Lucidity Challenge 47 - Winner Rhewin

Forgot to mention that two nights ago I had also completed my personal goal. Not writing the name here, but probably gonna rename him or something… or ask him for some nickname. >.>
In any case, new person goal is to decapitate myself.

As for last night, in a long LD I went around an RPG town again and pretty much covered all bases as I couldn’t remember which subtasks I had left while in the dream. But yeah, among other places I went to a tavern that was run by a bear and talked with him for a bit. Apparently I needed to be part of some league of dark whatever to buy anything. Still, interaction in a Tavern.
I also healed a anthropomorphic panther DC who was in my party with a potion.

After searching all houses, Mew did not appear to live in that town, unfortunately. Still have that left to do.

I put out a fire that was set by an enemy group trying to attack the village with fire arrows. I can only assume this is the fire team’s doing. :razz:
The bushes along the walls caught fire so I opened a gate and let loose a bunch of water, putting out the fire and knocking the DCs back somewhat.

I had a spectacular rage dream last night. It contained some quite personal things, so I don’t feel like posting everything in full detail.

After we had been stuck in an airport for several hours without food or anything, we narrowly missed our plane. I got ANGRY and developed my dark powerful ragedream voice. After yelling at somebody, my voice got even more powerful, and I directed a scream towards the sky. The force of my voice made the plane crash directly after taking off. Large parts of the airport was ruined in the following explosion.

In the second part, I used a magical song to summon a raging storm. The resulting flash flood crushed a building. (In case the plane didn’t count as a powerful weapon)

Here is a dream journal entry with some LC stuff inside. The second dream has me learn something from Wyvern’s Cockatrice character, who surprisingly fits the LC’s definition of a spirit animal, and has me driving around the final town from Mother 3, which is an RPG town and is in the distant future (as on my bingo board). The third dream has me communicate with a dog telepathically (as on my bingo board) and has me save a DC in distress by disabling a trap.

Well here’s some tasks and a lucid! A large amount of tasks, too. It’s like my brain knew I had to catch up given two days no recall. :razz:

Games with LD4Allers Part I - Non-Lucid Dream - ET: D3 & C5
Games with LD4Allers Part II - Short Lucid Dream - Task III Parts 11 and 12 & ET: U2

Stats so Far:

[spoiler][b]NLDs: 5[/b]
[b]Short LDs: 3[/b]
[b]Medium LDs: 0[/b]
[b]Long LDs: 0[/b]

Task 1:-E U̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶a̶l̶ ̶w̶e̶a̶p̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ Breathed fire. | Grew a plant and summoned rain.
Task 2:-E Briefly visited an RPG town. | Traded with a DC.
Task 3:-E Observed birds in flight. | Grass Team MEGA & ULTRA
Extended Task: C2 & L3 | I3 | I5 | U2[url=], D3, & C5[/url]
Fixed a typo with point claims. I was supposed to claim the bingo square for the powerful weapon… not explosions again. :tongue:

It didn’t undo my penalty, they’re still one behind where they would be :razz:. Also, I think I got pts for doing the Quest instead of my personal goal.

Anywho, from this morning.

Long LD in which I was in Gotham city. The power was out and Batman was missing, though Superman was patrolling to help keep some order. I remembered the challenge so at one point I fought a pack of wild dogs that were roaming the streets. I also bought weapons and a set of bat armor (minus the mask) from a store. And before anyone says anything, an RPG doesn’t have to be in a fantasy setting, and this definitely fit the description of what an RPG store normally carries. Finally, I fought off one of Joker’s henchmen with a batarang made of fire… so, for the fourth time, elemental weapon XD.

In an ND I saw a cat (or maybe a fox, it didn’t have a constant look to it) die, but then its spirit stayed with me for a while after.

Last night I had 6-10 DEILDs for a combined medium length.

Wyvern: Nice! The reason why you couldn’t find me is because I obviously live in ponyville!

Siiw: :sad: Sorry you had a rage dream. But, on the bright side, you got LC stuff done, right? :wink:

Thorn: Augh! You’re so close to multiple lines cleared in the bingo sheet! Anyway, nice spirit animal! :razz:

Scipio Xaos: Sweeeet! Congrats on the LD and the task completions! Although explosions are cool and all, you don’t get extra bingo points for claiming a task twice. :wink: :tongue: For now, you have completely subdued the usually dominating Water Team!

Rhewin: Yeah… I accidentally gave Quest points instead of goal points. I swore this happened before… and then I realized that there was actually a glitch in the interface I was using to add points. So it wasn’t my fault! Even if I coded the interface! :razz:

drd: Woah, those DEILD levels are rivaling OmkAR there. Added. :tongue:

Scores updated

Must one pick one team to get in on this? I WILDed earlier into a dreamscape with thousands of candles floating on a still moonlit lake, like a starry sky. The balance of fire and water was centering.

Mew151: Oops! I meant to claim C5 not I5. The laser was a powerful weapon, I believe, since I was basicslly destroying the planet. :razz: I’ve made the edit in my original post and noted it here and there as well.

I bought a fortune cookie at a store in a ND last night. Hope this counts for the shop-subtask from last week :3

^Got it. Scores are updated.

Just a short LD. Nothing done.

A Micro Lucid - Short Lucid Dream

Stats so Far:

[spoiler][b]NLDs: 5[/b]
[b]Short LDs: 4[/b]
[b]Medium LDs: 0[/b]
[b]Long LDs: 0[/b]

Task 1:-E U̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶a̶l̶ ̶w̶e̶a̶p̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ Breathed fire. | Grew a plant and summoned rain.
Task 2:-E Briefly visited an RPG town. | Traded with a DC.
Task 3:-E Observed birds in flight. | Grass Team MEGA & ULTRA
Extended Task: C2 & L3 | I3 | I5 | U2[url=], D3, & C5[/url]

The second dream here is a medium-length LD with no tasks done, and the third dream there has me wonder if I’m dreaming.

Two long LDs this morning. Oh, and Mew151, don’t worry about taking away those Quest pts :tongue:

In one I was following around Scooby-Doo and Mystery Inc… not entirely sure why, nor did they do much of anything. I saw a hole and remembered the monthly Quest. I jumped in only to get a face full of dirt. I woke up trying to get out of the hole.

The second LD was amazingly low lucid and I just sort of watched things happen, none of which sticks out in my mind as interesting.

But hey, I’m on a roll with my LDs this time :happy:

Dreamt a lot last night… but not much done relative to all the dream time. I feel almost cheap claiming long LDs here, but they were both really long. Likely because I may have slept in a little.

In a long LD, decided to visit one of my dream houses and… someone thought it’d be a great idea to fill the thing with violent muscovy ducks. I suppose it was a good thing though, because I fought a pack of wild animals.
There was a tree house attempt…thing… but we won’t get into that. I’ll try again. :razz:

In another long LD, I was in a forest and found a forest shrine. The weather decided to be winter so… the forest didn’t do a good job catching fire so I could put it out. The shrine didn’t have any problem lighting up though… >.> But I put that out, at least.

Scipio Xaos: Congrats on the micro LD! I still don’t know how you people can get LD’s while napping. :razz:

Thorn: Gah! So close to lucidity in that third dream. I hate when my thoughts get interrupted by something in the dream and cause me to fail to realize I’m dreaming! Congrats on the other LD though, I hope you enjoyed shredding on your rad skateboard!

Rhewin: Congrats on an actual Quest completion! :tongue:

Wyvern: What? You can’t just ignite snow?! :razz:

Scores are all updated

Had a LD, and at least 3 DEILDs afterwards for a combined long length. I completed the monthly quest, and the trading task. I’m not claiming my personal goal as I’m not satisfied with what happened, I want to see a visible beam.

I’m back…
-I managed to water bend and got a tour of the city/town in Saints Row IV (non-lucid and an hour or so before task 3)
-Exploring a forest, I found a Decepticon. He was restored and later aided Optimus against a new threat. (non lucid)
-2 short LD 's (close calls/nothing task related)
-3 long LD 's (2 via DEILD)
In the last long LD I fought a pack of wild animals, and set them and the forest a blaze with holy fire while lucid. Also had a near miss with the monthly quest…The hole wasn’t in the ground… .-.

Incubated burning forests with Minecraft before going to bed. :tongue:

Alright… last night in a long LD, I travelled through a forest with some characters of mine. We came across a pool of water in middle of the forest where we encountered a large lizard that rose out of the water. It was Godzilla! Or something that resembled him, anyway. For the sake of the task, I figured he’d count as a spirit animal.
“Guys. Guys, I think the forest is gonna be in trouble. WE GOTTA STOP IT.” he said in a way that did not seem too wise… but he at least had some foreknowledge.
Fireballs then came raining from the sky that I may or may have not been responsible for… :razz: The fire didn’t have too much time to spread before sent a bunch of rain down on it, successfully putting it out.
Godzilla decided to join our party.

Later had a conversation with a dwarf. My perspective switched many times. I made some tea with some random purple berries I found growing in a shrub in the town. It tasted incredibly sweet, almost like the grape flavored Freezies, only more tart.

And the dream continued on… some stuff about the LC, some Bowser stuff where I happened to put out a second forest fire (forests lighting themselves on fire are now gonna be a thing in my dream world, aren’t they…), and some stuff with an old coworker.

Wait for me! I have dreams to dump!
/me during a busy week.

Basically, I only had time for dreams today. :peek:

SPOILER - Click to view

Tuesday: 1 I RCed and spoiled the dream +
1 Medium LD.
Thursday: 1 Short LD and 1 Long LD.
I got in a long quest searching the mysterious multiple path forest in the search for the hidden shrine. (ignoring the split HLD sequence)
Friday: 1 Medium LD.
I made everything on fire, including another forest just to extinguish the fires again. I had more success this time, but extinguishing the fire made everything dark.