How To Observe Your Physical Body Fall Asleep

I tried this method a couple of nights ago, and it worked great. I’d been laying in bed for a while and it didnt seem like I’d ever fall asleep but just about that time I felt my body go numb and had intense vibrations. The next night it was more or less like I was laying in bed when suddenly I started falling. Both times it happened I had very low level LDs but I couldnt really do much with them, however they were the first LDs I’ve ever had. This has been the only method thats worked for me and I’ve been trying for over a year. It probably just works better for some people than for others but who knows.

Do you have to stay on your back to use this method, will sleeping on your back increase your chances?

Note: I’ve tried this method about 15 times now. About 8 on my back and 7 in random positions. I’m getting better and closer to Focus10, i’ve learnt to conquer the itch, the irritation, the swallowing etc

we’ll i tried it out and i didn’t move anything except maybe making very small moments and after some time i started feeling the itching, i tried to keep myself conscious but for some reason it didnt work, so both my mind and my body went asleep after 25 min of lying completly still… :sad:

oh well… at least i could fall asleep, now i just have to maintain consciousness

Oh cool yeah this is how you get into SP. It takes some major discipline and time. Hehe, i cracked up when i read ‘but this is just a ruse!’ not because it was so funny (well it was) but because it was so true!

The feeling of onset is definetely unmistakable. Its like your body just shuts off and its in a very brief wave that spreads through your body. Its so cool, it feels like youre powering down or something (think of a bunch of electrical wires just stopping w/ the electric flow and all the machines on the ends just shutting down like ‘whooooom’), and your body feels like it just melted into the bed, like it created a groove in which your body fits so well that you can no longer feel it, just a little ‘heavy’. After that you can go onto floating state, vibrational state, very easy vivid hypnogogic, whatever you want.

I think though that the mind activity has something to do with it. This wouldnt work if you were thinking about stuff chaotically (like the day, etc) because you’ll just lull yourself to sleep with such thoughts or keep yourself awake all night. A degree of mental discipline is required in which you still your mind. Meditation really helps here, especially if you know how to suppress the conscious awareness of time (or have unbelievable patience). A major killer of the whole effort is thinking ‘i wonder how long ive been here’ which may lead to doubt and/or awareness of time’s passage.

What i would do is set your mind to ‘passive mode’ (meditation) and set the intention that you will regain conscious awareness once SP sets in (it’ll hit you like a ton of bricks if you didnt fall fully asleep). That way you dont have to ‘wait’ so long.

I must say that you came across something new here - the body sending signals to the mind to see if it gets a reaction. Fascinating. I wonder where this would come from, though. Like the brain stem or a portion of the mind in effect testing itself? A somniologist probably would be able to explain the mechanics behind all this. Anyways, great idea!

Isnt it that statistically most conscious SP occurs on the back? (for me, it does, a case study for ya)

SP usually happens in most positions for me, but I think it does happen a bit more often if I lie on my back. And I haven’t really tried reaching SP the last months while going to sleep. I usually start focusing on HI, but then I usually fall asleep or I might wake up and then I can’t fall asleep. I think I could get SP somewhat easy if I had time when going to sleep. But that’s hard now since I have to get up in the morning and go to school.

I have noticed a funny thing the last few weeks. Sometimes when I’m falling asleep I can sort of feel like I’m about to OBE or something similar. It’s hard to describe but it feels like something soul-like or something is going out of my body and then I’m back to normal and then I fall asleep after a few seconds :help: anyone had this?

I think it started happening after I a similar feeling once while I meditated. Then it felt like my body was beeing dragged in different directions.

And lastly I would just like to say that I enjoy reading your posts Sentient :cool:

yeh i get that feeling i guess its normal cuz i’ve had it so many times. You get kinda dizzy and feel like your conscious is at a different location (like half a metre away) and its spinning in the air. Then after a few seconds it ends.

I got that uncomfortable feeling before!! It feels so awful ( I moved, but I resisted it for a while) how long does it usuall last? I will try this tonight. sounds quite interesting

How come i never get that uncomfortable feeling, even after 1 hour :frowning: maybe i’ll just keep practicing :smile:

This urge to move I know very well. It’s a feeling you can’t really compare to anything else. Perhaps a bit like itching or getting tickled, you just feel like you HAVE to move. Yet, it feels completely different from itching or tickling, but this urge to move is similiar.
Unfortunately, for me it doesn’t go away within some seconds. If I try to resist, it’s getting stronger and stronger until I finally give up (I think I’ve done this for perhaps 2 minutes or something). The instant I move it is gone.
Also, sometimes my muscles start to move completely out of my conscious control. One leg or arm simply jerks and then the feeling is gone

I don’t think it happens the same for everyone. I know when I try to do WILDs its nothing like that. I have also never had SP. My body wont fall asleep untill the last second then I will be inside a dream instantly.

tapir wrote:

My body test me using the itching method LOL as you say it gets stronger and stronger an stronger almost insupportable but I have succed to resist and then it partially vanish only to come another one that you have to resist again but its true if you resist all the attaks your body thinks you are asleep.

i remember i would get so itchy that the part of my body would give a strong twitch.

You sure its not just so annoying that you focus on (which makes it worse) it so much that your body falls asleep?

That has happened to me everytime. After about 20 minutes, I just get an urge to move. At frst, i couldn’t resist it but last night I could. I felt that 5 second wave too but then I gave up and moved. I’ll try again tonight.

Every time I’ve tried this, I became so uncomfortable that I couldn’t resist moving. Last time, I focused really hard on ignoring it and staying still. Suddenly, my leg twiched automagically and the numb heavy feeling disappeared. This technique feels impossible, but I’ll keep trying.

Hmm, yes, I definately focus on it. Perhaps I should try to react in the same why as when someone is tickling you and you pretend that you don’t feel it
At least now I know that it will stop at some time :smile:

I tried again last night. After a while a nerv in my leg started twitching like crazy. It felt like someone was knocking on my thigh from inside the bed.

haha, yeh thats what happens sometimes. Just let whatever happen - happen. If you feel itchy you know its normal just ignore it (this has been said so many times) but you really shouldn’t care about it. Don’t think of whether your comfortable or not, because then you’ll think your not and feel like moving.

I failed at this. mainly because I fell asleep before I could try it. seeing as it is late, I guess I’ll try another night.

i tried it and it worked, but when it really happened and i felt like entering the hypnagogic state, i was so surprised that i opened my eyes and was awake again :cry: