Lucidity Challenge 54 Winner DTDownUnder!

And here’s a long LD. Not claiming “climb a tree” because all I did was swing from a branch as I ran in a sort of “parkour”-esque maneuver.

Blinding Rays of Light - Long Lucid Dream

Stats so far:

[spoiler]Short LDs: 1
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 1

Task 1: ~ none ~
Side Task: See a Color

Short DILD this morning, but unfortunately no tasks.

This LC is going to be a real challenge for me, I like it :cool:

Another ND, another task.
For this ND I claim the smell somthing task.

I rarely smell things in dreams unless I am lucid and I make an effort.
But my dad made muffins this morning while I was dreaming.

Another DILD (Link to DK) in which I am inside DooM, killing a lot of monsters.
While inside a lift, I hear the sound of machinery, I feel the smooth surface of its wood under my hand, and also hum a DooM theme song.
I also experienced my first (partial) OBE ever, which is a much greater accomplishment, and one I was after since some time, so it’s a special day for me :smile:

Anyway, I guess I can claim points for below tasks, done lucidly:

  • Hear a sound
  • Feel texture
  • Hear Music - I don’t know, humming it’s not a musical instrument, but it’s not singing, either. I leave it to Susan

Another ND.(LINK TO DJ)

I am unsure if I can claim points for the weekly tasks if I wasn’t lucid. If I can then I claim Sit by a campfire (I was kneeling but it’s the same thing to me) and Explore the woods.
If I can’t then no points for me today. :sad:

Congrats GenghisKhan for your first OBE!!! :obe:

I tasted something in a ND last night. It was the base of a pine tree (think Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree size) and you could drink “purified” water out of it. Tasted horrible, was really sweet with a hint of mint and pine.

Task claimed while non lucid:

Tasted Something

ND (LINK TO DJ) in which I can taste a beer. This is something extremely rare for me, both in ND and LD, so cheers !

Claiming points for “Taste something” task, done non-lucidly.

I heard some music in a lucid/non-lucid dream last night. I think I heard two different songs, one while lucid and one while not, but I don’t remember specifics. One of the songs might have been Hallelujah, but there were instruments and everything.

I also had a Long LD last night with tasks accomplished.

The simple version of it is that once I became lucid I teleported myself and the person I was with to a forest area with a huge sprawling lake. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever teleported just by will before, so that’s cool. Anyways, there were suddenly tons of people with us, so we hopped in the lake and started wading around. I transformed myself into a kid/tiny person while in the water and had the girl I was with help me dog paddle because apparently I could no longer swim in my younger form. Everyone also had a water gun fight, but there were no teams, so I guess it doesn’t count towards task completion.

Tasks Claimed:


Heard Music

Long LD:

Swam in lake both as current age and while transformed as a kid.
If playing with water guns and having a huge epic water gun fight counts, then outdoor team game, but I don’t know if that should really count or not?

Claiming points for a Medium LD

Explore woods
Side Task:
Taste something (Pizza -> felt like mashed Gum)

I had a really low lucidity level so I hesitated between False LD, a Long LD and a short LD :smile:. I also remember of a campfire but I m not sure if I sat there.

Dream Journal here

Dudes. I had Nero - Into the Night as the background music for a dream this morning (and I know it wasn’t playing IRL). Sat on a fake leather sofa and felt it, felt the wood half of an ottoman. Saw myself in a video wearing a blue tank top. A lot of brown and tan in those dreams. Red numbers and letters on “checkpoint” doors as I escaped one place. I felt and saw my eyes dividing in half like a cell might (very interesting, actually). My irises for that were a deep blue. Felt the wood of some powerline poles I climbed up. (I see the wood theme now, heh.) Saw glowing yellow light through holes in some dude’s mask.

Had a lucid somewhere earlier in the night, but I really don’t remember much except that I was (probably) flying down a highway or oft-used road. I remember thinking about how it was a dream several times. I’d say low lucidity for it, maybe three minutes.

A short LD and some side tasks!

A Card Game - Short Lucid Dream - Feel a Texture, Taste Something

Stats so far:

[spoiler]Short LDs: 2
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 1

Task 1: ~ none ~
Side Task: See a Color | Feel a Texture, Taste Something

Short LD this morning, no tasks (LINK TO DJ)

Short LD last night, no tasks.

Link DJ

In an ND here this morning, I heard the sound of a Sniper Rifle gun shot that featured some very realistic environmental reverberation properties.

In a ND I was using the restroom when I wondered if I was dreaming, but never became lucid.

Points claimed:

Wondered if I was dreaming.

Double Post :woo:

Anyways, 1 short LD & 1 medium LD. Nothing of importance happened in them though. Just couldn’t focus on tasks last night I guess.

Points Claimed:

1 Short LD

1 Medium LD

A medium LD for me back on the 17th. I have been really busy with the local bushfires and haven’t had time to sleep, let alone post on the forum.
In this LD I swam in a dam, and a dam is pretty much a lake. So I will claim Swim in the lake
I also completed the monthly quest .

Also, has anyone else noticed that the LC host, Susan_Y, hasn’t been online for over ten days? At the time I am writing this Susan_Y was last online 11 March.
Could this be a problem for the LC? This is my first LC so i’m not 100% sure of how all of this works.

I had a very brief moment of lucidity this morning.

It’s become almost a ritual at this point for LC hosts to suddenly disappear due to real-life events. The LC Curse seems to be gaining strength…

I have a medium LD to claim.

Lucid Doppelganger - Medium Lucid Dream

Stats so far:

[spoiler]Short LDs: 2
Medium LDs: 1
Long LDs: 1

Task 1: ~ none ~
Side Task: See a Color | Feel a Texture, Taste Something

I had a medium-length LD this morning with no tasks done.