Lucidity Challenge 54 Winner DTDownUnder!

Short DILD this morning, but unfortunately no tasks.

This LC is going to be a real challenge for me, I like it :cool:

Another ND, another task.
For this ND I claim the smell somthing task.

I rarely smell things in dreams unless I am lucid and I make an effort.
But my dad made muffins this morning while I was dreaming.

Another DILD (Link to DK) in which I am inside DooM, killing a lot of monsters.
While inside a lift, I hear the sound of machinery, I feel the smooth surface of its wood under my hand, and also hum a DooM theme song.
I also experienced my first (partial) OBE ever, which is a much greater accomplishment, and one I was after since some time, so it’s a special day for me :smile:

Anyway, I guess I can claim points for below tasks, done lucidly:

  • Hear a sound
  • Feel texture
  • Hear Music - I don’t know, humming it’s not a musical instrument, but it’s not singing, either. I leave it to Susan

Another ND.(LINK TO DJ)

I am unsure if I can claim points for the weekly tasks if I wasn’t lucid. If I can then I claim Sit by a campfire (I was kneeling but it’s the same thing to me) and Explore the woods.
If I can’t then no points for me today. :sad:

Congrats GenghisKhan for your first OBE!!! :obe:

I tasted something in a ND last night. It was the base of a pine tree (think Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree size) and you could drink “purified” water out of it. Tasted horrible, was really sweet with a hint of mint and pine.

Task claimed while non lucid:

Tasted Something

ND (LINK TO DJ) in which I can taste a beer. This is something extremely rare for me, both in ND and LD, so cheers !

Claiming points for “Taste something” task, done non-lucidly.

I heard some music in a lucid/non-lucid dream last night. I think I heard two different songs, one while lucid and one while not, but I don’t remember specifics. One of the songs might have been Hallelujah, but there were instruments and everything.

I also had a Long LD last night with tasks accomplished.

The simple version of it is that once I became lucid I teleported myself and the person I was with to a forest area with a huge sprawling lake. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever teleported just by will before, so that’s cool. Anyways, there were suddenly tons of people with us, so we hopped in the lake and started wading around. I transformed myself into a kid/tiny person while in the water and had the girl I was with help me dog paddle because apparently I could no longer swim in my younger form. Everyone also had a water gun fight, but there were no teams, so I guess it doesn’t count towards task completion.

Tasks Claimed:


Heard Music

Long LD:

Swam in lake both as current age and while transformed as a kid.
If playing with water guns and having a huge epic water gun fight counts, then outdoor team game, but I don’t know if that should really count or not?

Claiming points for a Medium LD

Explore woods
Side Task:
Taste something (Pizza -> felt like mashed Gum)

I had a really low lucidity level so I hesitated between False LD, a Long LD and a short LD :smile:. I also remember of a campfire but I m not sure if I sat there.

Dream Journal here

Dudes. I had Nero - Into the Night as the background music for a dream this morning (and I know it wasn’t playing IRL). Sat on a fake leather sofa and felt it, felt the wood half of an ottoman. Saw myself in a video wearing a blue tank top. A lot of brown and tan in those dreams. Red numbers and letters on “checkpoint” doors as I escaped one place. I felt and saw my eyes dividing in half like a cell might (very interesting, actually). My irises for that were a deep blue. Felt the wood of some powerline poles I climbed up. (I see the wood theme now, heh.) Saw glowing yellow light through holes in some dude’s mask.

Had a lucid somewhere earlier in the night, but I really don’t remember much except that I was (probably) flying down a highway or oft-used road. I remember thinking about how it was a dream several times. I’d say low lucidity for it, maybe three minutes.

A short LD and some side tasks!

A Card Game - Short Lucid Dream - Feel a Texture, Taste Something

Stats so far:

[spoiler]Short LDs: 2
Medium LDs: 0
Long LDs: 1

Task 1: ~ none ~
Side Task: See a Color | Feel a Texture, Taste Something

Short LD this morning, no tasks (LINK TO DJ)

Short LD last night, no tasks.

Link DJ

In an ND here this morning, I heard the sound of a Sniper Rifle gun shot that featured some very realistic environmental reverberation properties.

In a ND I was using the restroom when I wondered if I was dreaming, but never became lucid.

Points claimed:

Wondered if I was dreaming.

Double Post :woo:

Anyways, 1 short LD & 1 medium LD. Nothing of importance happened in them though. Just couldn’t focus on tasks last night I guess.

Points Claimed:

1 Short LD

1 Medium LD

A medium LD for me back on the 17th. I have been really busy with the local bushfires and haven’t had time to sleep, let alone post on the forum.
In this LD I swam in a dam, and a dam is pretty much a lake. So I will claim Swim in the lake
I also completed the monthly quest .

Also, has anyone else noticed that the LC host, Susan_Y, hasn’t been online for over ten days? At the time I am writing this Susan_Y was last online 11 March.
Could this be a problem for the LC? This is my first LC so i’m not 100% sure of how all of this works.

I had a very brief moment of lucidity this morning.

It’s become almost a ritual at this point for LC hosts to suddenly disappear due to real-life events. The LC Curse seems to be gaining strength…

I have a medium LD to claim.

Lucid Doppelganger - Medium Lucid Dream

Stats so far:

[spoiler]Short LDs: 2
Medium LDs: 1
Long LDs: 1

Task 1: ~ none ~
Side Task: See a Color | Feel a Texture, Taste Something

I had a medium-length LD this morning with no tasks done.

I claim points for one short DILD, one medium DILD and asked myself if dreaming in an ND (LINK TO DJ) (still have to write last ND in DJ, do it ASAP)

No tasks done, unfortunately…