Lucid dreams

I moved this to Quest for Lucidity, since it would probably be overlooked in the lounge, which is meant for off-topic discussion. :cool:

I have had my first lucid dream, it seemed like it was not very colorful, yet I could do whatever I wanted to do, with no problems.(i wasn’t really testing stuff though, mostly having fun)

A few days later, I was lost on an island which was very colorful. (that night i watched LOST, very good show) My dream was very similar to LOST. btw this was a non-lucid dream.

Did my subconscious want a more colorful dream? I don’t really know, has anyone else had something similar to this, or know anything about this?

Do you mean brightness/contrast of colour or more that they were strangely coloured?

Either way, I have had both, where things seem over coloured or brighter. They are quite random, I’ve also had dreams where it was no different to normal waking life. Perhaps it’s emotion driven in some way or just one of the complexities of sleep.

Perhaps it could be something you ate. B6 and B12 vitamins have been shown to do that, same with candy and bananas.

well, the first one it seemed more gray, then usual, and the second seemed, very colorful, i could see everything very well

hope that helps

Perhaps you could inmagine the colors because you had seen them on telivision.

(I like Lost a lot but I think that I am a season behind because we I live in Holland)

ya that happens alot to me, I watch something on T.V. and I often end up dreaming about it :tongue:

I had a dream about Nick Gas show last night, I was watching it because there was nothing better on in the mornings :tongue: