Lucidity Challenge 62 - winner James_UK2008

Had 1 fragment here this morning. No tasks.

Had 3 NDs here this morning. No tasks.

2 NDs here this morning. No tasks

DJ entry from Mon-Apr-23rd through Tue-May-1st LINK

5x ND
2x LD from WILD (no points)


  • See script different thank your first language
  • The script is Runic / I think so, it was made of various symbols I could not recognize, primarily straight lines variously connecting to each other, some unconnected
    ? See a horned helmet
    ? And wear it
    Up to the host to decide it
    I wore an helmet, but it had no horns
    This could be a close approximation to it

On Sunday, 2 ND’s
Hypnopompic hallucination? A bizarre experience! :eek: Was it FA, HI, maybe OBE?
Egyptian characters Task:See some text in a script that in not the script of your first language :woot:

On Monday, 1 ND
A seat near the airplanes tail
(No tasks)

Had one LD here this morning. No tasks

Had 1 ND + 1 Fragment here this morning. No tasks.

1 short LD (link) from a few days back. No tasks completed though I ended up trying to remember them to no avail.

Had 5 NDs here this morning. No tasks.

Had 2 fragments here this morning. No tasks

Had 1 LD here this morning which at around 4-5 minutes long makes it a medium one for me. I’d like to claim the 2nd set of points as per my shapeshifting goal please.

Am I correct in understanding that I’m now in the position where I need to set myself another personal goal?

On another note, has the LC effectively stalled at this point? Please let us know if your ok Susan_Y.

Susan_Y has a long tradition of disappearing while hosting LCs
Yet, I hope she’s fine

On dreaming side, haven’t recorded much lately, just few worthless NDs

Hi everyone!

I’ve been down ill for the last couple of weeks.
I’m really sorry I had to disappear in the middle of the LC; and I wish I’d got a co-host sorted out first so there’d been someone to take over.

What do people want to do? I can count up scores and end the LC this week, or would people like another set of tasks?

I think it’d probably be best that the scores get tallied up. Welcome back and hope your feeling better :smile:

great inspiration for tasks, quests and new ideas while lucid dreaming!

Ok, this is the end of this LC. If you’ve got any claims for points in dreams before this message was posted, please post them in this thread by tomorrow night.


Please could someone take over from me as host and total up the scores?
Ghengis, would you be able to do it?

Susan, I’m glad to help :smile:

However, I am traveling abroad for business all this week, on a quite packed schedule
I should be able to find the time to do it over the week-end

If someone is willing to calc the scores before that, please step forward :smile:

Don’t worry Susan. Eilatan (our super scribe /head scribe) is busy totting up the scores as I speak. :peek: