Lucidity Challenge 47 - Winner Rhewin

Had a medium LD where I flew briefly from my house.

Had another medium LD where I fought a robot witch with the 10th Doctor. He kind of used his sonic screwdriver like a wand, and was using a book to reference a spell. This reminded me of the wand subtask, but then I remembered that I already did that one. I made a magical ring appear on my hand instead and we both struck the witch with some kind of magical attack, killing her/it.

On another note, incubation material I drew up. Thorn mentioned something about the monsters playing cards and well…

^Got it. I love the picture! :grin: Scores are once again updated.

I had a Medium LD this morning. I flew using rocket/jet boots, with Mew, and then we sort of floated along high in the sky for a while, drifting on the breeze, just chillin’… :content:

I flew through a thunderstorm last night, but it wasn’t lucid.

obufsc8: Sweet! Sounds like I looked rather cute. :3

Siiw: Flying through a thunderstorm sounds exciting…
/me adds that to the list of things he needs to do while lucid.

Scores are updated

Lots of stuff this morning. Yay! Had a nice LD too. :tongue: Summary:

  • Pyrokinesis.
  • Polymorphed into a monster.
  • Flew.
  • Used fire for propulsion (twice).
  • Floated like a spore.
    I’m a Slime - Medium Lucid Dream ~ Task I Part 2, Task IV Part 7 LUCID COMBO & Task V Parts 1, 2, and 8 LUCID EARLY

Stats so Far:

[spoiler][b]NLDs: 6[/b]
[b]Short LDs: 4[/b]
[b]Medium LDs: 1[/b]
[b]Long LDs: 1[/b]

Task 1:-E U̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶a̶l̶ ̶w̶e̶a̶p̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ Breathed fire. | Grew a plant and summoned rain. | Performed pyrokinesis.
Task 2:-E Briefly visited an RPG town. | Traded with a DC.
Task 3:-E Observed birds in flight. | Grass Team MEGA & ULTRA
Task 4:-C Polymorphed into a monster.
Task 5:-E Flew, used fire as propulsion, and floated like a spore.
Extended Task: C2 & L3 | I3 | I5 | U2[url=], D3, & C5[/url] | C1

As posted here, I had a long lucid dream in which I cooked and ate a meal as on my bingo board, and after that had a dream in which I wondered if I was dreaming but did not have time to RC before waking.

Scipio Xaos: Niiiice! :woo: Congrats on the LD, and on all the points you earned in the process!

Thorn: Sweet. I really liked that LD for some reason… just how trivial everything you did. It was awesome. :razz:

Scores are updated

Hi :shy:

[spoiler]Sunday: I had a streak of 6 short LDs that I just tried to stabilize. I thought I should at least try flying once I had a stable dream… Once I got a stable one, I spoiled it instead. You can laugh if you wish :happy:

I think it’s unfair to categorize them all as short LDs. I recommend counting 5 as failed RC and one as an actual short LD. (I don’t want to accumulate task-less LD points)


The second ND here has me using a wand to cast some small spells as in Task 4.

Had a long LD last night where I finally found Mew151 in an RPG style house in Mew form. Someone had trapped him in a jar in some weird attempt to hide him from some witches. :confused:
I flew outside with him and flew high into the sky where he accompanied me. The witches were on our tail for quite a while and at one point he turned into the Pokemon, Celebi. I think the logic was that they wouldn’t recognise him like that.
Well, they did. But when they caught him briefly, some Time Demons in robes appeared and gave the witches a very stern warning. They backed off after that.

I had a short LD last night.

Tggtt: Aww… well I don’t think you’ll have any difficulty flying the next time! :smile:

Thorn: Aw, no lucids? Well, points are still points! :happy:

Wyvern: Neat! I guess I’ll have to thank the Time Demons some time! :tongue:

drd: Nice, but where are the task points?! Has the mighty drd finally fallen due to school? :sad:

Scores have been updated!

On an additional note, I’d like to remind everyone that they have up until 24 hours after the LC ends to post any dreams. And to prevent people from stalling, last minute point dumps are not allowed during this period, only dreams that were genuinely unable to be typed up before the LC actually ends. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Rhewin!

And, while we’re on the subject of the LC ending…
Since a lot of crazy stuff was tried out this LC, and because it’s my first time hosting and I’m eager to hear how everyone’s experience went, (AND because I have become an official Mumble contributor :o ) I propose the idea that some of us get together and chat it up on Mumble! We can talk about how everything went, and stuff! Similar to Thorn’s whole thing at the end of LC39. Anyone interested just mention a good time in IRC.

I flew in a non lucid dream.

I had a might-be-dreaming moment which made me RC, but my hand was normal and didn’t become lucid.

Then a medium LD, no tasks.

I had a short low level LD and froze time. I also used a powerful scream as a weapon, but I think that one is already done?

Does that “we” include you? :razz:

In other news… not much to claim today. I did some parkour so…

Undercover Scipio - [ND]Non-Lucid Dream[/ND] ~ [ND]ET: D1[/ND]

Stats so Far:

[spoiler][ND]NLDs:[/ND] 7
[LD]Short LDs:[/LD] 4
[LD]Medium LDs:[/LD] 1
[LD]Long LDs:[/LD] 1

Task 1:[color=green]-E[/color] [LD] U̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶a̶l̶ ̶w̶e̶a̶p̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ Breathed fire.[/LD] | [LD]Grew a plant and summoned rain.[/LD] | [LD]Performed pyrokinesis.[/LD]
Task 2:[color=green]-E[/color] [ND]Briefly visited an RPG town.[/ND] | [ND]Traded with a DC.[/ND]
Task 3:[color=green]-E[/color] [ND]Observed birds in flight.[/ND] | [LD]Grass Team MEGA & ULTRA[/LD]
Task 4:[color=indigo]-C[/color] [LD]Polymorphed into a monster.[/LD]
Task 5:[color=green]-E[/color] [LD]Flew, used fire as propulsion, and floated like a spore.[/LD]
Extended Task: [LD]C2 & L3[/LD] | [ND]I3[/ND] | [ND]I5[/ND] | [LD]U2,[/LD] [ND]D3, & C5[/ND] | [ND]C1[/ND] | [ND]D1[/ND]

Letaali: It amazes me how many people here can manage to fly in non lucid dreams. :tryfly:

obfusc8: That reality check made me cringe! …But you managed to become lucid anyway! :wink:

Siiw: Nice. And yeah, I already counted that. You’re so close to getting a line!

Scipio: You’re also close to getting two lines!

Scores are updated

I had a chain of DEILDs for a long length. I flew in one of them.

The lucid dream posted here is a medium-length one in which I enter a bar as in Task 2. The ND after that has me inside something on the Internet, although Mew tells me that does not quite fit the “Enter the internet” bingo task.

Not many points today, so I’m still in 4th or what is actually not-so-secretly 5th place for now.