Can't See Hypnogogic Hallucinations

Hey Guys,

I been having some trouble with WILD, and my main problem is that I just can’t see the hypnogagia everyone says they see! In a lot of guides, people say that they see all sorts of things after just a few minutes, but when I don’t see anything when lying down for 20 minutes. When I try to look for hypnogagia, my eyelids always open, and like before, when I don’t look for it, I just don’t see it.

I have tried to look “behind me head”, and other techniques, but I don’t see anything. Is it just a matter of practice, or am I doing something wrong?

Another note, I will go through vague dream scenes later into the WILD, even twitching from certain actions in the scene, but the scenes aren’t clear and don’t seem like the hypnogagia everyone describes.

What do you guys recommend?
Thanks :smile:

Hello cheesesticks,

I will try to write a simple note this time:

Short Answer:

[spoiler]I have read discussion pointing that Hypnogogic Hallucinations are not mandatory in order to attain WILD. I am sorry but I cannot find the reference right now.
However, I am mostly sure that concentration and persistence are more important for WILD than being able to see HI or so.[/spoiler]

Alternate Answer:

[spoiler]I have noticed that you have “LD count: 0 (so far)”. So I am assuming you have had no LDs.
If you are having problems with hypnogagia, which is often easy for most LDers I have talked to, I would recommend you to try another technique besides WILD to get your first LD; then try WILD again later.[/spoiler]

I hope this is helpful.