The Lucid Pill

I’ve been handing out this idea for some time now throughout posts and even in my LDD software. I think it is time to now share it widely on the forum, as it can really help when a huge obstacle comes in the way. Given to me by another forum member (real sorry, but I don’t remember who!), and adapted by me, this Lucid Pill can really make your dream 100% more awesome!

What is the pill exactly?
Don’t worry, this pill isn’t in real life. It only exists in your dreamworld. The pill allows you to accomplish anything you want in a lucid dream, whether that be extending dreamtime, spawning something, flying, or any other thing you can think of!

How do I use the pill?!
Easy. In your next LD, make a pill appear in your pocket, or just go find a pill somewhere. Then, once you have it in your hands, tell yourself that once you swallow that pill, that you will be able to do __________. You fill in the blank of course…lol. Truely believe and fully expect the pill to work, as if it were given to you by your doctor. Now, take the pill, put it in your mouth, and let it go down to your stomach. Feel the effects instantly, and have some fun with whatever you want to do! That’s all! It is autosuggestion visually in a LD.

So, what cool things are there to do?
Well, for those of you who can’t imagine the awesomeness in the pill, you can do ANYTHING! And by anything, I mean:
Tell yourself that the pill will make you:

  • Have LDs every time you sleep.
  • Be in this LD for 5 years or more/less.
  • Summon a sweet car/bike/plane/boat.
  • Start out your dreams in a specific place every time.
  • Teleport you to places.
  • Attract all the ladies/guys.
  • Have a shared dream with somebody.
  • well come on…you get it…use your imagination!

Call this a technique within a LD if you want…because really, it is. So many things can happen in so many ways. Now…all you have to do is have a LD… :smile: But believe me, that is the only challenging part.


Do you tryed the LD for 5 years ?

Because if it work , it would be very scary !

I’ve never gone over a week. I’m saving that type of experimentation for later. It would kind of scare me being in a dream that long, and then wake up to the real world. Would you remember anything that you used to? Would you be the same person? things like that… Sooner or later though I’ll give it a go.

For certain though, you can use the pill to have a week long LD :tongue:

You can do all of that stuff without a pill… You say that you have to REALLY think it and believe it to happen. If you did that without taking the pill it would work anyway.

But its a nice idea I suppose.

I tried to do it to give myself an LD every night, but it didn’t work. I was also losing lucidity when I took it, so it might have been diminished…I was planning on trying it for my next LD, however.

sure you could just think it, but taking a “dream pill” would be a more solid way of accomplishing it to some people i guess.

It would be best to do this only when you have adequate control over the dream.

Sorry for the double post but I was thinking people can pitch in with different ideas on possible uses for the pill. I’ll go first, you could use it to instantly and drastically increase the level of lucidity and clarity within the dream, to the level that’s as concrete as waking reality .

Same with real life. If someone in the Lucidity Tools section would make a topic saying “I have finally found out how to create a lucidity food!” and would just tell you to eat 2 bananas (“they contain an ingredient that makes you more consious overall”), then an orange because “it allows you to dream better and more conciously” and that kind of placebo stuff and people would do it and people wouldnt post “OMG PLACEBO!” and stuff, then people who wouldn’t know it’s just placebo would do it and it would probably work. =P

This pill better not have any side effects or im gonna be writing you a hateful letter with $3.50 enclosed.

By the way Bendrummin, what do you do during the week(or dream time equivelant of) you spend in the ld world?

I’m thinking I’d be at the fall of the roman empire, if you catch my drift :gni:.

Believe me, I know you can do all without the pill. It’s for people who have a hard time to “believe” in something, if that makes sense. Doing things visually can really be helpful for some people, rather than just saying, ok, I want to spawn new york city! without any aid. Same concept is displayed in inducing Lucid Dreams. The pill in this case would be the tech… People use the techs because it makes achieving lucidity MUCH easier, rather than just trying to use autosuggestion or something.

Anything and everything. I usually start off by flying for a long time over places that exist and dont exist…lol. I also go to space and look at the planets from a nice view. Other than that though, I pretty much just find a big city, walk around (clothes on or off…lol I’ve done both), and mess with the DCs. And of course I have some fun with mind powers and spawning.

What I am going to do now in my next LD though…is construct a new “dream scenery”…a place that is just for me, with all the things that I would want. Could call it my second home… I’m thinking about putting some theme parks / restaurants / home theatres / and more in it… I’ll probably post about it once I do get it done. If anybody remembered my “SeaHome”…this will be much like that, except better. I plan on still having an underground glass subway as the only way to get to it.

One last thing I plan on doing with this “pill” is make a shared dream possible with more than one person. I’ve already had semi-lucid shared dreams with some friends, but never a group. Maybe we could all possibly meet and have a LD4ALL party one night :wink:

Anyways…the pill is what it is. Feel free to make any modifications as to how you use it, so that it will work better for you. Just remember that one way of doing it may not work for others. Everybody will probably have their own procedure.

An interesting experiment could be taking LD pills and demanding that they have an effect into waking life, eg you could take a pill inducing great euphoria and say the effect will last a week.

placeebbbbbooooo!!! lol good luck but remember, there is no point in having it and never moving on from there, if you do not you will never be free you will alwyas be holding your self onto somthing else. A Pill, a certian job, a feeling. be free, ditch the pill

This would be a placebo if it was a real pill. :wink:
But as it’s a dream pill, it’s just another good way of tricking your dreams, what every LD’er does in order to control them indeed.

has anyone tried this yet?

Would placebo work if you know it is placebo but you’d still do it? :razz:

ye ri know i know i was just mucking :razz: hell if barking like a dog in your dreams would make you more lucid i would say go for it lol!

lol for some pll it does :wink:

heh, well i would say it doesnt have to be a pill and it doesnt have to be the spinning method. whatever works best, thats what i say, if thats the pill method, then kewl :content:

I used the pill method in a lucid dream two nights ago, but I can’t remember what I used it for! Whatever it was, it worked. It’s such a cool experience to imagine something being in your pocket and then reaching in to pull it out. :happy: