but I didn’t get to ride either of them. :sad:

Another LD. This one was long. Didn’t complete anything from the current task, but I did ride the TARDIS.

WARNING could provide spoilers to a certain TM who is not caught up on all of Doctor Who. Some names adjusted so only those even slightly caught up will understand.

I don’t remember the ND part of this [LD]but I realized I was dreaming during a romp with the Eleventh Doctor in Nazi Germany. It seemed to be after the events of “Let’s Kill Hitler” as Melody Pond was on our side. The Doctor and were working on defusing some kind of bomb when some person broke in who I no longer remember.

The Doctor was then mortally wounded after I dispatched the enemy. Melody and I continued running a wire of some kind until we got to a window. The TARDIS was below but it was a long fall. She mentioned she’d be fine like in the actual episode, but I pointed out she no longer had leftover energy from her regeneration. She jumped anyway and broke her legs.

I made sure she made it to the TARDIS before I finally activated the device. Shrapnel tore through my body. It didn’t hurt, and yet I felt disabled somehow. I also jumped from the window which really did seem to hurt at the time (though not too much). I limped into the TARDIS and plopped down on a bed in an otherwise perfect recreation of 11’s first console room.

Melody was busy fixing herself up when Amy and Rory ran in. I was on my side at this point. Even sitting up was a struggle and I was apparently bleeding a lot. I knew I could heal myself instantly but I went along with the dream anyway. I’ve never had a feeling quite like that before. I even felt some pain, though not enough to make me want to change the story.

We all waited for The Doctor; the others were worried he’d regenerate. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and a young boy walked in, claiming to be The Doctor. The others weren’t sure what to do but I laughed.

“Ok, Doctor, I know you’re fine. Come on in.”

The Eleventh Doctor walked in.

“How… how did you even guess?” he asked, looking slightly annoyed his joke had failed.

“Please, going out alone is totally not your style. Besides, Tennant did the fake regeneration much better.”

Eleven seemed slightly annoyed I said a previous regeneration did something better. The others in the TARDIS just laughed.[/LD] I woke up after that.

Average length LD here.

Had Two NDs here which featured basic manifestations of Pokemon.

In a ND last night, I went on an odd ride. It was a water slide that was completely vertical and stuck down into a room. It was odd in the sense that it was a suction slide, where you stood under it and it sucked you up through the slide instead of you sliding down it.

had ND where i rode a bus and i was being chased.
had LD where i failed to summon any pokemon, though, did battle in those both modes

The first ND posted here includes a Pidgeot for Task 2, which I briefly ride in line with Task 1. I feel that there were actual Pokémon battles in that dream, but I was jarred out of the dream and don’t recall them clearly.

Task 3 - Giving

This particular task comes up every year around the holidays as a Quest, but I figured the spirit of giving doesn’t need a reason or time. :wink:

  1. Give something to a DC +20 pts

  2. Buy or wrap something and then give it to a DC +30 pts (must be different from 1.)

  3. Get one DC to give something to another. You must witness it being given and be the reason they did so. (ex. You tell them to, you control them, etc.) +40 pts

Group Incubation

To successfully complete this particular group incubation, either 2 parts of the task must be present OR the gift must be specified beforehand. 15 pts for an attempt, 30 pts for completion, and 40 pts if you manage to complete every part of the task with your entire group in the same dream.

Given the title of this task, task 4 might be obvious… :peek:

Had a short LD here which was no longer than a minute.

As part of the group incubation I discussed with Thorn last night, I was able to give Thorn a potion contained within a test-tube.

Well, that was disappointing.

Now I think about it… The alarm went of at 3:30, but I can’t remember ever pressing the button. I’m going to guess that the LD happened afterwards…

It may be that I did successfully perform a chain the first time, but just… can’t remember it? :v Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll try again next time.

This ND features giving in a few contexts that all work for Task 3’s first part; I give a lift/ride to Scipio and I give a TM to the Nidoking from my current Pokémon game’s party. The Nidoking itself is part of Task 2; I’m glad that I inadvertently made a team with four major players from the Twitch Plays Pokémon stream, as it’s been in my dreams twice now. :tongue:

EDIT: We’ve decided on a group incubation. James and I talked yesterday, and we agreed that having some sort of dream control potion would be a gift we’d want to be given (hence James giving me one and earning points already; Wyvern was around to confirm that we decided that much yesterday). Mew151 wants a “cool hat”, and Scipio wants a shrink ray. Mew151 is clearly the most original of all of us.

OK, first of all I had a medium LD two nights ago. Content’s not really forum appropriate so I’ll leave it there.

This morning I had a short LD. I dreamed that I was at work, and upon realizing I was dreaming I flew around in the stock room, though none of my coworkers seemed all too impressed, even when I interrupted a store meeting by floating around upside down in front of them.

Also rode a trolley in an ND.

Got a ride in a car here.

I also stole things. Does that mean points are taken away, cause I’m supposed to give? :>

Bwahahar. I’m kind of evil.

Last night I saw Pidgeot and I gave someone something in some ND’s.

Here’s an LD. Hopefully Spring Break can recharge my lucid batteries so I don’t totally fall out of this compo. :razz:

Am I dreaming? ~ Short Lucid Dream

Stats so Far:

[spoiler]Short LDs: 2

Task 1: Drove my dad’s old car. | Rode a cruise ship.

Had an ND here which prominantly included my own goal of shapeshifting.