Lucidity Challenge 61 - Winner: Obfusc8

Link to DJ
2 non-lucids in which I saw/interacted with:

That’s so funny! No sign of any other LD4ALL members, just your grandmother? Maybe it would have helped if a member had been there.

I actually had another dream where I went to a friend to borrow a dress to wear to a party… our minds are so close!

Most likely my misunderstanding in providing input to the database, I will check it out - it should correct scoring automatically after my corrections

Noted. Pls be aware that you missed DJ entry scores for those two dreams

@ Obfusca8, @ Selkie, noted

Scores updated accordingly

Had 3 NDs here this morning. No tasks completed.

Too bad recall to report dreams.

4 fragments, one very low lucidity with a mirror / computer and remembering I was supposed to do something with a party but couldn’t remember any tasks. here

link to Nov 28 DJ entry

One ND - No Access. Subtask - car - surprised I didn’t notice chair/seat except for the car seats that I presume don’t count?

Dear LCers, I have fixed the score system.

I appologize for the inconvenience, the system was double counting the subtasks because there were two tasks active.

After fixing it, your scores are now half of the previous value. Rest assured that that’s the correct value.

In case you prefer good news, please check Caturday (IRC Bot) with updated LC61 support.

Enjoy LC61!

Had 4 NDs here this morning. No tasks completed.

@Tggtt, thanks a lot for your assistance in fixing the scoreboard calculator, really appreciate !

@moogle, I’d say car seats count, as you could totally see a car exterior and not notice the seats inside, so I have added you points

All the inputs from the above posts have been taken into account

[color=blue][size=150]Scoreboard is updated[/size][/color]

Full list of open tasks :

Grats to moogle and Qu on subtasks!

Only fragments for me today. I had so much intent on day 1. I suppose it’s not possible to have that much intent every day.

I had two dreams last night, and I saw the sea and the forest!

Lucid dream, medium duration (3 minutes) in which I fix a bathroom cabinet (counts as tidying the house, I hope), look in a mirror, see a river (again) and go for a walk in a park/wood.

I’ll claim the points for the lucid dream, tidying the house, the mirror, and the park/wood. I’ve already claimed the river.

I’l post a claim for the journal entries later.

DJ link for Wed Nov 29.
1 ND - Sleep-Over - I think there are no sub tasks.

Had 6 NDs here this morning. #1/#5 notably contained the computer subtask. #1 features the chair subtask.

Nice stuff going on ! :smile:

Sorry that unfortunately I haven’t yet found the time to fix the shared tasks score, but trust me that I will :smile:

All the inputs from the above posts have been taken into account

[color=blue][size=150]Scoreboard is updated[/size][/color]

Full list of open tasks :

ND including a car:

Non-lucid dream in which I play percussion in an industrial music band. (The style of music was like Rammstein but I don’t think it was one of their songs).

I claim the points for the hearing music task.

P.S. This was the proverbial “garage band” that rehearses in a garage. I don’t think it’s usual for the drummer to whack the garage door with a mallet during the loud bits, but whatever… (I suppose I could try recording myself doing that for real, once, and load the sample into a drum synth).

Lucid dream, medium duration (about 2 minutes), in which I am on the beach with a dream character. Some details have been snipped…

No tasks done, but I’ll claim the points for a lucid dream.

Another non-lucid dream that wasn’t interesting enough for me to write up in full included Peter the Anteater, the mascot of University of California at Irvine. Anteaters aren’t even on the list of locked tasks, but he does have an emoji. No points.