How To Observe Your Physical Body Fall Asleep

How come i never get that uncomfortable feeling, even after 1 hour :frowning: maybe i’ll just keep practicing :smile:

This urge to move I know very well. It’s a feeling you can’t really compare to anything else. Perhaps a bit like itching or getting tickled, you just feel like you HAVE to move. Yet, it feels completely different from itching or tickling, but this urge to move is similiar.
Unfortunately, for me it doesn’t go away within some seconds. If I try to resist, it’s getting stronger and stronger until I finally give up (I think I’ve done this for perhaps 2 minutes or something). The instant I move it is gone.
Also, sometimes my muscles start to move completely out of my conscious control. One leg or arm simply jerks and then the feeling is gone

I don’t think it happens the same for everyone. I know when I try to do WILDs its nothing like that. I have also never had SP. My body wont fall asleep untill the last second then I will be inside a dream instantly.

tapir wrote:

My body test me using the itching method LOL as you say it gets stronger and stronger an stronger almost insupportable but I have succed to resist and then it partially vanish only to come another one that you have to resist again but its true if you resist all the attaks your body thinks you are asleep.

i remember i would get so itchy that the part of my body would give a strong twitch.

You sure its not just so annoying that you focus on (which makes it worse) it so much that your body falls asleep?

That has happened to me everytime. After about 20 minutes, I just get an urge to move. At frst, i couldn’t resist it but last night I could. I felt that 5 second wave too but then I gave up and moved. I’ll try again tonight.

Every time I’ve tried this, I became so uncomfortable that I couldn’t resist moving. Last time, I focused really hard on ignoring it and staying still. Suddenly, my leg twiched automagically and the numb heavy feeling disappeared. This technique feels impossible, but I’ll keep trying.

Hmm, yes, I definately focus on it. Perhaps I should try to react in the same why as when someone is tickling you and you pretend that you don’t feel it
At least now I know that it will stop at some time :smile:

I tried again last night. After a while a nerv in my leg started twitching like crazy. It felt like someone was knocking on my thigh from inside the bed.

haha, yeh thats what happens sometimes. Just let whatever happen - happen. If you feel itchy you know its normal just ignore it (this has been said so many times) but you really shouldn’t care about it. Don’t think of whether your comfortable or not, because then you’ll think your not and feel like moving.

I failed at this. mainly because I fell asleep before I could try it. seeing as it is late, I guess I’ll try another night.

i tried it and it worked, but when it really happened and i felt like entering the hypnagogic state, i was so surprised that i opened my eyes and was awake again :cry:

Not everyone is going to be able to do use this method. That iching feeling that feels like it’s “inside” your leg, could be a form of restless leg syndrome. Older people tend to have it worse, in my and many cases the movement is involuntary and just gets worse when ignored.

Just to clarify:
If we mean the same, it isn’t really itching. Actually it feels very different, only the urge to move is similiar, and I just can’t find a better word. I would rather compare it to a claustrophobic panic-attack

I almost did it this morning…
I was totally still for almost an hour and waves of tickling discomfort were radiating from my right knee throughout my whole body with a few seconds interval, and I got more numb each time. I started seeing things, imagining very vividly, but the tickling feeling got so strong that my leg started twitching and I couldn’t resist moving.
I’m gonna try again tomorrow :content:

I can’t believe this topic has been dead for so long! I found it searching for WIlD info, and it’s such a good idea! There’s no recent threads I see about this and it seems very helpful. I’m going to try it and post my results. Maybe now some ppl will see this thread and it might be of use.

Yes, but making a old thread reappear without adding any useful information is considered as bumping. Please read the guidelines. :tongue: Anyhow, I’ll let you off this time. :content:

I guess I’ll try it. But maybe there’s a reason that the thread died and never returned…Oh well, I’ll find out myself.

Hey, that’s some very interesting and potentially useful information in the first post. I’m definitely going to try this method. Thanks for bumping this thread, Lark.

I think you mean spamming. Bumping is bumping useful replies or not :tongue:

/me would like to add that he feels this topic (or at least the first post within it) maybe worth being salvaged and reorganised by the librarians and added to the Lucid Library.